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Perversions In The Woods


Topic: Perversions In The WoodsPerversions In The Woodsby [email protected] This story and its characters are a complete work of fiction. (all emails arewelcome.)My name is Britney and I am 5’5 brown hair brown eyes. I work outalmost every day, and I tan a couple of times a week. Anyway….I was out on a jog one day, and I was running my usual route. Isaw a school bus pull over and a young boy got out of the buswith a back pack on. He started walking down the sidewalk. Ididn’t pay much mind, until I saw him turn into the woods. Ibecame curious on why he would go into those woods all byhimself.I decided to follow him. I walked into the woods and I saw him upahead. I followed at a good distance being careful to always stayhidden in case he looked back. I saw him stop, and I stood up on abig rock and watched him.He set down his back pack and pulled out some dirty magazines. Hetook off his shirt and jeans and stood there in his white briefs.His little hard on stuck out of his underwear as he was lookingat one of the magazines.I watched him as I unzipped my jeans and started rubbing my cunt.He bent over, and worked down his underwear. I watched his cutebutt crack appear, followed by his little asshole and balls. Itwas adorable. I moaned to myself as I rubbed my clit.He put the magazine in front of him and he sat down on a treebranch. He looked at his hard on and started rubbing it. Then hegrabbed the back of his legs and stretched down until his tonguetouched the end of his cock. I was so turned on watching him, Ididn’t know that a guy could lick his own penis. My pussy wasdripping.He grabbed the magazine and I could see a picture of a naked girlin the pile driver position and he started licking the page and hetongued her pussy and ass. After a few minutes of doing thissperm started shooting out of his dick. He put the magazine backin his back pack, and grabbed his underwear, and put them on. Ashe got dressed I quickly left and started heading back toward theroad.As I was walking back my pulse was racing and my pussy was stillwet. I looked back and saw him walking from a distance. He gotcloser and I walked up to him.“Hello” I said to him “Hello” “What are you doing out here?” Iasked “I ummm am just hiking around” he said in his young squeaking voice. “Me too you wanna join me?” I asked “Ok” he said“My name is Britney” I said offering my hand.“I’m Ricky.” he said shaking my hand.We began walking back the way we came from and I madeconversation with him, I found out he was 18 and I told him thatI'm 27. We walked on for a few more minutes.“I'm really thirsty do you have any water.” I asked “umm yea I have some in my backpack” he saidHe put his back pack in front of him. He put his hand in the bagand was careful not to show me what was in it as he searched forthe bottle.“Here let me get it.” I said grabbing the back pack away fromhim.Before he had time to react I opened the bag and looked inside.“Oh gosh." I said pulling out one of the magazines.His face turned red and he tried to take the bag away from me,and I pulled away not letting him.“No, I want to look at them.” I saidWe sat down and I pulled the rest of them out of his bag. There were. He sat across from me.“So did you come out here to look at these” I asked “Yea I come out here all the time. This is the only place where I can be alone.” he said “Do you mind if I start coming out here and looking at them with you?” I asked “Sure” he saidWe looked at them for a while and we pointed out our favoritepictures. He sat with his legs together to hide his boner. We looked at a picture of his favorite girl bending over and smiling.“What is your favorite part on her?” I asked “I like her butt hole” he said “I think a butt hole is the nicest thing on girls” he saidI laughed“I agree I think butts are very sexy? Have you ever seen a girlsbutt hole for real?” I asked“No I wish” he saidI thought about it for a second and my cunt was getting wet. Ihesitated for a second then I finally blurted out.“I’ll show you my butt hole if you show me yours” I saidHe blushed and put his head down. I looked at him and my heartwas racing. He finally lifted his head and showed me his shyeyes.