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Tit Slave - 3


Tonight we were invited over to their house and my wifecould only image what they were going to do to her.So off we went with my wife fantasizing what was going tohappen and me and my video camera.When we arrived, she went to see the baby, who now wasabout 18 pounds and getting bigger. All the nursing shedid for the baby made him put on weight. There also was aguest of theirs there. He was about sixty-six years old,tall, lean and also black with white hair. He introducedhimself as a friend of the black couple.However, he heard about my wife, from them, and asked tosee her and wanted to use her. They agreed and he toldthem what he wanted to do to her. They figured to makeher suffer a couple of weeks and she would be morewilling to perform for them.My wife was starved for sex and milking and they wereright in their assumptions. She was only fucked by hertit master and never allowed to fuck any body else whenhe made her pregnant that one night.But now she was ready and needed a black cock.We all went down stairs to their sex room and I noticedsomething on the couch but was covered up. It looked likeboxes but more on this later. They had pillows laid outon the floor and hot overhead lights trained on thepillows.They told my wife to strip and she quickly did, even withthe older man looking on. She was told to lie down on thepillows and spread her legs. She meekly did and the wifeput a pillow behind her back forcing her huge milk filledtits up into the air. The lights were hot and my wifestarted sweating and you could see the sweat forming onher body.The husband and wife started asking her if she wantedmilking. She nodded her head yes. "We can't hear you,"they said."Yes, milk me, please," she said."Ok" he said, "but our way only."I was filming all of this and her tit master's wife toldme to get a shot of the older man now. I hadn't noticedbut he had all his clothes off except for his jockeyshorts, which had a large bulge in them. I went tofilming my wife who now was squirming waiting for hermilking. The leeches, the black couple or the older Blackman - it didn't matter she needed milking now and didn'tcare by who or all of them.She was surprised when the wife brought the black babyover to her and placed the baby between her legs on itsbelly. The black baby was naked and amazingly he startedcrawling up to my wife's pussy. Quickly the tit masterhad handcuffed my wife's wrist and she was hopelesslyunable to help the baby. The baby started mouthing mywife's pussy. She also was leaking milk out of hernipples and the tit master wiped it up with his fingerand making a trail from her left tit towards her pussy.Finally the trail led to her pussy and the babyinstinctively started to suck its way up.My wife's pussy was wide open and as the baby sucked upthe milk trail she was squirming and breathing heavily.They helped the baby stay on my wife's sweating andslippery body till it reached her swollen left tit. Theyreleased the handcuffs so she could hold onto her blackbaby and feed her tit to the baby's mouth.The black baby finally made mouth to nipple contact andstarted to suckle her tit. She let out a moan of pleasureand joy as the baby sucked hard on her swollen nipple.After a few minutes of draining her left tit the blacktit master motion the elderly man over to my wife. Thetit master spread my wife's legs far apart and showed hernew black lover her pussy. My wife opened her eyes andsaw her new black lover standing over her.He smiled at her and then she saw a large bulge in hisshorts. He told her he was still capable of getting awoman pregnant and she was going to be that woman. Heasked her if she wanted to see his black snake. He thendropped his shorts and showed her the black snake. Itmust have been 18 inches now and thick.He grinned at her and started to stroke it and it startedto grow even bigger. After about a minute he had a huge14-inch black snake pointing right at its target - herpussy. She was pouring out pussy juice anticipating apounding from this huge black cock.He started to kneel down and stared at her wide-opendripping pussy. But before he was going to pump his semeninto her, he put his face down and sniffed her pussy. Hecommented, "Hmmm, ripe and fertile," and started to lickher.He had a tongue about five inches long and slowly lickedher pussy. He opened her up so wide that when he put hisface down to eat her pussy, he could put his nose andmouth several inches into her hot cunt. He ate her outand licked her clit till she screamed for him to fuckher. He had her and he knew it.He slowly inched his way in and when about 12 inches wasin her, he thrust to completely fill her. He had bottomedout deep into her and then let her feel all 18 inchesthrobbing in her.With the black baby sucking hard on her left tit and nowthe old black man bent over and sucked her right tit. Shegushed out milk to both the baby and the old man and theyboth sucked and swallowed all she would give.He now started to pump her swollen pussy jammed with hiscock and quickly my wife started to fuck in rhythm withhim. She was cumming over and over leading up to oncegigantic mutual, pregnant making finish. But before sheand the old man reached it, the tit master bend over herhead and fed his nine-inch cock into her mouth. Shegreedily sucks about six inches in and sucked hard on it.The wife bent over and placed her hand on my wife's bellyand slowly rubbed the sweaty belly - where another blackbaby was going. The old man now pulled off my wife'sright tit and milk shot out in a straight stream when hereleased her swollen nipple. My wife squirmed, wantingsomeone to milk her free tit and the black lady quicklywent for the nipple and started sucking my wife's milk.The old black man spoke to my wife as she fed her milk tothe black baby, the black wife, and the black tit masterwho she was giving head to. He told her she was about toget the best fucking she ever got and more cum she everhad in her cunt.He then moved her legs up so he could get maximumpenetration and his cock head began to strike. "Herecomes the nigger seed," he moaned and flooded her pussyat the same time as she came.She felt his "hot nigger seed" fill her pussy and heflooded her so much that it seeped out and down her legs.He held her for the perfect penetration of her egg forabout a minute with hic black snake cock shooting all thenigger seed deep into her belly. But to my wife'ssurprise another hot load blasted her again.His old black snake pulsated and blasted her pussy againwith his hot seed. He kept holding her while he unloadedthis second hot blast deeper into her. She never feltsuch pain and pleasure as this old man was giving her.Twice he nailed her and the second was just as good asthe first.Her old black lover started to relax a little and shethought he was going to put her legs down when hesurprised her by tightening up her legs around him andgave her another gushing load of nigger seed deep intoher stretched out and cum soaked pussy. Amazingly hefired a third load of cum deep into her. And now herpussy was sounding like a suction unit with too much cumfor her pussy.It was coming out of her pussy with pressure and shootingout around her legs and his big black cock. Never had shebeen fucked so hard and with so much cum. She was gettingtired and felt she couldn't cum again. But he laughed andtold her now he will make sure that the nigger baby wasplanted into her belly. He thrust again and his big oldblack snake cocked throbbed and swelled and for thefourth time shot a load of cum deep and probably deeperthan any of the previous loads into her belly.Yes, he nailed her with what he called his nigger seed,deep into her belly. The tit master now came and made hersuck and swallow his black seed into her belly. Shesucked him dry and took all of his load into her mouthand down into her belly.The wife and baby felt a hot stream of her milk shootinto their mouths on the final impregnating load of cum.The milk was so much and fast that it came out the sidesof their mouths. His wife felt my wife's belly and let goof her nipple and said, "Nailed again. You're becoming aregular black baby breeder and loving it aren't you?"She took on her baby sucking her milk, the black wife'ssucking her mother's milk, the tit master's load of cumin her mouth on its way to her belly and finally the oldblack man's black snake cumming not once, twice, northree times, but four times shooting loads of "blacknigger seed" deeper than she'd ever had it before. Deepinto her belly, probably impregnating with another blackbaby boy.Continued in part 4...