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A Lust For All Things Tight And Shiny


                       ÂCHAPTER 1ÂA NIGHT AT THE CLUB

IÂwoke up around 3:00 pm Saturday, My head still spinning, trying to think what can do to get rid of last nights hangover, I swallowed some Advil, and took a long hot shower which seemed to help deaden the pain of my headache allot.
Laying back down on my couch conjuring up recollections from Friday night’s erotic events in my mind, realizing I had no regrets about my hangover.
Last night turned out to be the best night of my life, and I did not want my thrilling night out to stop!
The unforgettable evening had started out with my childhood friend Travis coming over to my apartment we made some last minute plans to go out for the night to the local club and try to find “your next long term relationship” announced Travis with a stupid grin..
He made that statement because I had just went through a very messy breakup with my last girlfriend of 7 years, and I’ve been in a slump lately.
 I have had a hard time finding the right woman that can keep up with my sexual perversities.
Travis on the other hand pretty much goes with the flow and doesn’t have any hang-ups of any type, that’s probably the reason last year he hooked up with approximately 20 women (self proclaimed)!
So! On with the nights events.
Travis and I drove to the dance club, and immediately we were met at the door by three absolute hotties, they he must have been his coworkersÂjudging from the conversation they were having,
One of the girls asked Travis for a dance later on, he turned his head and said, “I wouldn‘t miss it for the world.’ as we entered the club doors.
My buddy and I received some potent mixed drinks and I found us a table in the dimly lit section in back of the club, , but that suited me fine…
I was scanning the dance floor and I found our vantage point was awesome! We could see all the action around us.
Shauna, which was one of the girls we met at door came up and asked Travis to dance, he looked at me and asked meÂif I would mind? I said “get some for me”, and pointed to the floor. They both went to go bump & grind. After 18 minutes went by I drank both of our drinks, so I decided to go up to the bar to get a refresher.
 as came back to the table I noticed our table was occupied by two very beautiful girls!
To be courteous, I was just going to retrieve our jackets and let them have the table, but when I reached for mine from the back of the chair I noticed that the girl sitting on it was dressed in a fashion that would by best described as punk meets gothic my new found vision peeked my interest.
She wore a white spiked neck collar with matching wrist bands, and a patent leatherÂwhite bustier with boned cinches. The lacing was drawn soo tight it must have been painful to wear, or at the very least not very comfortable. The glossy top made her huge tits appear to be spilling out the top edge, the best I could describe the erotic vision was over risen bread dough spilling over the bread panÂMan! what an erotic site to see.
I was having a hard time controlling my mind filled with extremely nasty thoughts.
I introduced myself as Jason and complemented this gorgeous creature on her intriguing sexy attire. She smiled very seductively a told me her name was Cami, and the woman sitting opposite of her was her sister named Tara,
Tara reached across the table for my hand and shook it. her long fingers were warm and sensual, the nails came past the tips of her fingers a good two inches and painted to resemble a French manicure,
JustÂsomething so simple as shaking Tara’s hand made me feel as if I was in a time warp, as if time stopped altogether. it seemed to be an incredible warm, sexy feeling in which I haven’t felt in a long time.
Trying to keep focused! I turned to Cami and said “where did you get that delicious bustier?
Cami explained the both of them purchase most of their clothes from the shop they own.
I was intrigued, “What type of store is it”? I asked
This time, Tara replied looking for a adverse reactionÂfrom me. “a kind of store where most of our fetishes are served”!
Again the feeling of timelessness returned to me. talk about your shock and aw! these two sisters are whatÂmost men’s fantasies are made of! And these steamy, voluptuous beauties are right in front of me. I had tu bite the inside of my cheek to see if I dreaming , I kiss my lucky stars that I wasn’t.
Trying to keep cool I asked “what kind of shit are you in to”?
 Without missing a beat Tara rattles off, “latex, leather, painful footwear, mind control, exhibitionism, and huge cocks, real or fake, it just doesn’t matter”.