“I don’t like anyone to see mine, but I would love to see yours.”he said in a soft spoken voice “No, that’s not fare if you want to see mine I have to see yours” I said “I tell you what, I’ll go first but you have to show me yours after.” “All right” he said after a short silence “Ok ready” I said “Yea” he respondedI stood up and unbuttoned my jeans. I turned around and grabbedthe waist line of my jeans and panties, and lowered them down tothe bottom of my crack. I bent over and looked at his facethrough my legs. His eyes were wide as I reached back and spreadmy butt cheeks with both hands.My twat was swelling up as I watched him focus on my pussy andasshole. I wanted to stick my fingers in my cunt, but I didn'twant to move to fast. I stood up and quickly pulled my pantsback up. I sat down and looked at him. His face was flush and he had a big smile on his face.“Did you like that?” I askedHe opened his mouth and the words didn't come out. He looked inmy eyes, and he gave me a cute smile as he nodded.“Your turn now.” I saidHe stood up very slowly, and he put his hand over his eyes. Hegiggled nervously as he undid his jeans. He quickly pulled downhis shorts and underwear, and his cute little penis popped outlike a door stop. It looked so young and there was a little bitof hair growing in. He turned his back towards me and spread hischeeks apart, then he pulled up his pants quickly and sat downgiggling.“You have the cutest butt hole I have ever seen” I said trying tobuild his confidence. “Can I see it one more time”He smiled and blushed, as he shook his head. “It is getting dark I need to get home so my mom don’t worry.” he said “Oh ok.” I said disappointedly “Do you want to meet tomorrow after school, and I’ll bring some more magazines for us to look at” he said “Yes I'd like that” I saidWe stood up and started back towards the road.“I’ll meet you out here at the same time tomorrow ok.” I said“ok.” he said.We both started walking away “Hey Britney?” “yes” “Tomorrow do you want to show each other more of our private parts?” "I'm looking forward to it." I said He smiled and walked away.The next day I waited on a bench for him to get off the bus. Itarrived and he got off and looked around curiously until his eyesmet mine. We gave each other a big smile. We waited till no onewas paying attention, and headed into the woods. When we got tothe spot he pulled out some brand new magazines and showed themto me. He seemed to be proud of them and he should have beenbecause they were good.I kept looking at them and we didn’t talk about what we showedeach other yesterday. I didn’t know what was gonna happen and Iwas just waiting for him to bring it up. I think he was hoping Iwould bring it up first but I just kept cool to see how brave hewas.“Do you want to play the same game we did yesterday” he said finally. “What game is that” I said “Where you show me something, and I show you something." he said “Ok what do you want to see on me?” I asked “I want to see your boobs” he said “Ok I’ll show you my boobs if you let me see your cute butt hole again because I got cheated yesterday” I said “Ok that’s fine” he said “This time you have to show me it until I am done looking ok” I said “ok” “It is your turn to go first, lets see it.” I said"All right.” he saidHe seemed much more comfortable then he was yesterday. He got upand turned around and his ass faced me. He pulled down his pantsand his underwear and he spread his cheeks. I moved closer to him and I stared at it. “That is so cute” I saidI stared at it for a moment then I told him he could pull his pantsup.“Your turn” he said gigglingI stood up and got in front of him and pulled up my shirt to where my pink bra was showing. I lifted my bra up exposing my left nipple. I only gave him a quick look then I pulled my shirt down.“Hey I got something to show you” he said “What's that?” I said smilingHe quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled his underwear downtill his little boner sprang out. He pulled his pants up quicklyand turned around giggling.“Hey let me see that again” I said “I will if you let me see your's” he saidI pulled down my jeans to my ankles and stepped out of them, andsat down and grabbed the side of my panties beside my crotch.“Ok on the count of three I will pull my panties aside so you can see, and you have to pull yours out at the same time.” I said“One, two, three” I said and I pulled my panties aside and I felt the air hitting my pussy and his boner popped out once again. We stood there for several moments and stared at each others crotches.It was getting dark again and we had to stop. We walked towardthe road.“Do you want to meet again Monday after school?” I asked “Yep lets do it” he said “Have a good weekend” I said smilingMonday after school, we met again the same way. We started intothe woods. I walked ahead of him, and lowered my jeans and spreadmy cheeks so he could see my asshole as I walked. We arrived atour little hideout and we both sat down facing each other.