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Lost love's surprise


Lost Love’s Surprise  (or my lost friend is found)
My fingers were six inches away from my pillow nestled inside my lover’s hand as we rested. Her hot breath blew across my neck and down my back as I stared out the window. While I gazed at the night sky I saw it turn gray, and as the shades of red filtered in, the reasons for the choices I made over the last six months became clear. My new girlfriend was never teasing me, never tried to lead me along, or take me from the girlfriend I was seeing when we first met, but I know now that it was suppose to be. I know now that she is the one I am to love.
I first saw Michelle staring through the window while she sipped her mocha. It looked like a double tall; I thought I heard her say she wanted a quad. I never looked at her refection in the window or I might have been scared off cause a few months later she admitted to me that she was staring at me, while I looked at her. She was an oasis in a hot dry desert to.
I like women that are bigger than me; Lucy was just a little bigger but Michelle was a lot bigger. Her shoe size was the same as mine but her arms were longer her hands were bigger and she wore a extra large for a shirt size, and I only wore a medium large for a shirt, her Levi’s were thirty-eight waist by thirty-four inseam, mine are thirty-six by thirty-two and I had a little pot belly growing and some fat on my ass.
I am five nine and she had to be six two at least. I liked the way she kept the young girl look with her hair in pig tails and wearing short plaid dresses and white shirts, but she had to be all of twenty-six. As stocky as Michelle was, I figured her to be one forty one thirty, it was obvious that she spent a lot of time in the gym toning her thirty-six twenty-eight thirty-eight body, and shaping her muscles, because she was built in the arms and legs and had very little fat regardless of her sizes. Her washboard flat stomach was visible from across the street. I later found out that Michelle was a trainer at two gyms. I never had a trainer but I went to my gym two and three times a week just to keep my pot from getting bigger, but compared to Michelle I was less then a novice.
It was fate; we started coincidently running into each other at stores the deli, we liked the same restaurants and coffee shops, other times our movements just happened, like two hands playing a piano. At any rate we started to sit together on our little coffee clutches and talk just about everything or nothing just read or worked crossword puzzles. That turned out to be the trigger that caused my girl to get pissed. I knew that Lucy was jealous and for that reason I never took Michelle up on her offer to work out with her. I wanted to spend time with Michelle but Lucy wouldn’t stand for it. It was okay for her to sit, talk, and laugh with whomever she wanted to, but when I did it I was fooling around. So after a few weeks of us arguing about who we were or weren’t seeing I got sick of the double standards and broke it off.
For a short while I actually blamed Michelle for our trouble and found myself being rude and snubbing her. I was shocked when I realized that she was never at fault, and I knew then that I wanted us to be more than casual acquaintances. I started looking in all the places I knew she frequented or where I had seen her. I even went to the two gyms where she worked and all they would say was that she was booked. I needed to find her so I could make some sort of apologetic gesture, and I just wanted to find her, but she was nowhere to be found.
I was starting to think that she had moved away when I saw her sitting at her favorite table looking at me through the window and smiling. I felt my heart flutter a little and I filled with joyous relief at finely finding Michelle, my legs even turned a little rubbery. I would at least be able to make my apologetic gesture, and an excuse. When she waved at me to join her I became ecstatic and tripped over the step as I entered and again when I started to walk over to Michelle’s table after I picked up my drip coffee.
“I’m so glad to have run into you! I’ve been looking all over for you!” I said frantically as I neared the table, stumbling again over nothing but my feet.
“Well that is a change from the cold shoulder that you gave me a few weeks ago.” She sounded humorously sarcastic then warmly added, “One of the guys at my gym said some guy was looking for me, and I thought of you right off.”
She sounded so happy to see me I sort of knew that she wasn’t upset with me but I started to apologize anyway, “Well that is one of the reasons I’ve been looking for you. I want to apologize for my rude behavior the last few times we ran into each other. You see in a roundabout way I blamed you for my breakup with Lucy. I realized how wrong I was and wanted to say something to you. Like I am both sorry for blaming you and glad that I have separated from her.” I said desperately in almost one breath and then took a big swig of coffee and waited for a reply.
“Oh I knew what you were doing boys are sadly funny that way and I was not insulted by you at all. I was actually sorry to hear of the break up through our mutual friend.” Michelle said in a reassuring voice.
“A mutual friend?” I questioned.