And don’t forget, “lots and lots of man juice” Cami added.
WOW! Words can‘t describe how turned on I was getting. I was thinking how could these girls by into such perversities?
So I asked.
Both sisters looked at each other with a nostalgic look in their eyes, and Cami took me on a story timeline of their past.
She said they were raised in a home environment that was extremely liberal with being able to express their sexuality ÂÂ
They were very young when the sisters found what mommy and daddy did for a living.
The girl’s parents were in the porn industry. dad being a director, and mom a well known actress, that starred in films from the majority of the 80s,.Tara said that her mom’s acting career is over, and she now produces the movies that their father directs. “so sex was a natural overflow from their parents professional life, to our home life”.
By the time the girls were in their early teens, they new more about sex than most adults. This gave them some certain advantages realizing they had a strong sexual power that most girls don’t use until their later teenage years.
Cami went on telling her story by describing how they would use that special power.
“We were constantly getting kicked out of school or being sent home early because of the way we were dressed or acting like little sluts”! Both girls laughed. “But we always got good grades from all our male teachers for all the little displays of exhibition we provided”.
The sisters knew how to play the man game, when it came to stroking the male libido.
Cami reflected on a day she went to school at about the age of 18 she started exercising here power by dressing in a provocative manor, or at the very least, a style not easily accepted for a girl her age and budding figure.
She squeezed into the tightest pair of jeans you could imagine. the type of jeans that were so tight, it was best reflected in the early 80s from the designer manufacturers, only with the 90s style, Cami described her undersized, faded, destroyed, jeans were so restrictive she couldn’t shoehorn them on her body dry, she had to apply them wet in the shower to get them to stretch and slide past her slim thighs and waist with the added assistance of applying a whole bottle of baby oil.
Twenty minutes had past by the time she “installed” that faded sausage casing on her lower body. With her demanding struggle to get them on she grew physically weaker. Cami knew ifÂshe was going to zip them up she was going to needÂhelp from Tara.
After getting out of the shower, Cami summand her younger sister to her bedroom.
When Tara entered the doorway, she stopped at the threshold for a few seconds in simple amazement at the astonisging sight she would later have etched in her mind.
Cami was trying her hardest to zip her zipper up, and she was not having any real success.
Cami asked “can you please help me zip these things up”?
“Sure sis, let me grab a pair of pliers from dad’s toolbox” replied her younger sister, she turned to leave the bedroom to go down to the garage to retrieve the tool
When Tara returned it took all the adolescent’s strength, but they finally accomplished the task of getting them zipped up.
Cami asked Tara to blow-dry her jeans so they shrunk to her 18 year old body even more snug.
Tara complied with her big sister’s request.
After several minutes of blow-drying, Tara was done.
Gazing at her older sister’s 4‘,8” 90 lb body that was sporting a satiny black H 20 breast- enhancing water bra, and her molded-to-fit jeans. Tara was getting aroused to find out what the school day was going to bring for her big sister?
“Well, how do they feel, can you even breathe”? Tara asked.
Cami tried to walk in liquid-fitting jeans, but had some trouble. the cotton fabric didn’t want to flex or give in any way.
“I kind of walk like Gumbi”, Cami replied. “And I can hardy move my diaphragm to catch my breath“!
Cami was feeling light headed, she didn’t know if it was from all the hard work, or the lack of oxygen. The feeling did eventually pass.
“What should I wear to finish my come-fuck-me in my sexy jeans look, sis” Cami asked?
“Let’s go raid moms closet, she has plenty of slutty looking clothes from her movies in there”. Said Tara. The sisters agreed and went on their quest.
The girls opened up the closet door and walked in both youngsters gawked at mom’s collection of her fuckable dresses, club style pants, shoes, boots, and lingerie.
They had plenty of time with both of their parents gone from the house. the girls had a field day, trying all the different styles and fabrics of their 32 year old mother’s fashion bank.
About forty five minutes past…..