“So what are we going to do today?” I asked “How about we both get totally naked.” he said “Lets do it” I said smilingWe both took off all our clothes and we both stared at eachothers body’s. We sat across from each other naked.“Do you want to play another game?” he asked “Sure” “Its called I’ll touch yours if you touch mine” he said “ok” I said laughing. I was amused about how he was trying to act more innocent then he actually was. “ok, you touch my penis and ill touch your vagina” he saidWe both got up and walked up to each other and I wrapped myfingers around his little hard on. My temperature rose as I felthis fingers, run through the folds of my cunt.“So whats next?” I askedHe thought for a while.“How about I get to do whatever I want to you and then you get to do whatever you want to me.” he said “That sounds fun” I said “Anything goes we can’t say no, okay."We flipped a coin to see who goes first and he won the toss.“You win so what are you gonna do?” I said “I’m gonna lick your private part.” he saidHe came over to me and got down on his knees and I spread mylegs. He started licking my shaved twat, and I moaned as he ranhis tongue up and down my slit. “Now its my turn." I said "What are you going to do?" he asked"I'm gonna suck your dick and lick your balls, and then I'm gonnastick my finger up your butt hole while I'm doing it. Then when Iget done you have to suck on my finger.” I saidI crawled over to him and he lied on his back. I pulled his legsup and spread his cheeks, and then I gave the head of his dick akiss and then licked it smiling at him, his mouth opened and hehad a look on his face like he just went to heaven.I moved my head up and down and breathed on his cock teasing him.Then I grabbed his dick and started licking his nuts. I stuck mytongue on his asshole and circled around for a minute then Islowly worked my tongue up his ass. I pulled it out and ran my tongue on his hole and slowly licked all the way up to the head of his cock again.I looked in his eyes and sucked my finger. I pulled his cock upto my mouth and replaced my finger with his little dick. Isucked him as hard as I could as I slowly worked my finger in hisass.“auhhmmm” he moaned.I pulled my finger out and kept sucking his prick. I brought myfinger up to his mouth and he grabbed my wrist and pulled myfinger in his mouth. I pulled my mouth off his cock then took myfinger out of his mouth.“So now what are you gonna do?” I askedHe just sat there shocked and speechless“Ok, first I am going to do the same thing you did to me,then I'mgoing to stick my dick in your butt. Then I'm gonna pump it inand out till I squirt. Then you have to put my dick in yourmouth.“Ok but I get one more after that” I saidI lied on my back and pulled my knees up to my shoulders. Hecrawled over to me, and started licking my asshole. Then he got to his knees and put the head of his cock on my anus and pushed itin. He started fucking my asshole as I rubbed my clit. I startedscreaming and I felt pleasure shoot through my legs. I rubbed mycunt furiously until it exploded, and squirted juice on mystomach. I felt his cock lock up and it started pulsating and I could feel his warm sperm shooting in my ass.He pumped the last drop in and he started getting softer. Itightened the muscles in my stomach and I shit his prick out ofmy asshole. He brought his cock up to my face and I opened mymouth and sucked on it hard."Now it's my turn Ricky." I said breathing hardHe smiled at me and his prick grew hard again."Lay down on your back." I demandedHe got on his back and I stood over him. He looked at mecuriously."Open your mouth wide and keep it open." I told himI squatted down over his face and aimed my asshole over hismouth. I watched his face as cum started dripping out of my asson to his face. I pushed hard and he laughed at the sound of airblowing out my ass as his cum spurted in his mouth. When I wassatisfied he stood up and we both laughed as he spit the cum outand wiped his mouth.We got dressed and started walking back to the road and on theway we stuck our hands down each others pants. He stuck hisfingers in my pussy then he would lick the juice off his fingerand right before we got back to the road we both stuck ourfingers in each others assholes. We got to the road a verycute girl was walking across the street.