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My Hobby


          This is a work of fiction.  No illegal act was commented.  It was written for entertainment only.  If you enjoy this story feel free to send me a note to [email protected]
My Hobby
Chapter 1
          A hobby is something someone does because they enjoy doing it.  It is something that they are usually good at.  It is something that helps reduce stress and simply makes someone happy.  That’s what my hobby does for me.  I’d like to share my hobby with you.
          I like to suck cock.  No, I love to suck cock.  It meets all of the definitions of a hobby in that I enjoy doing it, I’m great at it, and it brings me satisfaction.  It not only reduces my stress level, it reduces the stress level to the owner of the cock I am sucking.
          It didn’t start out as a hobby.  It started out as something a young girl does to grow up, to fit in with other girlfriends.  It became a hobby when I discovered that I got as much pleasure from doing it as my partner was getting.  It’s kind of a strange story and may not make since to anyone but me.  It only needs to make since to me because it’s my life.  But let me share some of the story with you and let you be the judge.
          I am currently 27 years old.  I am 5’4” tall and weigh 115 pounds.  I have red hair and that seems to drive men crazy.  My other measurements are normal.  I have just enough of everything, or so some men have said.  I tried marriage once but it wasn’t for me.  I have lots of friends but I don’t seem to need anyone closer than a good friend.  I’m sure that my hobby has something to do with it also.
          My story starts when I was in the sixth grade.  My life was very normal, lots of friends, good grades, family, and a very special best friend.  Alice and I did everything together.  We spent as much time together as possible.  We were at the age of experimentation.  We tried smoking.  We hated it.  We tried beer once and hated that too.  We were both boy crazy but were too scared and dumb to do anything about.  At least I was.  We talked about kissing boys and about sex.  We read stories in Alice’s father’s copies of Penthouse.  We even played with ourselves and had our first orgasms on the same sleepover.
          We also talked a lot about out sixth grade teacher.  He was younger than all of the other teachers and god he was a hunk.  All of the girls had a crush on him.  He was a good teacher and it didn’t seem to matter that he was related to the school principle.  Alice was bolder than the rest of us girls.  She would flirt with him even though she didn’t know anything more about sex than what we had read in those stories.  It was fun watching her make him act all uncomfortable.
Chapter 2
          My happy little world got smashed on the day that Alice told me that she was moving away.  Her Dad had gotten a transfer and they had to move almost immediately.  I knew that I was going to miss her and there were things about her that I wanted to be like.  She was strong and in control.  It was difficult to back her into a corner.  If someone like me did something wrong and got caught I would be scared of the punishment.  She would go on the offensive and would never let anyone know if she was afraid.  There were a lot of different things about her I wished I was like.
          Alice and I sat on the bus, headed for school, on her last day before she was due to move.  She made a comment about our teacher and that she wished she had more time with him.  I asked her what she had planned for him but I said it in a way that sounded like I was calling her bluff.  Alice said that she had always wanted to try giving a blow job.  Again, I called her bluff.  I said that she still had today and that she couldn’t get into to much trouble if things blew up in her face.  It was her last day after all. 
          She said that she would do it today.  She said that when everybody went outside to play she would ask to speak to Mr. Jamieson in private.  Alice told me that she wanted me to be her look out and that she wanted me to watch her do it, just to prove that she wasn’t lying.  I agreed but never thought she would go through with it.
          When the time came I hide myself just inside the doorway of the classroom.  I was close enough to hear Alice talking to Mr. Jamieson.  She told him that she was going to miss him.  He was nice and complemented her back.  She told him that she want to give him something to remember her by.  While he was explaining to her that it wasn’t necessary she reached out and cupped his crouch.  This caught him by surprise and he tried to stop her.  She continued to rub him and told him to enjoy it.  He continued to verbally try and stop her.  Alice unbuckled his pants and let them fall to his ankles.  She got down her knees and pulled down his underwear.  It was just like one of the stories we would read in the magazines.  Mr. Jamieson’s cock was right in front of Alice’s face.  She looked over at me as she took his cock into her mouth.