Cami emerged from her parents bedroom looking like she was all grown up.
Cami chose a black leather vest with nothing underneath it accept her water bra, which pushed her 18 year old 34b size tits together nicely. with the top three buttons unsnapped, Cami showed a large amount of cleavage, seeing her tits made Tara a little jealous as her younger body hasn’t quite developed yet like her older sibling.
 The temptress’s small feet were fitted with a black patent stiletto ankle boot with a 5” gold, metal spiked heel. before Cami had her sister put them on her, Tara buffed them to a real high luster, using her own spit and a soft cotton towel, when Tara was done, she could see her reflection in all angles of the smooth loose fitting size 6 slutty heels.
To complete Cami’s whoreish look, Tara worked on Cami’s hair and makeup. Tara teased Cami’s jet black , mid-back length hair so much, it stood about 10” above her head. it looked like untamed coal colored straw, and given the application of her heavily painted makeup against her fair complexion. Cami looked like one of the groupies trying to get noticed by a member from a 80’s metal band. VERY HOT!!!!!!
With her new look satisfyingly completed, Cami was now set for the day.
Walking to school following directly behind her older sister Tara was sizing her up, with her eyes scanning up and down that little tease’s flawlessly constructed body.
Tara stared at her sister’s ass and noticed her molded jeans fit her like skin, (not a second skin) but actual skin; you could see her narrow hips, kneecaps, cunt lips. Nothing was left to the imagination! the seat of her pants was so stressed, that bottom of her ass cheeks were separated very far apart, you could practically drive a truck thru the center of it, wishing she could fit into clothes like that, and feel so naughty!
The sisters had less than a block left to school when they came up to a group of boys standing in front of the local convenience store.
There were 9 hormone driven teenagers ther're ages ranged from 12-15, most of them Tara recognized from school.
When the two girls strutted past them, all their eyes were focused on Cami. Tara really couldn’t blame them, she was just jealous from all the attention paid to older sister and not herself which was dressed more appropriate for her age.
All of those horny young boys were thinking they would love to use her for their own pleasure. They just stood there, gawking and speechless!
One of the older boys followed her trying to get a better glimpse of Cami’s bullet proof ass.
Cami being aware of the boy following her turned around with a accentuated swoop of her head to look at the bold teen. she smiled while puckering her lips blowing him a seductive kiss then turned forward while
continuing with her model type power walk, one leg crossing in front of the other without missing her cadence.
The school bell rang, the sisters both said their goodbyes, Cami walked as fast as she could even with punishing rigidness of her jeans, but she made it on time to her first class.
 Cami stood at the side of her desk momentarily wondering how is she going to sit in the chair?, sheÂremembered how she had to have Tara fit their mom’s glossy boots on her because of her not being able to bend at the waist. She knew this simple task was going to be challenging.
As the teenaged vixen slid into the chair listening to the straining groan of her new found favorite fabric. Camis first attempt was successful, but words cannot describe how uncomfortable she felt sitting there.
Minutes turned into hours as her final class was over. enjoying the days catcalls, nasty comments, and lustful leers, not only from her classmates but the faculty as well.
The young girl did notice however throughout the entire day, most of the males she encountered were being extra nice to her; hence Cami realizing her definite power.
The teenaged temptress decided it would be fun to confirm her sexual power buy throttling up her special allure to a complete stranger.
After school Cami told Tara she would meet her at home in time for supper, and to hide her long rain coat outside the backdoor in the shrubs, so her parents wouldn’t find out as to what she wore today. (As liberal as her parents were, they still would have freaked out)!
Tara agreed.
As Cami walked home, her jeans were starting to be more forgiving. the material was relaxing a little, but very little! Less restriction enabled Cami to walk more freely, while wearing her mothers golden spiked whoreboots.
During Cami’s stroll, she stopped at the front of a shoe store, where she observed a middle-aged man locking the front door. She thought she found her first test subject and It was time to put her loosely calculated plan into action!