“Oh my god that is Jenny the hottest cheerleader at school.” he said “I bet you would like to stick your dick in her butt too” I said “Oh yea I want to fuck it and taste it and do lots of other things too” he said Ricky had to go on vacation with his parents and we wouldn't beable to play again for a week. The next day I met Jenny aftercheerleading practice and started making conversation with her.She is extremely cute with darkish blonde hair and glowing greeneyes she is about 5’3 and 110 ibs.I told her that I was a cheerleader in high school too. I startedmeeting her after school, to take her to eat. The day before Ricky was due to get back, the conversation of sex finally came up. I told her about the first time I had sex. She told me she lost her virginity to one of the football players at a party.“I have got a secret that I haven’t told anybody” Jenny said “Oh do tell” I said excitedly “Ok but you have to swear never to tell anyone ok!!” she said in her young cute voice. “I swear” I said holding my hand up. “Ok this one time my parents were gone, and my brother and I were sitting on the couch watching television. I looked over at him and he had his legs up and his shorts were down and his penis was hanging out of his boxers. I didn’t say anything at first. I finally said umm and pointed at it. He looked down and covered himself and acted embarrassed. I think that he planned it because he asked me if I wanted to see it again." she saidI felt my pussy getting slippery as I listened to her story."Go on Jenny, I want to know what happened." I said“After I sat there for a moment I told him that I wanted to see it again. He stood up and pulled down his shorts and underwear. It was huge and I just stared at it. He asked if he could see my pussy, and I said no. I think he was mad because he got really quite after that, I felt bad but geez.” she said“How long ago was this?” I asked “A few months ago.” “Have you talked about it since?” I asked “No we just pretend it didn’t happen.” she said “Wow so did it turn you on?” I asked “Yea it did a little but you can never tell anyone about this ok.” she said in a stern voice “I promise I won’t tell anyone” I said “How old is he?” I asked “He is 19.” she said“Do you know who Ricky Sparks is?” I asked “He goes to your school.” “I haven’t ever talked to him but I think he is cute." she said "How do you know him?” “I am gonna tell you a big secret now, and you have to swear never to tell a soul.” I said. Here cute face lit up and she smiled at me showing her braces. “I won’t tell.” “I have been meeting him after school and we go back to this place in the woods and we play sex games.” I said “YOU HAVE SEX WITH HIM” she shouted “Shhhh”“Oh sorry” she whispered “So what do you do?” “Just stuff” I said “Oh come on you have to tell me everything." she said "I told you about my brother and I” she said “Ok you asked” I saidI told her the whole story in detail.“Oh my god!!!” she said “Hey you asked so I told you” I said “I know its just I never thought about licking someones butt hole before.” she said “So are you gonna do this with him again?” she asked “Yea, he gets back from vacation tomorrow. I am going to meet him at his bus stop again.” I said“You are 27 and he is 14” she said “That just makes it more kinkier.” I said “You are grossed out now, I’m sorry I shouldn’t of told you” “No I’m just shocked but I think its pretty hot” she said “Really?” I said “Do you want to meet him with me?” I asked“I don’t know what if we got there and he saw me and didn’t like me?” she said “Oh he likes you” I said “trust me” “Really tell me exactly what he said.” Jenny said “Ok on the last day we were together we were walking back towards the road. When we got there we saw you walking in your cheerleader outfit and he said that you were the hottest girl in the school and he wishes he could taste your butt hole. That’s why I met you last week and started talking to you. I really think that would be hot if you joined us.”“I am so so horny right now.” she said “So do you want to join us?” I asked “ok” Jenny said “Awsum, ok I’m gonna go meet him at the bus stop tomorrow and I’m not gonna tell him about you. When he sees you he is gonna be in shock.” I saidI paid our bill at the restaurant, and I walked with Jenny down tothe hide out. I told her that Ricky bus gets there at 3:00tomorrow and she needed to be there at 2:45 to wait for us.The next day I waited for Ricky at the bus stop. He stepped offand all the kids cleared and he started walking home with hishead down.