Being clueless at times can pay off depending on the situation and how you react. Everyday you learn something new but when I think back to when I was a teenager, I wish knew some of the things I know now and wished I had payed attention in sex education also known as blue movies. It all happened so fast at times I wish I could rewind time and relive that moment. This all happened on a Friday night when I was in town still exploring the pleasures of clubbing with the boys as we had all just turned 18 till I started texting Shell just to make sure she was okay. Shell was a girl I was getting to know that I had met at a previous party who I had taken a liking into. She seemed like the only girl that there was for me at the time and every time she told me to jump I made the mistake to ask how high which eventually paid off that night. After a couple of hours with the boys I got a text from her telling me to pick her up. At this point I did the sensible thing and found an excuse to disappear from the boys without letting them know my true intentions for the night. As I left the club I met 2 college friends who were on their way home that knew her and as a nice guy I offered them a lift home. We all set off to pick her up and as we arrived I noticed her facial expression drop as we parked up. This was because of the other two people in the car but at this point I did not realise it because this was my first proper encounter with a women and while I was driving. I was more excited about the fact that I had a trophy girl and all the material objects I had. After a good thirty minutes of interacting with each other and enjoying each other's company, Shell whispered in my ear and told me she wanted to go home. At this point I put my foot down for the first time and told her she had to wait till we all were ready to go, at this point she whispered in my ear that she was walking home and as a true gentle man I let her walk off.
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