When the dark haired well dressed man turned around, the first thing he saw was the ravenous adolescent standing in front of him.
Pleasantly surprised! He asked if he could help her.
Cami stated with the charm of a innocent schoolgirl. (lying to his face), she was going out with her parents to a fancy restaurant tonight, and she needed a new pair heels.
The salesman looked down at Cami’s feet, he was shocked to see the very yourng girl exhibit such trampy patent boots.
 Curios, he asked her what was wrong with the boots she had on?
She explained to the salesman, the boots she was wearing were unknowingly barrowed from her mother and she needed to return them, they made her feel sexy when she walked in them, so she needed a pair of her own.
The horny man instantly had twisted thoughts in his mind. he need to have this teenage fucktoy in his store, after hours with the doors locked, and no one to disturb them.
He agreed but he didn’t want to show too much excitement to scare her off. So he unlocked to door and calmly invited her in.
Once in the front door he checked to see the entrance light was off and locked the door behind him, and then his mind turned into Mr. Degenerate
Cami asked what his name was? “Mine’s Cami”.
The slightly graying muscular salesman said his name was Jim, but was more focused on hurrying to get her out of the view of the store window.
“Here let me show you my special stock of heels, they are less conservative but they are in the back room”, Jim pointed.
The raven haired beauty started to figure out what she was getting into, due to Jim’s state of urgency. Cami followed him to the dimly lit office slash store-room without a hint of caution or concern.
Upon entering the small room,Âthey walked past what appeared to be the man’s desk. it was covered with papers, and a large photo of maturing woman with beautiful long brown hair. Cami figured she was his wife.
ÂCami looked past the tiny room and gazed into the storeroom that contained hundreds ofÂboots, and pumps every style and color you could imagine. The girl was feeling surreal from the amount of (fuck me!) type luscious footwear she had to choose from.
“What pair can I help you try on” he asked?
Cami’s eyes were focused in one pair in particular. “those right there” as she point to the closest shelf to her.
 Showing obvious signs of arousal, Jim went to the store shelf to retrieve her selection.
 The pair Cami had selected were stunningly sinful, thigh high glossy red boots with 6” spike heels and black lacing that went the way to the top, simply delicious!
“How much are they?”, Cami asked with her face having that deer’s eyes caught in the headlights look.
“$350.00 dollars” Jim said.
Knowing that she couldn’t ever afford them Cami still asked for him if she couldÂtry them on. Jim said with a high amount of enthusiasm, “certainly”!
Cami leaned back against the wall behind her with both her hands buried in the small of her back for extra support while Jim kneeled in front of her removing the vixen’s shorter, call girl style boots from her feet.
Jim’s hands trembled from excitement with all the corrupt thoughts he was thinking during which he was tucking this tease’s long legs into the towering, fire engine red,
Hooker-style boots.
 Jim started lacing up the second boot, when Cami decided to turn up the heat a little bit by lightly grinding her gleaming, red pointed toe of the boot into his groin.
 The middle aged salesman was startled as he started sweating from his receding hairline.
ÂCami sensuosly traced the outline of his hardening cock through his dress pants. With a gradual amount of increasing firmness, she glidedÂthe slick tip of the boot from side to side following the curvature of his bulging tubular shape.
Jim didn’t want Cami to stop caressing his cock with her boot, but he was finished with the fitment.
Jim stood back up.
“Done! Well walk around in them and tell me how do they feel?” Jim asked.
Straightening her posture Cami, shakily walked down the narrow path between the store shelves holding on to them for added stability. she felt like she was walking in ice and was going to fall any moment.
 The teenager’s ankles weren’t very strong to support her weight on those 6” sluttish, thigh highs. But with proper physical training, she would be use to them in time.
Keeping her thoughts to herself, Cami knew she wanted them, she felt very sexy and wicked, and with the shameless clothes she had on, no man could resist her.