“Ricky!!!” I shoutedHe turned around and his face lit up and he ran up to me and gaveme a big hug."I got off the bus and I didn't see you, I almost started crying." He said "Ahhh I was just trying to stay out of site so nobody would get suspicious." I said "So would you like to take a walk.?” he said smiling “Of course.” I saidWe started walking through the woods and he had a permanent grinon his face. “I have a surprise waiting for you at our spot.” I said “What is it?” he asked “I can’t tell, but I think your gonna like it.” I saidWe arrived at the spot and there was Jenny wearing a cute pinkshirt and tight blue jeans. Ricky stood still in shock.“Hi Jenny.” I said “Hello Britney” she said shyly “Jenny this is Ricky, Ricky this is Jenny.” I saidThey both said hi and Ricky and I sat down. The two of themdidn't say a word and there was a huge layer of ice that neededto broken. Ricky sat there and stared at the ground.“Ricky why you were gone I met Jenny, and I told her what we do down here and she thought it was cool. She said she thought you were really cute, so I told her what you said about her." I said“What did I say about her?” Ricky said nervously “That she is the hottest girl at your school, and that you want to put your dick in her butt hole." I saidRicky and Jenny's eyes met for the first time and she gave him abig smile. Ricky smiled back at her.“So she asked me if I wanted to come join you guys and I said sure” Jenny said “Is it ok with you?” “Oh yea I'm glad you came, I'm sorry I just never would of thought in a million years that you would ever be down here.” he said “I told Jenny about us licking each others butt holes, and I think she liked that.” I said. "Do you want to watch us do that Jenny?"“Yea I wanna see” she said.I walked over to Ricky and grabbed his t-shirt and tore it off.His face got red and we both looked at Jenny, she was watchingwith a smile on her face. I unbuttoned his jeans and quicklypulled down his pants. Ricky was fidgeting as he stood there injust his underwear in front of Jenny. Jenny stared at the littlebulge sticking out of his briefs. I moved behind Ricky andgrinned at Jenny as I grabbed the waist band of his underwear. Ipulled them down quickly and his dick sprang out.“Ohh nice and hard again I see.” I said as I reached around and pushed his boner down and released it making it smack against his stomach.“Turn around so Jenny can see your cute butt” I saidHe turned around and I got on my knees and grabbed his cheeks. Ispread them open and stuck the tip on my tongue against hisasshole. Jenny walked over to get a closer look.“Want to try it?” I asked.She got on her knees and I held his cheeks apart and she slowlyput her face up to his ass and stuck her tongue out. She pointedit right at his hole, and moved her head forward until it touchedhis asshole. She licked it up and down. I got in front of him andstarted sucking his cock while Jenny continued to lick his ass.“I want to lick your ass now Jenny, and your cunt too” Ricky said“Ok” she said “Lets get these tight jeans off” I saidI grabbed her hips and unbuttoned her jeans. I took off her beltand pulled her jeans down. She was wearing light blue panties andthey were running up her butt. I admired her adorable behind,and I picked her underwear out of her crack. Ricky came over toher quickly and pulled down her panties. Her ass was tiny and herpussy was very sweet looking with light blonde pubic hairs. Ricky started rubbing her pussy with one hand. I took his freehand and sucked on his finger to get it wet. I placed his hand onJenny's ass and he worked his finger between her soft butt cheeksto her asshole. She pushed her hips back and started fucking hisfinger. He moved in front of her, still wiggling his finger upher ass. He placed his skinny cock on her pussy and she moanedas he crammed it in.“Oh that feels really nice.” she saidI stood in front of her and looked at her face.“You like getting fucked don’t you, you dirty slut.” I saidShe opened her eyes and looked at me in shock for a second, and Igave her a smile letting her know its just all part of the game.“Oh fuck yes I do.” she saidThen I grabbed her face firmly and forced her mouth open. I putmy face about an inch from hers.“Since your such a nasty whore I bet you would like to stick yourtongue up my dirty asshole while Ricky fucks you” I saidShe noddedI gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “You are so adorable” I saidRicky continued to fuck her slowly, he was lasting very well. Igot up and took off my jeans and panties. I got on my hands andknees in front of Jenny. Ricky stopped fucking her so she couldget on her hands and knees. Ricky stuck his cock in her againdoggy style, and worked his finger up her asshole again.I positioned myself so my ass was in Jenny's face and she wasscreaming in pleasure as Ricky fucked her. She stuck her tongueout and it met my asshole. “mmmm” I moanedThis continued for a couple of minutes, then I got up and turnedaround.