          Mr. Jamieson continued to try and stop her but his efforts grew weaker as she continued to suck.  He moaned and put his hands on her head and started to help guide her.  He started telling her to use her tongue.  He started moving his hips and to fuck her face.  It was all Alice could do to keep up, but she managed.  The whole act didn’t last long.  Mr.Jamieson’s movement grow faster and faster.  Then suddenly he stop and his whole body went stiff.  He held Alice’s head firmly with his cock in her mouth as deep as her could get it.  He told her to swallow and to keep swallowing.  I knew from the stories we read that he was about to cum in her mouth and he want her to swallow it.  And swallow it she did.  Mr. Jamieson let her head go when he was done shooting into her mouth.
          Alice licked her lips as she stood up.  She looked as if she didn’t know what to do next.  She looked at me when Mr. Jamieson was pulling up his pants.  She mouthed at me to make some noise.  I knew she was looking for a way out of the classroom without looking like a silly little girl.  I backed into the hall a bit and yelled out Alice’s name. I then walked into the room.  I guess I moved a little too fast because Mr. Jamieson’s pants weren’t all the way back up when he made eye contact with me.  Alice thanked Mr. Jamieson and headed out the door with me in tow.
Chapter 3
          All Alice wanted to do was to talk about the blow job.  She said that she hadn’t counted on him cumming in her mouth, but it tasted good.  It was warm and salty.  She liked it.  She said I should try it sometime.  What I didn’t tell her was how excited I had gotten watching them.  I was going to take her advice and try it, I just didn’t know when.
          The next day was a Saturday and Alice was gone.  I cried most of the day.  Nobody could make me feel better.  I was lost.  After a while I decided it was time to be more like Alice.  My heart might be broken but why should I act like a little baby.  So I got off my bed and let my parents try and help me feel better.  We had a great weekend.  But I was still lonely.
          On Monday I went back to school.  As soon as saw Mr. Jamieson all I could do was to relive what I saw on Friday.  Mr. Jamieson looked uncomfortable with me as well.  When recess time came and everybody went outside to play Mr. Jamieson asked for me to stay behind.  He said that he wanted to talk to me about what I saw on Friday.  I tried to play dumb but he knew that I saw what had happened.  It took a few minutes for me to realize that he was afraid that I would tell on him.  He tried to make me feel as if I had done something wrong but I knew better.
          I got up the nerve to do what Alice would have done, go on the offensive.  I interrupted him and asked him if Alice was any good.  That caught him off guard.  I asked him if it felt good.  He stuttered and tried to act like nothing was wrong, but I was now in control of this situation.  I asked him if he would have liked her to do it again.  He didn’t answer verbally but the bulge in his pants said that he would have.  I knew at that moment that I wanted to try and give my first blow job.
          I got up and walked over to him and copied what Alice had done on Friday.  I started rubbing the bulge in his pants and he just moaned.  I had expected him to try and stop me but he didn’t.  In fact, he stood up and undid his pants himself.  He reached out and pulled my face to his cock and started running it over my lips.  I opened my mouth and he pushed his cock in.  He started giving me instructions but it was hard to do anything except hang on.  He held my head in place and kept fucking my face.  His cock felt bigger in my mouth than it looked hanging between his legs.  He didn’t last much longer than he did with Alice.  I tried to remember the instructions he had given Alice.  I used my tongue when I could, but he made it difficult.  He kept fucking my face.  He groaned about the same time my mouth filled with his cum.  He said to swallow and I did.  I kept swallowing. I couldn’t believe he could shoot that much stuff.
          Suddenly there was a noise behind me and Mr. Jamieson pulled away from me.  His cock was still shooting and the next bit of cum hit me directly in the face.  I looked up and saw that Mr. Jamieson was now very afraid.  I heard someone behind me asking my teacher what he was doing to that little girl.  I heard Mr. Jamieson tell me to get out of here before I got caught.  I didn’t ask questions, I just ran.  The problem was that I had cum running done my face.  The principle saw it clearly as I ran past him into the bathroom.  I hide in there for awhile because I was really scared.  I loved sucking that hard cock.  Alice had been right about the taste.  I liked that too.  I just didn’t want to get into trouble.