“The boots feel amazing!” Cami replied “Ill take them but I don’t have that much money”
Jim looked Cami with a lustful expression and saw the most beautiful teenaged whore he has ever laid his eyes upon and uttered, “How much do you have?”
The young girl told Jim all she had was $27.00 dollars, and asked him if there was some way she could take them out in trade?
Jim’s perverse desires overrode his morality as he spoke softly. she could have the boots if, he could jerk off while Cami sat in front of him and talked dirty.
 Shaking her head positively Cami’s green eyes squinted slightly, as a smile of acknowledgement appeared on her face towards her sexually overheated experiment..
 Immediately Jim closed and locked the door to the storage area where the wouldn’t be accidentally discovered by anyone.
He turned around and told Cami to stand in front of him just like the position she was in when he was fitting her with the boots.
Cami complied with his unnatural request.
Jim moved a chair in front of her and removed of his clothes from the lower part of hisÂmuscular body and then sat down.
Thumbing his tongue with a thick, slippery coat of saliva, Jim lightly rubbed the head of his dick in small circles, getting it all glazed while looking at the seductive teen.
Cami was fascinated with how Jim eyes looked while masturbating in front her. He seemed to be in a trance, as if he was looking through her. she decided to start in with the second part of his request.
Drawing from her memory from watching her parents collection of porn films, Cami stepped into her new roll and talked to Jim very lewdly,
“Do you like to beat off on front of little girls?”
Jim: “yes”!
Cami: “do you play with yourself often”?
Jim: “yes, several times a week”.
Cami: “are you married”?
Jim: “yes, for twenty years”.
Cami: “your hand is starting to dry up, I want you to lean over your dick and spit on it, than rub it all in until your entire cock shimmers”.
The catatonic salesman did as she instructed. A long spider web of spit exited his mouth and poured on his dry cock as he jerked it slow, paying particularly close attention to the ridge underneath the head.
Cami: “your making me really hot, do you mind if I start playing with myself’?
Jim excitedly shook his head yes.
Cami in a very aroused state herself slid her hands skillfully down past her warm leather clad tits wandering further south. she took her time in anticipation for what she is doing to his mind. her gentle hands eventually stopped just above her knee feeling the cold smoothness of the material against her warm fingers, her small red tipped digits proceeded north to where her denim constricted legs met, slowing and manipulating her fingernail over her very moist opening.
Jim was handling his cock with full strokes by now, his eyes trained on Camis every move..
Cami: “where is your wife when you’re doing this disgusting act”?
Jim slowly answered “out shopping, picking up the kids, or working”.
Between the rubbing, visual stimulation, and all the dirty talk, Jim’s 8” cock was getting much more sensitive than it usually gets during his usual stroke fests. Each slow deliberate stroke up and down past the delicate head was making him flinch.
Cami “when blast your cum, what do you do with it”?;
Jim was hesitant on saying were is sperm ended up after his orgasm.
She again asked, this time with a commanding presents in her voice, “I said, what do you do with your disgusting seed when your done jerking off”?
Ashamed, he told Cami when he cums, its destination usually ends up in a pair of his wife’s sexiest shoes or boots.
Strangly, Jim started to feel more comfortable with Cami’s line of questioning. he responded by saying. “I’m so bad, and I don’t clean it up after I shoot my load in them. the thought of her walking around in them with my dried cum all day, makes me so horny I just want to fuck her shoes some more, the cold bitch!”
Cami slipped out a soft moan of pleasure from between her crimson painted lips.
She applied more pressure with her right index finger through the excessively stretched jean material covering her clit This manipulation gave her maximum gratification as she concentrated on the depraved mans words.
“You sick fuck! why do you blow your repulsive sperm on your wife’s heels”?
The seemingly immoral man explained that it’s a primal thing.
Cami: “if you think you are going to shoot your spunk in my new boots; you have another thing coming shoe fucker”!
As a matter of fact, Cami knew what he was going to do with his deposit, and she wasn’t going to tell him until he was ready to cum.