“You like the way my asshole tastes Jenny?” I asked “mmm yummy” she said licking her lips. “You are a good little slut. You’re a good ass licker." I said “Lets see if she likes the way her own hole tastes” Ricky said as he pulled his finger out of her ass and brought his arm around to Jenny's mouth. She opened her mouth and Ricky stuck his finger in and she moaned as she sucked on it.“You are such a little whore” I said “I bet deep down you wanted to show your big brother your cute little cunt didn’t you?” I saidJenny's eyes were closed and she smiled. Her head was bouncing,and their skin slapped together loudly.“ohh yea I did” she said “You wanted to suck his big cock didn’t you?” I saidShe was moaning louder and louder, and her eyes were closedtightly as she nodded at my question.“You wanted to 69 him and lick his cock, and balls, and stick your tongue up his asshole, while he licked both of your holes.”Jenny's body started shaking and she started screaming.“oh gosh, oh gosh” she shouted “Then you wanted him to bend you over and stick his cock up your tight little asshole. You wanted to feel you big brother's cock throb up your ass, and you wanted to feel his cum squirt up your....“ahhhh” Jenny yelled as she gabbed my head and pulled it againsther upper chest and squeezed my head as hard as she could. Myhead was starting to hurt from her grip and she screamed all theway through her orgasm.She finally let go and came back down on her hands and knees, asI pulled away. I was groggy from all the blood being contractedin my head. Ricky pulled his dick out and quickly moved over tous holding his dick. His hand pumped his cock till cum shot onboth of our faces. Ricky finally stopped and we all sat downexhausted. We had a group make out and Ricky helped us lick his cum off our faces and hair.The next day Ricky and I met the same way as usual. We sat atour usual place and we watched each other masturbate as we waitedfor Jenny. A while went by and we saw Jenny, and an older guywalking up in the distance. Ricky and I looked at each othernervously, as we pulled our pants up. The tension eased as theygot closer and we saw Jenny with a grin on her face.“Hi Britney” Jenny said “Hello” I said “Who’s your friend?” “This is my brother James.” she said “James this is Ricky and Britney.”James looked at me and then looked down at my body, and we bothexchanged smiles. He was built well and had those same beautifuleyes that his sister had.“I told you she was pretty” Jenny said “I’ll say” he said smiling“James and I started talking last night, and I brought up that story I told you at lunch yesterday Britney. We started talking about it, and I told him about you guys and what we did yesterday. I asked James if he wanted to come too.” Jenny saidI walked over to James and rubbed his stomach.“We are glad to have you aboard James.” I said “What did you guys do after you talked about it?” Ricky asked “Nothing he wanted to do something, but our parents were home and I wanted to save it for today.” Jenny said.We all sat down and started talking for a while, and things werea little weird at first. “Hey lets play truth or dare." I said They all got exited andagreed. “Ok I will truth or dare Jenny first and then Ricky will do James and we will go from there.” I said “Jenny I dare you to go give your brother a big wet kiss on the mouth.” I saidShe smiled and looked at James. She got up and walked over tohim. They were hesitant at first but James grabbed the back ofher head and brought his lips to hers. They opened there mouthsand circled tongues for a second. Jenny pulled away and went backand sat down.“Ricky its your turn now with James.” Jenny saidRicky thought for a second. “Ok here is a truth,” he said “Have you ever stolen Jenny’s dirty panties?”“Yes I have.” he saidJenny’s mouth opened. “Oh my god, when did you do that?” she said“I do it a lot when your at school and cheerleader practice.” James saidWe all sat there in silence for a minute and Jenny's face lookedshocked.“Lets just stop this truth or dare thing, lets keep asking James questions, and James you have to tell the truth ok.” I said “Ok, I’ll tell you everything I don’t care.” he said “So what do you do with her panties?” I asked “I sniff them and jack off with them.” he said “Sorry Jenny I can’t help it I’m a pervert.”Jenny smiled and blushed “That’s ok James I’m a pervert too, I think that its hot that you do that.” she said “I’m glad you don’t mind.” he said “Do you guys want to hear what else I do with them?”We all got a little closer to him and we anxiously listened.