NOTE: This story is completely fictional. Some characters are under the age of 18, however, this is a simple fictional story, so enjoy it. If you find this offensive, that's not my problem. Acting out and having a fantasy are two different things.
I'm Alex...and I'm still only 18 years old. But sex has always been a vibrant part of my life. Since I became the strapping adolescent I am today, raging horniness has always been rampant. And thus begins the story of how my sex life became amazing.
I live in an assorted complex of buildings that contain condominiums.
I was sitting in my room on my computer when I get a little warm, so I opened a window. It's a little cooler outside, not that much, but enough. And I see her doing stretches in her outfit. She has the cutest little butt I've ever seen. I take this as an opportunity to have a quick jerk. No time for lube. I laid down at an alright angle, and slowly got hard by watching her do whatever routine she was doing. After I was nice and hard, I began slowly stroking my 6 inch cock. This went on for about 5 minutes until I finally closed my eyes and thought of what I'd do to her. I wanted my hard cock inside of her pussy, and I wanted to cum inside her and have her suck me off afterwards.
And then I was about to cum.
Well, either way, I went on to school the next morning...and surely enough, she sits down beside of me at the end of second period and starts up a conversation.
"Hi, Alex.", she said.
"Um....hi. Hey, look, I'm sorry about--". Kailey cut me off.
"No need to, you want to put on another show for me again soon?", she asked.
"Excuse me?". I couldn't believe my ears.
"Yeah, I liked it...of course, next time, you think I could get seats a little closer?". She was fucking serious.
The bell rang, and she said "bye", with a slight kiss on the cheek. I liked that....but I was still a little confused as to her reaction. Oh, well...looks like I'll have to find out for myself.
To be continued....
Nur Erwachsene!
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