Chapter 4
          I choose to skip the last part of the day and ran home.  I just knew that I was in so much trouble.  I called Alice and told her what had happened.  She got out of school 2 hours earlier than we did because of the time difference back east.  At first she was shocked that I had had enough nerve to suck Mr. Jamieson’s cock.  It blew her away that I had let him cum in my mouth.  She was a little concerned when she heard that we got caught but that quickly turned to laughter when I told heard that he shot cum in my face.  She died laughing when I told her I ran out of the school with cum dripping off my chin.
          When the laughing was done Alice told me to go on the offensive.  I still might get in trouble but quit being afraid.  Blame it on someone or something else.  Who knows, maybe somebody would buy it.  At the very least, I would like myself better if I quit being such a pussy.  Those words hung with me all night.  There were no unexpected phone calls or visitors.  I figured that maybe I could keep my parents out of this.  But I wasn’t looking forward to school tomorrow.  I didn’t have a clue what I would be walking into. 
          I didn’t see Mr. Jamieson in the classroom when I got there.  We all found out that he had called in sick.  Not having to face him today was going to be better too.  The last thing I needed was for him to act all weird and stuff all day long.  So the day went well until lunch time.  I heard my name called out over the intercom.  I was told to go to the office, that the principle wanted to see me.  Now I knew trouble was on the way.
          I was sent right into the principles office.  I was told to take a seat by the secretary.  I noticed that the principle was sitting in his chair with his back to me, looking out the window.  He didn’t speak right away and I am sure that was to intimidate me.  When he did start speaking it was hard to hear him because he spoke so softly.  He finally spoke loud enough for me to understand him.
          Mr. Baker was in his 50’s.  He wasn’t very big but the way he acted everybody respected his position.  He could be scary at times.  He said that he had a real problem on his hands.  He told me that Jake the janitor had seen someone involved in a sexual act with his teachers.  Jake said that he was sure that it was a student who was performing a sexual act on one of his teachers.  He said that everybody was going to lose because of this situation.  He hadn’t asked me to speak so I didn’t.
          He said that the teacher involved would surely be fired, his teaching career would be over forever, and jail time was a real possibility.  He said that the student involved could very well be suspended.  Even worse than that, that students name would get out and she would have to live with that kind of a reputation.  What would her parents think?  He then said that even he would lose his job over this.  He said that the teacher involved was a relative of his and he was told not to hire him to begin with.  Mr. Baker said that he didn’t listen and gave his only sister’s son a job.  He then looked directly at me and asked me what I thought he should do.
          Before I could answer he continued talking.  He said that Jake owed him several big favors and that maybe he could be counted on to keep his mouth shut.  He said that the teacher involved was so scared that he has asked for a transfer.  Mr. Baker said that he doubted the Mr. Jamieson would ever do anything like that again and would surely keep his mouth shut.  He said that he was sure that the student would love to not be in trouble over this.  He said that keeping the students parents out of this would be very important also.  He said that since nobody else knew anything about this that maybe he would be able to keep his job as well.  But then he asked me why should he take that risk?
          Before I could answer his question something dawned on me.  He wanted something from me.  He wanted to show me how much trouble I could have caused, then he wanted to show me a way out.  But he wanted something from me, a reason to make this all go away.  My mind was racing.  I wondered how Alice would react to this situation.  Mr. Baker wanted me to be afraid.  Then I knew what to do.  Alice would do something bold, something to surprise or shock.  So I looked at Mr. Baker and asked him if he wanted a blow job too.  I could see that I had shocked him but that I had got it right.  He didn’t answer me. He just sat back and studied me for a second.  So I asked him again.  Would a blow job help him make up his mind?
          He didn’t answer me, so I got up and walked around to his side of the desk.  I turned his chair to face where I was standing and dropped to my knees.  I reached for his belt and unbuckled his pants.  He lifted himself off the chair enough for me to slide his pants and underpants down to his ankles.  He never said a word.  He just laid his head back and closed his eyes.  I looked at his cock and it was bigger than Mr. Jamieson’s.  I leaned forward and opened my mouth. I sucked his cock into my mouth.  I know that I wasn’t very good at it but I did my best.  I bobbed my head up and down on his cock.  I used my tongue like I had heard Mr. Jamieson tell Alice and I.  I used some of the things we had read in the stories too.  I tried to take all of his cock into my mouth.  I gagged a few times before I remembered that one of the stories had said to swallow when the urge to gag would start.  I was totally surprised when Mr. Baker’s cock went right down my throat. 