“Do tell.” Jenny said smiling “Ok well, I smell them first and if they are stained then I lick them. Then I get a pair of her clean panties and I Jack off with them, and I cum in them and fold them neatly back in her drawer. One morning I was sitting at the table and she was getting ready for school and she bent over and I saw her panties and they were the ones that I shot my load in the night before. I started jacking off under the table watching her walk around knowing that my cum stain is touching her pussy. Then I imagine pulling her pants down while I stroked myself and I imagined me putting my face up to her ass and spreading her cheeks and smelling it. Then I imagined myself putting my tongue in it and licking her crack up and down and circling my tongue around her asshole. There is a bunch of other stuff I want to do to her too.” he said“James you make me so horny.” Jenny said.We all sat there and Ricky started jacking off and I was rubbingmy pussy.“Hey Jenny would you let your brother do that to you?” I saidShe hesitated for a second. “Yes I would, do you want to do that to me James and let Britney and Ricky watch?” she saidJames face lit up “Hell yes I would.” he said “You can do everything that you always wanted to do to me and I’ll let you.” she said “Everything?” he askedShe nodded “No matter what it is?” he askedShe looked up to the sky with those beautiful eyes. “No matter what.” she said “Why don't you come over here.” he saidShe walked over to him and he took her shoes and socks off and heunbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down. “mmm these are your pink panties I have spent a lot of time with these.” said JamesJenny gave a big smile. He grabbed her by her hips and turned heraround and admired her ass. He started pulling her panties down very slowly. He moaned as his little sisters butt crack appeared. He worked her panties down her legs, and Jenny lifted her legs helping him take them off. He pulled his hard dick out of his pants and wrapped his little sisters panties around his shaft. He stared at her ass a little more then he stuck his face up to her crack and spread her cheeks till her asshole appeared.He put his nose in her crack and started sniffing he did this fora few moments, then he moved his tongue up and down her crackrunning his tongue on her asshole each time. He laid her down onher back and pulled her legs up to and rested her lower back on a tree branch. Her ass was sticking straight up in the air. He stood up and started taking his clothes off. I watched his sexy body appear as his shirt came off, and I rubbed my pussy hard as he pulled off his boxers and revealed his hard cock.He got on his knees and straddled her face. Jenny's head was onthe ground and she looked up between her big brother's legs. Shemoaned as she studied his hard cock and balls."You want to suck my cock Jenny?" He asked "Yes, I want to suck it. Stick it in my mouth James." she saidHe guided his prick in her mouth and she sucked very willfully.He leaned forward and ran his tongue up her ass and cunt, as shesucked his cock. He stuck his finger in her asshole as he ran histongue in her cunt slit. He pulled his head up and looked downat his sister. She opened her pretty eyes and looked at him asshe sucked him off."I love licking your pussy and asshole Jenny." he said "Will youlick my asshole while I jack off?"Jenny nodded at him as he pulled his dick out her mouth. Hescooted up closer and she stuck her tongue out as he lowered hisass and sat on her face. He rubbed his asshole on his littlesisters sweet face as he pumped his cock with his hand.He stood up and walked to the other side of her. He placed thetip of his cock against her pink asshole. He pushed very slowlyand her ass squeezed his dick as he pushed in. He held it in andwaited for his sisters sphincter to relax. He started fucking herass slowly pulling his cock almost all the way out then pushed itall the way in again. Jenny was moaning loud and James was rubbingher clit as he pumped his dick in and out of her ass. He took itout of her ass and crammed it up her twat. He transfered his dickfrom her snatch to her asshole over and over. Jenny's eyes wereclosed and she was smiling.Ricky and I stood behind him and watched as he pulled her cheeksapart and slowly pulled his cock out of her ass. We all stared ather gaping asshole. He smiled at us and bent over and stuck histongue in her open hole and he circled around it tasting thewalls of his little sisters asshole. Her ass made farting noisesas he pushed his cock back in. He fucked her hard for severalmoments then he pulled it out and jacked off until his cumspurted on her gaping asshole.He stood up and smiled at us looking at Jenny's cum filledasshole. He got on his knees and put his mouth on her asshole andsucked all of his cum out. He stood over her and positioned hismouth over her face she smiled and opened her mouth and he letall of his cum drip into her mouth.