The pics are similar to their appearances, you imagine :).
I've read a story about a mom and a professor here so I think I should also share. Well, I'm 19 years old from the philippines and these days parents and teacher relationship are getting larger. I've always been a well-guided boy by my parents and I respect them, and I'm also close with my professor who teaches photography at a known university. My mom is a 40 year old half-chinese hottie, 5''2, D-cup sized breast, white skin, not slim nor fat and a long brownish hair. My professor is in his 30's I don't know his exact age but he is well-built, 5"8, a little chubby, white skin. They would never know each other if it wasn't for me.
I remember when we need to make a coffee book for a project and I needed help that's when my professor came to my house and showed me tricks on how I will present it to the panelists. It was all normal, my mom greeted my professor and we ate dinner along with my father.
Everything became comfortable with my parents and professor it's like he was part of the family. We played basketball or hang-out to drink on some local bars. My mom would usually wear shirts and long shorts because she is so conservative but the comfortable atmosphere gave her the reason to act normally with the professor. Now, when my professor is at our house she only wears spaghetti strap and boxers.
It was all new to me because my mom usually don't wear those with other people around but for only for months they got along like family. I was so close with my parents that I started teasing my professor and my mom, I teased my mom "You like sir _____ that's why you wanted to dress sexy(I laughed)" as my mom started to be annoyed and my teacher just smiling. I knew they were getting closer than before but it didn't bother me because they were both important to me.
In the process they became friendly to each other that sometimes my professor helps my mom in doing groceries or washing the dishes. I noticed it how they talk and how they feel so comfortable with each other.
If you want pictures of her and my professor email me:
I'm just gonna blur the face but you can see all the fun... though excuse for the ugly camera haha.
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