“Lydia. The counterperson here.” Michelle pointed out as she nodded her head in the direction of the counter.
“Oh…? I did say something one day when she asked me if I was okay,” I explained. I was surprised and pleased to hear that I had been talked about in a positive context.
“So if you’ll forgive me for asking is it over between you two?” Michelle quizzed warmly.
“Oh yes…! It is over!” I replied and remarked, “She has tried to reconcile twice but I was not interested. I am still mad at myself for letting it go on as long as I did.”
“So was it more than just us?” Michelle pried with a warming interest.
“Lucy was very possessive and very double standard with… her possessiveness.” I responded and explained, “it was okay for her to talk to other people even meet them when she was out without me, but I could not talk to anybody else without being given the third degree much less meet someone else out for a simple cup of coffee, I just got fed up with her attitude.”
“So I was at fault in a round about way.” She acknowledged and smiled.
“No… no… no! It was her own guilt about her double standards. It drove a wedge between you and I and Lucy and I; any way it is done and I am glad to be free.” I said assertively.
“Free huh nobody else to take Lucy’s place?” Michele asked warmly.
“To be honest I was hoping that you might be interested in resuming our little coffee clutches? Maybe take a dinner or two with me sometime?” I shocked myself with my forwardness as I responded to her warm inquisitiveness.
“You know I was very possessive with my last boy friend. I do not like to share or be shared.” Michelle declared firmly adding, “It isn’t wise to bed down in groups or with strangers, any way I find sex much more gratifying in a one-on-one relationship. I like to know that I am the only one, and I am possessive and don’t mind being possessed to a point. How about you?” 
“I don’t mind sharing my girlfriend with another girl, but I draw the line at sharing her with another guy.” I acknowledged and added, “I find the intimacy shared in a one on one experience much more gratifying, and more so when I am confident that I am the only suitor. I don’t mind admitting to my possessiveness, and… I admit I do like to be possessed it makes me feel more wanted.”
“Why do you not mind your girlfriend taking up with another woman?” Michele asked with an alluring tone in her voice.
“I had a girlfriend Kayla a while back that was bi and wanted to have as she put it, a hard cock inside her sometimes and a dildo just didn’t do it for her. Any ways I think women have a stronger desire to please, and get more pleasure from pleasing than men do.” I said as I warmly reminisced.
“I’m bi, and you are you bi?”
“No. I have only been casually interested but hardly motivated.”
“How does that work?”
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“How is it that you are casually interested but not motivated?”
“I doubt that there are very many truly content guy men or women. The questions that always dig at me are, why are they so promiscuous? Why do they break up so many times? And why are they the largest numbers in the mate swapping clubs?” I cut my dialogue short as I felt myself climbing upon my soapbox.
“So you don’t like to share; you are not gay, and you don’t flit around, but you like to think about your girlfriend going down on another woman.” She recounted frankly then asked, “Have you ever been attracted to another man?
“Well I guess that is accurate a little oversimplified but accurate.” I affirmed then admitted, “I have never found the gay type very attractive; but I have found myself thinking of this one man I knew, he seemed so nice and I was in a mysterious way attracted to him sexually, but I…we… I wasn’t even sure he was gay, but I think I would have given in to his seduction. I like viewing lesbian pornography I find it very arousing, and to be in the same room with them and just watch is a persistent fantasy of mine.”
“You have been very revealing; I mean that fantasy about that man you knew. I don’t think you are gay just honest, I think a lot of men have those fantasies and hide them from them selves. You know Gary we have a special date coming up?” Michelle posed with a very seductive tone in her voice.
“I thought today was our special date, you know us finding each other at our favorite place. I didn’t know that we had a special date already.” I said with a puzzled look on my face.
“Yea May 5th. Last year is the day I stared at your reflection in the window.” She recalled warmly, “You kept looking away not wanting to get caught. I was relieved to see your shyness dissolve as we got to know each other.”
“A year has gone by already. Boy! The days are rushing by faster and faster aren’t they?” I said in astonishment, and then ventured, “You don’t have anyone making claims on your time do you?”
“No. Why?” Michelle laughed.
“I was thinking we could have one of those dinners and celebrate. A fancy dinner out, on me.” I exclaimed happily.