“Wow that was the kinkiest thing I have ever seen.” I said “Yea that was one of my long life goals, fucking my little sister in the ass.” James said “I thought it was quite fun too.” Jenny said“So James, what else was it that you want to do with her.” I saidHe pulled a water bottle out of his bag and started drinking it“Give me a while to recover and I’ll show you.” he said “Why we are waiting for him, I am do that same thing to you Britney?” Ricky saidHe jumped up on my shoulders and wrestled me trying to force medown to the ground. He didn't have enough strength but Isubmitted and giggled as I hit the ground. I was on my hands andknees, and Ricky wiggled his dick up my ass. He started fuckingme as hard he could.“You like getting your dirty ass fucked Britney.” Ricky yelled“Fuck my tight ass you dirty boy!!!” I yelled backRicky pulled his cock out of my ass, and lied on his back. Hepulled me on top of him and I guided his prick up my ass again.James got on top of me and pushed his big thick cock up my cunt.I screamed as they double penetrated my pussy and asshole. Jennygot on her knees and put her tongue on Ricky's asshole and workedit up his balls, his dick, my asshole, my pussy, her brotherscock, his balls, to his asshole. She brought her head and puther tongue on Ricky's asshole again and started over. “Hey Ricky, pull your cock out of Britney’s ass and put it in my sisters asshole.” James saidThey both pulled there dicks out of me. Jenny got on her hands andknees and Ricky took his dick and put it on her asshole andpushed it in and started fucking her. James stood up and aimedhis dick at his sisters face.“Open your mouth.” he demandedJenny closed her eyes and opened her mouth, expecting him to stickhis cock in, but instead he shot piss in her mouth. She chockedand was surprised at first but she kept her mouth open and sheswallowed some of it. He pissed all over her face and hair. Hisstream kept on, and he watched his piss splash off his littlesisters forehead as Ricky pumped his cock up her ass. He wasfinally done and Ricky pulled out of her. She sat on the groundand started laughing. I sat next to her and started making outwith her, tasting the piss in her mouth.Jenny and I got in the 69 position and we started licking eachothers cunts. James came up and stuck his cock up his sistersasshole. We continued in the 69 position and I kept lickingJenny's pussy, as I watched her brothers cock go in and out of herass. He pulled his dick out of her ass and stuck it in my mouth,then up her cunt, and back to her asshole again. Ricky was on theother side doing the same thing.They both stood up and Jenny and I kept in the 69 position. Jennywas on top of me and I looked up and saw Ricky with his dick inhis hand. I opened my mouth and let him piss in my mouth like atoilet bowl. Ricky aimed his dick and the flow splashed off ofJenny's butt hole and snatch.The flow stopped and my eyes were closed tightly. Jenny laid ontop of me and she worked her fingers up my pussy and asshole. Shefinger fucked me hard as she flicked her tongue on my clit. Pisswas dripping off my face and my legs started shaking as I wasgetting ready to cum.I started to scream as pleasure shot through my body. I feltwarm piss splashing off my face again, as my orgasm started. Iopened one eye and saw piss flowing out of Jenny's cunt. Iscreamed at the top of my lungs at the peak of my orgasm. Rickyand James aimed their cocks at my face and they both squirtedsemen on my face, as Jenny's piss continued splashing off myforehead.Jenny got off, and they all stood over me and looked down. I wasbreathing hard and I started laughing with each gasp of air. Theyhelped me to my feet, and James grabbed a towel out of his bag,and they all helped clean me up. We put on our clothes andheaded towards the road."So are you happy you finally got to fuck your little sister James?" I asked as we walked "Yes that was my biggest fantasy and it came true today." he saidWe got to the road and made plans to meet at the same place andtime everyday.