Cami reached over to the table next to her for her purse,
She opened it and grabbed a package of lemon drops, placing five of them on her tongue.
The shock to her taste buds was strong from the sour candy.
She chewed the tart treats to break them down faster, producing a vary large amounts of sticky saliva
Wondering why she was eating candy in the middle of there mutual jerk session, Jim wasn’t prepared for the volley of spit that was venting from Cami’s mouth.
He was being hit all over his face and semi clothed body, she looked like a erupting volcano shooting its lava out in the air, towards him.
He was just sitting in the chair totally stunned! but more aroused, Jim liked the feeling of beingÂcovered in Cami’s mouth honey, his rigid dick has never felt so hard!
Cami “how do you like that, you perv”!
She demanded Jim to wipe the sweet, viscous fluid from his face and apply it to his cock.
The abused man took his hand to his face with a fast swipe, cleaning the gooey residue from his forehead and placed all over his cock, working it in with a swirling motion.
“There you go fucker, now you will have enough of my lube to finish the job”! Cami yelled.
 Cami unsnapped the front of her leather vest and exposed her satiny, black water bra that pushed her beautiful tits up tight and give her young bodyÂa busty appearance, more than a girl her age should have.
The teenager’s motives thus far have been to mind fuck Jim, and to get him the most aroused he has ever been in his life. So far everything she has said or done has worked flawlessly!
Cami was loosing her kinky mind to the moment when she lowered her head over her chest, and spilled the remaining contents from her mouth on her upper body.
An excessively large pool of spit flowed from her lips reaching between her breasts, during which she kneaded the slippery expectorate in with her delicate hand, making her tits glow as if she had two clear glass bowls covering each of them
The escalading obscene actions of the girl made Jim forget how old Cami really was! (or was he)?
Jim still honoring his prick with light touches from his fingers was thinking how unusual that it was this 18 year old girl was hittingÂall the right buttons of his depravities and she wasn’t even physically touching him.
The room was silent, accept for the squishing, snapping noises made from spatter that was discharged from Cami’s mouth that anointed the both of them, and being smeared into there skin as sexual lubricant.
“How close are you to cumming?” Cami shouted!
Jim answered lethargically “very close”, his prick was spasming regularly for the past 3 minutes but stopping just short of a full orgasm heightening his impending pleasure even more.
“good, me too!” she said back to him.
Cami than commanded Jim to stand up, and straddle her left leg as she rested the rear portion of her pointed 6” heel on the backrest of the chair he previously sat on.
The week kneed man did what he was told to do.
He hovered above her sexy boot clad leg, his legs spread apart, while his dangling ball -sack touched slick, glossy red finish of the boot.
Jim was so into the moment, he couldn’t hardly keep his balance.
“Is this where you want me?” Jim asked, with the tone of a preteen girl.
Cami said with a raised voice, “yes you perv, that will your name from now on”! “ or would you liked to be called peto"! "that’s short for pedophile"! she asked?
At this point Jim didn’t care anymore, all he was interested in, was cumming!!         ÂÂ
Cami leaned her head over again oozed out about 1/2 mouthfull of frothy white juice from her mouth, she was working it hard between her cheek and teeth pushing it back and forth till she got it to be like foam.
The bubbly juice landed equally on the perverts shaft and on Cami’s boot,
Cami removed her hand from her tit and placed it onto his prick and pushed it down squarely to meet slippery surface of her pvc covered leg, forming a synthetic cunt.
“Fuck my boot-pussy you sick perv, and don’t you shoot until I tell ya too”!
As Jim slid his greasy cock in and out with slow precise movement, his young, beautiful dominatrix curled her hand lightly on his 7 inches of shaft, reserving the first inch with a much tighter grip for a more explosive orgasm.
She learned this technique and many other ways to manually stimulate a manÂfrom her mother’s how-to guide, hidden away in her closet with all of her moms other sex paraphernalia.