Michelle’s rustling brought me back from my reminiscent dreaming, to the bed we were now sharing, as she pulled my body tighter to hers and squeezed my flaccid shaft as she dozed. Her warm breath caused goose pimples to rise as it accumulated in my hair. I was amazed at how I still tingled from the pleasures that Michelle lavished upon me, and surprised at how good it made me feel to pleasure her the way I did. I felt new life stir in my penis when her hand stirred again pulling and squeezing it, while she slept. I remember going to sleep with her hand holding my penis and still holding it every time I woke up. Time must be standing still the sky is no lighter than it was when I started to dream. I closed my eyes and drifted back to our dinner, what a feast, for our special date, and our conversations.
“I am curious why you don’t have a boy or girlfriend now? If you’ll excuse my nosiness.” I pressed on.
“My last girl friend wanted to come back with me while I was helping Mom grieve for Dad’s passing.” She started.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know, a family lose is always hard, and a personal matter.” I interjected and tried to comfort.
“Oh don’t worry I am not close neither of my parents. I don’t hate them it is just that they nit pic me to death, or I argue with them over just about anything. I prefer that my parents think that I am celibate, rather than bi, and she wanted to change that.” Michele explained adding, “My Mom still doesn’t know and I don’t think she would adjust to it easily.”
“I think a person should know that their friend will act appropriately and respectfully. I know how parents can be about perspective friends, or mates. I didn’t want to take Lucy but she was so pushy that I took her to a dinner anyway. She didn’t embarrass me too bad but Dad knew that she was the leader, and harassed me for weeks afterward.” I remarked adding, “I think we have a similar family life. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was a teenager but my step Dad is the spitting image of my Dad. You ever see anything like that?”
“Hell yes! My girl friend from college had a boyfriend that smoked cigars and yelled at the games on TV just like my Dad would. He would ignore her flirtations even get cross at her until the game was over then maybe they would go to bed and have sex, they didn’t do it for very long either, and then they both started snoring. So when she finely dumped him she gets this girlfriend that ‘get ready for this’ smoked cigars, yelled at sports on TV, and snored. To a tee this girl matched right down to the way she imitated Groucho somebody with her cigars, and even rebuked her advances until after the game, and yes they both snored.” She related her story warmly but with tones of sarcasm.
“That is incredible.” I exclaimed.
“So you never had a bi experience?” Michele asked only very alluringly as if she thought I was hiding something.
“Oh just the curious touchiness and fondlings, and compairings that go on with kids.” I clarified.
“So if you liked a man would go down on him?” she pressed.
“I suppose that would depend entirely on how we felt as a couple. I have never had any persistent fantasies involving males.” I answered as sincerely as I could and asked, “Would that change anything between us?”
“No. If we were going together Gary I would be hurt if you left me for another man.” She sighed and continued, “You sounded like you missed… Kayla was it?”
“Yes…Yes I miss her sometimes.” I said sadly.
“What do you miss most about her Gary?” Michele pressed on.
“Honestly?” I stressed.
“Yes! Now I am intrigued I want a honest answer.” She said smiling broadly.
“She could give head. She gave meaning to the term art form to the act of oral sex. Like you; I bet you do really good at oral sex, and you do it because you want to, not because you think you should. Well Kayla liked to get me to…” I paused as I searched for the right word.
“Cum!” Michelle interjected.
“Yes…!” I exploded then calmed as Michelle put her hand on mine and continued, “So I would try to get her to cum on my face and at least pleasure her that way and not because I felt I had to either; I wanted to. If she were a man I would have gone down on her because I liked her and would have let her cum in my mouth just like she did for me.”
“My! You still feel strongly about her. Why don’t you try to get back with her?” Michelle asked.
“We kept in touch for a while. The last two letters I received from her were to let me know she was in love with another woman and the second one was to let me know they were still going strong, and that was almost two years ago. I hope her girlfriend really pops her cork. I am happy for her, really…” I replied with conviction and warmth then pried, “And you; what about your last girl friend, what do you miss about her?”
“I would say the one thing or the part of our relationship I miss is her eager receptiveness to my pleasuring. She could get wet and was always trying to pleasure me.” She replied smiling as she mused on a fond memory or two.
“And why haven’t you reconciled with her?” I challenged.
“She was and is an exhibitionist.” Michelle started, “She was really into exhibitionism; and me, I think what a couple share should be kept to them selves, unless the two of them want to like Lanai and her new friend. They did finely get into some legal snafu over public lewdness. I’m sorry she got busted, and I’m happy she found someone else to be with.”