          Mr. Baker moaned for the first time.  I felt his fingers in my hair.  I found a good stroke and got his ass moving in his chair.  I would bob up and down a few times then swallow his cock down my throat.  I had just swallowed his cock for the third or fourth time when he went totally stiff, moaned, grabbed my head, and start shooting cum into my throat.  His cock grew so fat that it slide back up into my mouth as he continued to shot cum.  My mouth quickly filled up with cum and I started swallowing.  His sperm tasted more salty.  It wasn’t bad, but not as interesting as Mr. Jamieson’s.
          I was really turned on.  I couldn’t believe how fast all of this was happening.  His cock was growing softer as I sucked the last of his cum from his cock.  I looked up at his face as I sucked.  As I backed away Mr. Baker said that Mr. Jamieson was right.  I might be new at this but I had a talent for it.  He smiled and said that with a little practice I could become the best cock sucker he had ever met.  I thought that his comments were kind of gross but I really did enjoy sucking cock.
Chapter 5
          Mr. Baker told his staff that I was working on a special project for him and would be using my student periods on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I would report to his office and act as if I was doing something important.  But soon after arriving in the office I would join Mr. Baker in his office.  I would suck his cock and let him cum in my mouth.  I would take my time so I could improve my technique.  I got really good at deep throating his and even got to the point that he could fuck my throat like it was a pussy.  Over time things progressed.  I wasn’t interested in fucking him and he knew that.  But he wanted to show me other pleasures.  Our routine almost never changed.  I would suck his cock until he shot off in my mouth.  He would then eat my pussy and my asshole.  He would finger fuck both holes.  I had some of the most powerful orgasms. 
          Mr. Baker wasn’t my only playmate that year.  I had a chance to be alone with Jake the janitor one day when Mr. Baker had been called away unexpectedly.  He was staring at me and I knew he recognized me from when he caught me with Mr. Jamieson.  He didn’t say anything, he just went about his work and he would stare.  I was already disappointed that Mr. Baker was going to miss our fun time.  So I got a bright idea.
          All of the stories Alice and I read talked about black men having really big cocks.  I wanted to see for myself.  So I asked Jake if he would do me a favor.  Of course he said yes but he didn’t have any idea what I had in mind.  I had him hold up a big piece of construction paper.  I had him hold it high enough that he couldn’t see me.  His pants were always loose and would barely stay up.  So when the time was right I moved in really quickly.  Since he couldn’t see me I got down on my knees in front of him and jerked his pants down.  I moved quickly so he would have a chance to stop me.  The fact that he didn’t wear underpants made my job easier.
          Jake’s cock was as big as Mr. Baker’s and it wasn’t hard yet.  It was coal black.  I opened my mouth and sucked his cock in.  It tasted sweaty and like it hadn’t been washed in a while.  But that didn’t stop me.  Jake dropped the construction paper and looked at me like a deer caught in head lights.  He just froze in place, which made my job easier.  His cock grew quickly.  It must have been at least 10” long.  In no time I had both hands wrapped around his cock and sucked as much of it as I could.  He just stood there and let me do it.  I jerked his cock with my hands as I sucked the head.  I noticed that my pussy was getting wetter by the minute.  Jake never toughed me.  He never moaned or said a word.  The only way I knew he was about to cum was that his cock grew even fatter.  He exploded in my mouth.  I swallowed as fast as I could.  It tasted bitter.  But if I didn’t swallow it then it would leak out of my mouth or shot onto my clothes.  By the amount that was flooding into my mouth that would have made a huge mess.  So I swallowed, and swallowed, and swallowed.  I didn’t think he would ever stop. 
Chapter 6
          I had tons of fun the rest of that year.  I sucked Mr. Baker off twice a week.  I talked Jake into letting me suck him several more times.  I meet the school superintendent in Mr. Baker’s office one day.  Mr. Baker asked me to help him with a problem he was having with his boss.  So I seduced him.  It was quite easy.  I saw the way he looked at me.  A lot of older men looked at me and Alice when we would go to the mall.  I guess it is a fantasy or something. 