As Cami was now slapping her pussy in a hard steady rhythm by hand, coming to the last stretch of her well planed orgasm, she felt like she was the most powerful girl in the world, and she could control any man with her sexual potential, this adrenaline driven thought put Cami over the edge.
She removed her hand from Jim’s fuck-stick and furiously rubbed it over her overheated cunt paying close attention to her blood filled nub of skin just above her smoky opening
“OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed at the top of her voice, “LOOK AT MY EYES WHILE I CUM, YOU FUCKING PEDOPHILE!!!!!!!!!!”
Cami lost control of her body, she was acting like someone that suffers both from turrets syndrome and epilepsy at the same time.
Her adolescent frame quacked in total bliss as a unstoppable flow of female juice washed down her walls of her birth canal only to be filtered by the satiny material of her thong and eventually soaking through her jeans.
Jim didn’t take his eyes off Cami’s face for the duration of the teenagers meltdown.
Carmi’s breathing was labored due to the restrictive ness of her lower body clothes.
The feeling of her jeans being soaked through with her girl cum was enough of a trigger to send another volley of juice splashing against her panties!
Jim couldn’t get enough of what he was seeing,Âwatching her body tremble with a earth shaking orgasm that was not the cause of any physical penetration was amazing to him.

As Jim’s cock rested on Cami’s boot encased leg, he felt her orgasm inspired aftershocks starting to subside.
 Needing to release his sperm Jim resumed a slow pulling movement on his tool by hisÂhand using the generous amount of lubrication which Cami provided earlier that still frosted over the red slippery pvc material of her boot.
After her completed intense orgasm Cami’s mind started to focus on her task ofÂdemeaning the middle-aged man in front of her.
She looked up with a angry expression in her eyes“GET YOUR HAND OFF MY COCK YOU PERV” Cami screamed! “You are not to touch that dirty thing unless I give you my permission, do you understand me”?
Jim shook his head slowly in acknowledgment, and reluctantly removed his hand.
Now with the job to finish Jim off, using both hands, Cami skillfully used her fingers to manipulate his cockhead making it supersensitive by rubbing her thumb ever-so-slowly with a firm steady pressure underneath the ridge where the shining rod’s delicate head meets the shaft.
The pistoningÂmovement of her right hand. And using the wide thumbnail of her left. Cami stabbed his wide piss slit, trying to insert more of her thumbnail into its hole with each skillful stroke.
 With a steady cadence. Cami, was now finger fucking the opening of Jim’s cock causing him allot of pain!Âshe decided inserted more of her small digit up to the first knuckleÂThe thorny, sharp feeling caused Jim to scream with pleasure. he had never experienced the severe stimulation his cockhead was now receiving. the intense sensation would cause his legs to momentarily buckle from the painÂCami sensed he wouldn’t last much longer
 “Are you ready to shit out your nasty load perv”? Cami taunted!
 Jim grunted a low tone, she knew that he meant yes!
“Get up and follow me, you fucker!
Cami lead the beaten man by his cock, just like walking a dog by its leash towards his desk. the very same desk that Jim eats hisÂplain, brown sack lunch provided by his fridged wife daily. During which he stares blankly at her picture every day of his pathetic boring life!
Cami grabbed Jim’s wife’s picture off his desk, and placed it flat below his sperm laden instrument.
Positioning her shapely teenaged body directly in back of him, Cami forcefully pushed neck forward, causing Jim to lean over his desk slumped, with both his hands planted on the wooden top his position similar to getting a proctal exam from a physician.
The little 18 year old masturbatrix stared coldly into his eyes as she knelt down on the left side ofÂthe sick, sex starved man. Cami licked between her index finger and thumb. She tasted the salty remains from Jim’s pissslit while she mustering up as much spit as she could with one swipe.
Cami reached up with her soppy right handÂand pulled on his stiff tool with a downward motion, much like a farmer would use this technique to coax the morning milk from the teats of cow.
“I want you to dump useless seed on your wife’s picture as she looks up at you,” she said, “the next time your screwing her, I want you to think of what I am doing to you right now, and dream you are on top of me, sliding your valueless dick into my young, tight cunt”!