“I did like feeling her up in the movies though, she could ‘cum’ at the movies and the way she kept it so quiet you couldn’t tell unless you had your finger inside her. I admit I did find that very arousing, and we both left the seats wet.” She told the story so sweetly, and when it was over she just sat there looking at me for a while. We were there for three hours eating, drinking, and laughing totally oblivious to the crowd as we told our stories.
We sat there for several minutes just quietly enjoying our silence after hours of yakking away and laughing. My gaze strayed to her mouth and as I was looking at her lips I felt my penis turn hard. I pulled my eyes back to look at her face and her forehead was reddening and a blush was on her cheeks, and I could see veins in her temples. I thought to myself our thoughts are the same? My penis relaxed a little and I felt some juice trickling down my thigh as I sat.
“I have an idea!” Michelle exclaimed, “Lets go to your place…” she paused a broad grin beamed as she looked around took my hand gently then whispered, “lets go to your place I want to suck your cock, and get your cum in my mouth.” Then she giggled impishly and held my hand.
I was stunned my heart was pounding in my throat as she sat back, her fingers still holding my fingers. I could see her large nipples bristling under her blouse. I thought my god they are huge, and how my mouth turned pasty as I thirsted to suckle them. Then as I struggled to speak only the embarrassing stammers and stutters came out at first and then finely the words came, “I would like you to come over very much.” I said softly then waved for the check with my free hand.
As I reached for the trey Michelle put her hand on mine saying, “Let me treat.” Then asked, “you won’t be offended will you? I want to treat you to this dinner, as celebration of a renewed friendship and the beginning of a new relationship. What do you say?”
“I say fine. How could I refuse such a nice offer?” I agreed smiling; my hand still tingled from her warm touch. I marveled at how much bigger her hand was compared to mine her big boned body gave her a powerful look, and she was lean. Most of the women I have known that had a bone structure as Michelle’s were plump even fat, and some were very attractive, but the meat on Michelle was toned muscle, tempered with a soft plumpness, giving her body a very powerful look that I found to be enthralling.
“The cab is mine too. I think we have both taken too many turns at pouring the wine.” Michelle suggested.
I sat there and realized I was a little woozy from the wine. I felt myself becoming eager as I watched as she paid the tab and asked the waiter to order our cab. We sat there making faces at each other and giggling like kids telling dirty stories. Then the waiter walked to our table and told me that our cab was here, and helped Michelle with her coat and ushered us to the door.
She at least let me open and close the doors for her. As I settled into the cab’s seat I tried to remember if there were any side glances from our waiter and I don’t think there were any, he was much too professional.
Then the words of the cabbie filtered in, “Where to.” I was at a loss for words and looked at Michelle.
“Your place we said.” Michelle reminded as she snuggled to my chin.
I remember stuttering at first then firmly gave him the address again, and put my nose into her hair and drank in her scent thinking how sweet she smells with no perfumes to hide it, and so warm to the touch. I felt her warmth radiating from her hand as Michelle gently slid it up and down my thigh getting close but not touching my penis.
We did the twenty minute cab ride quietly her nose under my chin and mine in her hair. Her hand softly squeezed my inner thigh teasingly; my penis swelled again only this time I ached in my groin. It felt like the first time I was making out at the drive-in; we all knew that it wasn’t going to go anywhere but we kept doing it any way. I have always wondered if the girls ached like we did. All these years and I never thought to ask any of my older girlfriends.
As we neared the end of our cab ride I asked, “You ever make out in the backseat at the drive-in?”
“Yes. Why?” Michelle answered with a surprised look on her face.
“Did you ever ache inside afterward?”
“I’m not the one to ask. I always stopped the fumblings before they went too far. Going to the drive-in with boys was never more than an excuse to get out of the house to me. I do have a friend we can call if you really want an answer. What made you think of that now?” She teasingly replied and taunted me asking, “You want me to call my friend tonight?”
“No. It is a little late for calling anyone. Its just that I want you so much that I ache.” I cajoled as the cab stopped.
“We’re here,” the cabbie said as he slid the divider open just enough to get the card from Michelle.
She looked at me as she handed him the card and whispered, “I will take good care of your… ache.”