          That was a real fun day.  While I was sucking Mr. Airs’s cock Mr. Baker ate my pussy.  They changed places three times.  I cam 5 times and swallowed three nice big loads of cum.  Mr. Airs became a regular.  By the time the school year was out I was giving five or six blow jobs a week.  I had my pussy sucked by as many as four different men that year.
          The fun came to an end when school was out.  I wouldn’t have any reason to see ant of those men again because I would be starting at another school.  But the summer wasn’t all bad.  I had a few interesting adventures, but nothing regular.  The most daring risk I took was to approach a man at the mall.  He was with his family, but he kept looking at me.  He was good looking so I took a chance.  I approached him when his wife and daughter were in a clothing store.  He was outside waiting on them.  I introduced myself and told him that I saw him staring at me.  He tried to deny it but I told him it was ok, that I liked it.  I told him to tell his wife that he was going to look at some sporting goods store and that he would meet them back at the food court in half an hour. 
          He looked puzzled until I explained to him that we could go back to his car and I would suck his cock for him.  He couldn’t get me out to his car fast enough.  He had a nice cock and most have been very excited.  He filled my mouth twice.  He wanted my phone number so we could meet again but I said no.
          It is very important to note that I am not a slut.  I am not addict either.  I’ve been told that I could make a lot of money sucking cock but that would make me a whore.  I started out this story but saying that this was a hobby, something I love to do, something I am very good at.  I have never let it get out of control or let it rule my life.
          I had always been a great student.  I made good grades and I didn’t have to suck anyone to get them.  I stayed out of trouble and got along well with my parents.  The only that was different about me was that, if an opportunity presented itself, I liked to suck cock.
          Nobody would have ever guessed it about me either.  I went to church every Sunday with my parents, I babysat for a few of my parents friends, and I even volunteered at the hospital as a candy stripper when I was in the 8th grade.  Now that was fun.  After several of the doctors found out that I would suck their cocks I didn’t have to wash too many bed pans.  There was also a black man that had been injured in a fight.  He seemed to get a kick out of showing me his cock whenever I went into his room.  His cock was huge.  I enjoyed sucking it. 
          I came to see him one evening, hoping to blow him again.  Instead I found that he had company.  Three of his friends had stopped by and didn’t seem to care that visiting hours were over.  He introduced his friends to me and then surprised me by telling them that I was the young girl he had told them about.  He told them that I give a great bj.  He pulled his cock out and told me to show them what a good cock sucker I was.  I refused to be intimidated so I leaned over his bed and sucked his cock into my mouth.  Before I left that room I had given each of those nice men something to remember me by.  It was very exciting.  I had hands all over my body as well as a few fingers in my pussy and ass.  I had never had intercourse but I had made up my mine if he was still in the hospital the next night I was going to have him fuck me.  To my luck he had checked out before I got but on duty.
Chapter 7
          When I was in the 9th grade I finally lost my cherry.  I didn’t mean it to happen the way that it did.  You see, my father got mad at me for something he thought I had done.  He didn’t believe me when I denied his charges.  I don’t even remember what he claimed I had done.  He grounded me on a special weekend for me and some of my friends.  We were going to a concert and now my plans were crushed.  I was really pissed at him.
          Around my house two things happened every Saturday afternoon.  The first thing is that my mother would take my younger sister out for a girl’s afternoon of fun.  It could be the mall, a movie, a play, or something like that.  They would never return until almost dark every Saturday.  The second thing was that my father would have two of his buddies over to work on a hot rod dad was rebuilding.  Bobby and Mark were about the same age as my father.  Both men were a little gross after they had had a few beers.  Mark would even make remarks about my ass and if I were only a little older.  It was hard to tell if he was joking but that is how my dad would take it.  He would put Mark in his place by telling him that if he ever found a girl my ago we would be burying him shortly after.  Everybody would laugh and go back to work.
          So on this weekend I sat in my room pissed off as hell.  Just like clock work I heard my dad yell, up through my window, to bring them a round of beers.  And as usual, when I got out there Mark started up with the comments.  As I was leaving Mark got up to take some trash to the can outside the garage.  When we were alone, I told him if he could get away from the other two that he should come up to my room.  I told him I had a surprise for him, something he had want for some time.  His eyes got very big and he shook his head yes.