That was all Jim could take.
 Cami aimed his tool at the glass encased frame ofÂhis smiling wife’s picture and milked every inch of his spit slathered shaft until the first of many forceful excretions were spewing from the tip of his dick.
 Each volley coated the glass from which the depicted woman’s eyes peered through the semi transparent watery fluid.
Jim was in a different world, his mind narrowed on the extreme pleasure she is giving him using only her hand and verbal assaults, this splooge session will be the greatest sexual moment he will ever have in his life. Each convulsion of sperm that was speeding through his shaft gave Jim the sensation of having a incureble itch, and all he wanted his for this little tart to never stop moving her tiny hand!.
Cami, was fascinated at the force that his jizz was shooting. the sound seemed as if rain drops were hitting the bottom of a empty tin bucket, she wanted her new dominating experience to last forever, therefore slowed her slippery hand to a light delicate pace barely sliding her fingers at all.
Jim’s orgasm lasted 30 seconds, but felt a lot longer, he was exhausted!
After tremors made his once rigid body go completely limp as Cami continued to torment him further by only rubbing the hypersensitive head of his unyielding cock with her index finger. That slight movementÂcaused Jim to feel like he was in seizure .during which he Âtried his best to regain his composure.
Jim looked down at the very large mess he made. he couldn’t believe the quantity of spew he discharged on the picture. It was as if a shot glass of cream rinse was slung on her face, hair, and her left eye. Something Jim’s wife wouldn’t ever permit him to do in real life, but still this made her face look the sexiest its ever been!
Cami’s clutched fingers were cramped up, andÂwere starting to relax a bit when she straightened them out as she said. “And don’t you think you are going to clean your dirty cum off your wife’s picture you fucker!”
Jim felt ashamed becoming more self aware, realizing he was still in the “busted perpetrator position” he had seen so many times on the cop shows.
“What do you want me to do with it”? asked Jim
Cami stood up and stretched with a look of hate in her face and shouted “Your going to keep your filthy sperm on her picture as a daily reminder of what a sick, perverted pedophile you are”!
Jim was inberrased as his body felt flush.
With a flash, Cami landed a blow to his cheek with her previously well used hand,
 the powerful strike left large deposit of spit and sperm dripping from his face.
Jim looked at his reflection with disgust in the remaining clean part of glass of the picture frame, while Cami swiped her offending hand with one hard stroke on his cock to scrape off the last of the sticky, wet mixture, from Jim’s point of view it felt like she was trying to coax the last the toothpaist from the bottom of the tube.
 Cami reached for the back of his head and grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled it down. his face naturally pointed up. Jim was powerless! all he could do is stare at the ceiling tiles of his storeroom with his mouth agape. with the sticky goo Cami collected she clinched her fist capturing the treasure with her tiny hand,Âreached around, and inserted her entire hand in Jim’s mouthÂCami made sure all the runny fluid was removed from her painted fingers by scraping them off on his lower teeth
Jim never tasted sperm before, the flavor was a odd combination of bittersweet and salty, with a bleachy pungency. He couldn’t compare tangy fluid with anything he has sampled in his mouth before. The only flavor he could recognise was the lemon that was mixed in with her spit,
Jim secretly savored his erotic fluid on his tounge before swallowing once, the milky substance cleared the back of his throat and made its trek down the esophagus leaving chlorinated aftertaste in his mouth.
“If I come back here and find this picture of your wife cleaned! I will go to the cops and tell them everything that happened today! DO YOU UNDERSTAND BOOTFUCKER”? Cami barked!
Jim was defeeted, all he could do was shake his head with a up and down motion.
Cami said she collected her mom’s boots and left Jim in storeroom inbarresed and sobbing for who knows how long?
WOW! Jason sat at his seat in utter amazment! He couldn’t believe that a girl her age back then could be so sick and twisted.
But he wanted to hear more..............................


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