It seemed as though I had no weight as we walked up the two flights of stairs, yet at the top I still felt dizzy and winded as I fumbled for my keys.
“Are you alright?” Michelle asked with just a hint of nervousness in her voice.
“I’m okay. I can’t seem to find my keys!” I said noticeably nervous as I fumbled in every pocket three or four times each, then with frustration ringing in my voice, “I can’t find my keys! They are gone!”
Then with a single dip into my right hand coat pocket Michelle came up with my keys and offered, “You want me to open the door for you?” She asked warmly, but still a taste of teasing in her voice.
“It’s the key with dirty red tape on it.” I said as I surrendered and stepped aside.
As she stepped passed me she stopped and with both hands cupped my face and kissed me, as my mouth gaped her tongue slithered in filling my mouth, the size of Michelle’s tongue was astonishing as it reached to the back of my throat. My breath puffed passed the seal of our lips as I gasped. As she pulled her tongue out she sucked in my lower lip and bit it firmly. With one hand to my face she turned and found the lock. It took both hands to jimmy the door, and so skillfully too, like she had a sticky door her self. As we walked in I was still dizzy and excited, nervous and aroused. My penis and testicles felt swollen, warm, and tingled with electricity. 
I followed close behind her as she walked in, “What no lights left on?” she noted.
 “I usually do I was in such a rush that I forgot.” I excused myself, “Here let me walk around. Now it is just a bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen nothing fancy.” I described then turned the lights on.
“Well at least you don’t clutter, and you do some cleaning.” She noted adding, “The dishes are done too. Did you do a whirlwind cleanup Gary?”
“No I try not to clutter, and if the dishes go too long they start to smell.” I explained.
“Where is the bathroom? I need to go pee.” She exclaimed.
“The open door to the right.” I directed.
“Oohh…! You left the seat down.” She sang as she entered and asked, “Gary. Do you pee sitting?”
“No I took a dump last time there, but I clean the bathroom regularly.” I said and noted, “I always thought a woman would rather find the seat up in a mans house.”
“We like to think that they care enough to lift it first then put it back down when they’ve finished, but I am not as adamant about the seat as some of my feminine associates are.” She said as she smiled then closed the door behind her.
The shrill tweeting of a few birds woke me briefly and through my half opened eyes I could see the morning rays streaking the cloudy sky. Lighting their rough edges and giving a reddish hue to their awesome darkness. It is going to rain today I thought as I slid my hand to her elbow, and drifted to sleep again feeling her stir, moving her hot body closer again; matching her thighs to mine, the arc of her body matched mine. As my eyes started to close I felt so warm and safe wrapped in her embrace it felt like we were one body.
“You have some nice towels.” She commented as she entered the living room, “You need to go?”
“Yes the wine and your arousing kiss caused the pressure to build.”
I remember standing there for what seemed a lifetime before the toilet made a quiet involuntary flush and then I started to pee. I guess the sound of the water triggered my flow. As I walked through the door I saw Michele sitting on the footstool patting the chair and smiling at me.
She asked as I sat, “Do you need to do a lot of kissing first to enjoy sex?”
“I like to kiss, but Michelle if you want you may have your way with me.” My voice trailed off as she squeezed my penis with one hand and she undid my zipper and snap then slipped my pants down just enough to free my penis and scrotum.
Michelle looked at me and said, “I’m not ready to have sex with you yet, but Gary I do want… to pleasure you.”
“I am fine with what ever you are willing to give and I will give only what you are willing to receive.” I assured her. I let out a strained sigh as she milked the length of my hardening shaft, and sucked my gland into her mouth. I felt my juices weeping into her mouth right away.
She looked up and smiled, “You get really wet. How long has it been for you?”
“Several weeks, since I broke up with Lucy.” My voice trembled as I talked.
“Don’t you masturbate Gary?” Michelle asked in surprise.
“I started to a couple of times but I went to sleep before I really got going and honestly the urges haven’t been that strong. You don’t have to swallow it all if there is too much.” I let her know.
“Gary I can, and will take it all.” She proudly boasted.
With that said my penis vanished into her mouth and her tongue danced over my scrotum as it was being cupped in her hand. I felt her throat closing on my gland as it slid down and back up resting on the heel of her tongue. I could feel every little node on her tongue as she rubbed my gland with it. I felt my thick juices coating its rough surface and then in it would slide in until her chin pressed against my scrotum.