          About ten minutes later Mark showed up in my doorway.  I told him to come in.  Without saying another word I walked over to him and unbuckled his pants.  I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock.  He was quite a disappointment.  He cam in less than 30 seconds.  We I was done I patted his cock and told him to tell Bobby that he was next.  I told him if he was a good boy he could visit me again.  In less than 18 minutes Bobby was standing in my room with his pants down to his ankles.  He cock was nice, big, and hard.  I used my greatly improved talents and allowed his cock to slide in and out of my throat.  When he was about to cum he grabbed my head and gave my throat a good fucking.  I tasted very little of his cum because most of it was shot directly into my throat.
          I told Bobby that Mark would want to see me again and asked him to keep my father busy.  Mark last longer the second time.  He wanted to fuck me but I put him off by telling him he didn’t have the time or energy today, maybe later.  I felt very proud of myself for confusing my father and messing up his day.  They got nothing done except feed me.
          The next Saturday was different.  Mom and my sister went out as usual but dad had to go and take care of a problem at grandma’s house.  When Mark and Bobby showed up to work on the car I told them dad wasn’t there.  Instead of being disappointed they seem excited by that news.  They said that they would keep me company then.  I knew what they wanted.  I played dumb and asked them what they wanted.  Both of them dropped their pant right in the living room.  I told tell we should take this to my room.
          Once we were in my room they both stripped naked.  I wanted to start sucking their cocks but they wanted me naked too.  As soon as my clothes were off Mark stuck his cock in my mouth.  At the same time Bobby buried his face in my pussy.  Bobby knew how to eat pussy.  He worked a finger into my pussy and one into my ass while he tongued my clit.  I cam all over his face, but he kept going.  Mark was fucking my face at the same time.  I did my best to keep up with him but Bobby was making it tough.  I was almost surprised when Mark erupted in my mouth.
          As soon as I was done swallowing they changed position.  They had me get on my hands and knees.  Bobby moved around front and worked his stiff cock down my throat.  Mark ate my pussy a little before moving his tongue to my asshole.  I cam hard from that.  But then Mark did something I wasn’t expecting.  He moved up behind me and positioned his cock at the opening to my pussy.  I tried to stop him but Bobby was to busy fucking my throat.  They had me sandwiched in such away as to stop me from stopping Mark.  I felt his cock enter my pussy.  I didn’t want him to but it felt good until he broke my cherry.  Now that hurt.  But the noises I made were interrupted as pleasure instead of pain.
          Once he had his cock all the way in my pussy he started to fuck in and out.  Bobby continued to fuck my throat.  I lost track of time and almost missed it when Bobby shot off in my mouth and throat.  When he removed his cock from my mouth all I could do was to breathe.  My pussy had stopped hurting and I acutely had my first orgasm from intercourse.  While I was lost in my own orgasm Mark exploded into my pussy.  I could feel it.  And the excitement wasn’t over.  As soon as Mark moved out of the way Bobby took his place.  He felt huge, but good.  He pounded my pussy long and hard.  He fucked me for at least a half an hour and I cam two more times.  I wasn’t able to stop Mark from cuming inside me so there was no reason to stop Bobby.  And cum he did, tons of it. 
          My mouth felt really empty and I wanted to suck something.  But they weren’t done with my pussy.  Mark was hard again and he rolled me onto my back.  He climbed between my legs and started fucking me.  The action went on like this for several hours.  Mark fucked me three times and Bobby fucked me twice.  I sucked Mark off twice and Bobby three times.  It amazed me that men in their late 40’s could last that long.
          Over the years I learned a number of lessons.  To put it crudely, bears done shit where they eat.  Fucking and sucking so close to home was dangerous.  Considering that I treat this as a hobby only, I needed to use better judgment and stay in control.  Learning this lesson kept me from having unwanted advances like I received from Bobby and Mark.  It also allowed me to find a new excitement to my hobby.  Doing it with strangers felt different, exciting.  Almost every man I approached was surprised, shocked, but only too happy to feed me his cock.  I have tried to keep a count of the number of different men I have sucked off.  My best guess is that I have sucked over 1000 different men.  I have been involved in a number of threesomes and gangbangs.  I’m just girl having