The noises Michelle made; the gurgling and quiet grunting as she slurped and swallowed my juices, and the stifled gags as she slid the length into her throat. The loud sighing as she let it pop out of her mouth so she could breathe.
She looked up again and asked, “You want to feel something really… really wet.”
“Yes!” I knew Michelle was going to let me feel her vagina.
“Okay now close your eyes Gary, and promise not to open them.”
“I promise not to look.” I eagerly obeyed. I was brimming with curiosity, what was she hiding. I thought a colostomy bag maybe or a deformity that she was still embarrassed by. I heard her stand and the rustling of her dress as she lifted it. I could smell her wetness right away, hot tea was the first thought to liken her scent to. I felt her take my fingers and slide them up her leg. The first part was sticky with sweat but as she slid them farther up I felt her smooth silky wetness on the inside of her thigh and then right into her vagina. I could feel her vaginal muscles gripping my fingers and her clitoris as it pulsed between my fingers and she felt so hot to the touch. As she worked them inside I felt my forehead flush hot and sweat form on my brow. I felt her warm juices slickening the palm of my hand and drip from my knuckles. I heard a loud sigh and she dropped my hand and sat back down between my legs.
“You ready to cum now Gary.” She asked coyly as she grinned, and gazed at me with her dark eyes.
“I am yours.” I affirmed as I put my fingers to my nose and drank in her scent. I thought how much her scent was like strong hot black tea, and so sweet to the taste as I sucked her juice from my fingers. I closed my eyes as a frenzy of feelings raced through me.
She wrapped the fingers of both hands and started sucking my gland like it was a straw. She milked the full length of my saliva slickened shaft with her hands. Then she spit into one hand and rubbed my anus with our thick juices, and in slipped her finger. My muscles gripped it tightly as they spasmed from the sensual surprise. As they relaxed she slowly worked it in and out and back and forth.
Michelle knew exactly what she was doing she found a sensitive spot in there I did not know I had. Then in slid a second finger, my breath rushed from my mouth and the muscles surrounding my bowels quivered with delight, and my precum flowed into her mouth, as she pressed that spot with both fingers. I had sweat forming on my brow as I entwined my fingers in her hair, and pulled her head down and she let my penis slip into her mouth and down her throat. Again and again I pushed my shaft into her throat and just as I stiffened she spit it out.
“You let me make you cum.” Michelle plead.
I loosened my grip on her hair and she resumed working her fingers inside me, and working her thumb on my urethra at the base of my penis. I felt my juices flowing into her mouth as she worked her wonderful tongue on my gland. I listened as she sucked and swallowed my juices.
I could feel her pressing turn into wriggling inside me on that spot inside my rectum and at the base of my urethra her thumb started to massage it with quick short strokes. I gasped as all of my muscles tensed and a surge of sperm splashed from her mouth. I felt the anal muscles spasming around her fingers as she swallowed my shaft with my sperm gushing from it. I was cumming right into her throat. The her head bobbed up and she pinched my opening closed as she took it out and caught her breath, then she took just my gland and started sucking it like a straw again. I heard her quietly moaning as she swallowed my sperm.
I sat there moaning and panting as she continued to milk the length of my softening shaft. She stopped moving and just sat there with my penis in the back of her mouth. It turned flaccid and my heart stopped pounding in my ears, but her fingers were still sliding along that sensitive place inside me, now it felt longer than I remember it being. I really liked what she was doing inside me so much I felt my penis turning hard again.
As it turned rigid Michelle gathered my soft skin behind my gland. And with short quick strokes of her hand and her persistent sucking made my heart start to throb and my breath to race again and as my muscles started squeezing her fingers again she coaxed another orgasm, and this time swallowed every drop of my sperm. I went limp all over just as my penis did this time, I was spent and Michelle knew it.
We sat there in my chair for a long time resting I know Michelle wasn’t spent but I was. I was also on my way to catching my second wind when Michele stood up.
“You can have me if you want. I think we are ready. Do you?” She sounded so warm yet detached.
“Oh Michelle if you feel okay with me touching you so intimately, I will try to make it good for you.” I warmly assured.
“I know you will.” She said as she stood back, “You can always look at this as a prize,” and she dropped her dress.
I had to look like an idiot as I sat there gaping, my words sticking in my throat.
Suddenly she shouted, “Oh! Gary! You don’t half to look so damned disappointed! Shit!” as she scurried gathering her dress back up.
“No…! Wait!” I stammered then shouted, “Michelle! Please wait… listen…! Will you!” I shouted and paused to see if she would respond and stop her rushing. As she stood there half clutching her dress around her with a tear in one eye I went on, “I’m not disappointed that you have a penis I swear! I’m disappointed that my girlfriend’s dick is bigger than mine! I still want you!”
I watched as both eyes filled with tears and a smile spanned her face. As Michelle stood she let her dress fall, and lifted her top off and stood before me naked. I was frightened and drawn at the same time. I was stunned to see a very beautiful woman with full sized breasts and nipples that are unmistakably feminine. I know that she has a very warm and wet vagina because I put my fingers in it. And now to look at her penis, and watch it turn hard, and its dripping tip glisteningly wet from her precum. I find myself confused by my thirsting for it, how my throat has turned pasty, and I trembled inside; I was as hungry for Michelle’s penis as I was for her vaginal lips.
“I want you… come here.” I sounded weak as my voice was stopping half way out of my throat then whispered, “Please!” and watched as she walked to me and cupped my face with her hands. My mouth filled with saliva as I sucked her gland into my mouth, it dribbled passed my lips. I thought how sweet her soft meat tastes, and I started moaning as if a terrible thirst was being quenched as I swallowed. I felt her body tremble in response to my sucking and milking her hardening shaft. I felt it flash rigid as my fingers found their way into her vagina, and my mouth filled with her juices. I sensed the change in their taste as they turned thick and coated my mouth. I felt my penis turn hard again, and my face burned as I pushed her penis into the back of my throat.
Briefly her grip tightened on my hair then as quickly she pulled her cock from my mouth then she climbed onto my chair straddling me and rubbed her hot juices on my hard penis and slipped my gland into her vagina without using her hands. Her vagina was so tight as I slipped into it I could feel her heart beating inside it. Then slowly she started lifting and dropping as she worked my penis deeper inside her and after my length was inside her she kissed softly at first then harder she coaxed my mouth open with her finger and slid her tongue into my mouth. I felt her hot breath gust from her nose and mouth as she kissed me. Her juices ran from her vagina between my legs and pooled under my fanny on the seat cushion, and her warm juices seeped from her penis and slickened my belly.
I knew Michelle was about to cum as she was taking longer strokes, her whole body was sweated and she was trembling. Then her vaginal muscles gripped me as they spasmed a loud sigh passed her mouth and then she groaned and her hot sperm gushed from her penis and splashed across my face and squirted over my chest and belly then squished between our legs. As the two of us sat there quietly I could feel her vaginal muscles squeezing my penis and then another surge of semen would spill from her gland. I hadn’t climaxed yet but I wasn’t worried it felt good just to be inside her feeling her vaginal juices weeping and mixing with her sperm. Michelle covered part of my chest and belly with her sperm or what ever it was that she ejaculated during her orgasm; it was so hot as it spilled onto me.
“Is it okay for me to sleep here?” She murmured.
“Let’s go to bed I want to sleep with you!” Michelle cooed.
I was still hard as I pulled my penis from her vagina she kissed it and asked, “You need to cum again right now?”
“No I’m fine it doesn’t hurt I can wait. See.” I said as I pointed, “it has already started to soften.”
“I will get him hard again later.” Michelle assured.
As we walked into my bedroom I asked, “Michelle is it…do you want me to suck your penis again I mean I want to?”
“Well yea sure, but I still have a lot of my sperm in the canal.” She cautioned.
“That is okay I like the taste and I want to try to drink some of it.” I assured then asked, “Is it real sperm? Can you get a girl pregnant?”
“Yes and yes. I have gotten two of my girlfriends pregnant. And no I don’t have any children.” Michelle answered warmly.
“I have never seen so much sperm.” I exclaimed as I caught my breath, “Where are your testicles?”
“I my testicles are next to my two ovaries.” She explained adding, “My fallopian tubes are entwined with my spermatic cords and they all empty into my urethra at the same point, so when I ovulate I eject my ovum with my sperm or when I pee.”
I sucked her gland into my mouth. As drank her thick sperm I felt my stomach wrench from a few small gags, I stopped long enough to catch my breath and ask, “Have you ever gotten yourself pregnant?”
Michelle’s voice was shaky as she answered, “I have only a vaginal canal no cervix or uterus, and I do not produce the necessary enzymes for the sperm cell to enter the ovum.”
I leaned back to watch her juices seeping out as I milked her rigid shaft and marveled at how much her seminal fluid looked like my own and asked, “Do you get more amorous when you ovulate?”
 She shuddered as I slipped her penis back into my mouth She turned quiet as her penis turned hard again and she moved her hips back and forth slightly matching the movements of my head.
Michelle tangled her fingers in my hair and pushed her penis into the back of my mouth just far enough to tickle my gag reflex and answered with a voice trembling from desperation, “Yes sometimes it depends on whom I am with and how I feel about them. When I awoke this morning I knew I had been ovulating because, I was dizzy with desire and my penis was so hard it hurt and like now being with you makes me want to cum and cum, you know if you keep doing what you are doing I will cum in your mouth.”
I looked up and holding her gland against my cheek I said, “I want you to cum and cum and cum.” I sucked the head back into my mouth, and she pushed it in until I gagged then backed it out just a bit.
Again she turned quiet as I steadily massaged her gland with my mouth and shaft with my two hands. I knew she was close to cumming by how her penis throbbed in my hand and by how much of her hot juice was flowing into my mouth. Michelle started gasping and moaning loudly and gripping my head tightly and her sperm splashed from my mouth and ran down my cheeks and throat. I tried to swallow as much as I could but so much spewed out so fast that most of it ran down my chin and onto my belly. As the gushing turned to a slow trickle I thought how hot her sperm was, and how sweet it tasted, and how smooth it felt as I swallowed it. Suddenly I was wracked with by gagging heaves and coughs.
“You went too deep too fast, and swallowed too much.” Michelle calmed assuringly then cajoled, “You made me cum really good! You made me feel really good, you did really good, come on lets lay down for a while and rest.” She warmly coaxed.
As we lay down I felt her slip her dick between my legs. It was still really hard and semen was still weeping when I reached down and held it then I asked, “You are still hungry aren’t you, and want to put it inside me don’t you?”
“Yes…Yes I am.” She whispered and warmly and quietly vowed, “Yes… I do. I do want you. I will take it easy.” Michelle assured me.
“It is going to hurt isn’t it?” I asked in a shaky voice, as I knew it was going to hurt but still I wanted her to put it inside me.
“Yes it will… at first. I will be as gentle as I can. It will gradually start to feel good.” She quietly consoled and asked, “Do you have some lubricant?”
“Yes. It is in the bathroom I will go get it, I have to pee anyway.” I said as I got up trembling from uncertainty. My stream was restricted but steady as I finished I felt a quiver of anticipation in my stomach and a warm feeling wash over me as I walked back to my room. There she was sitting up on her knees smiling warmly and patting the bed next to her where she wanted me to lay down.
“Here lay down face down.” She directed softly.
I could here urgency in her voice like she really wanted me and when I asked, “Is it me or just my virginity you want?” I was gazing at her erect penis bobbing as she talked.
“I want you… and your virginity to be mine.” She whispered.
As I lay down she poured some lubricant on my anus and worked it in with her fingers, then covered my penis and scrotum with a liberal amount. Then coaxed me on my side poured some into my hand then said as she slipped her hard penis between my legs, “I want you to rub my head with penis.” So for a few minutes I rubbed our two penises together until I started to get hard then her hand joined mine.
“I think it might be easier if I were half on the floor and half on the bed.” I suggested. I was being swept away by my thirst for Michelle and my desire to make it good for her.
“You are right it will be easier to start with.” Michelle agreed then persuaded, “I just thought you would feel more at ease laying down.”
So we slowly shifted our knees to the floor and I lay across the top of the bed. Michelle started to massage my penis with one hand rubbing her gland between my cheeks with the other. She was so hard and I was so lubed up it slipped right in when she pushed. My heart started pounding in my ears and the both of us were sweating.
Michelle moved her mouth to my ear and whispered, “I want you to grunt hard and try to push me out when you feel me pushing in and when I say to suck it in, you suck it in okay?”
“Will it help?” I said weakly. My heart was racing and my penis and testis were tingling. I could feel my precum seeping from my half hard penis.
“Yes. That will help me enter you” She whispered and kissed my ear and nibbled the lobe and pushed her penis firmly into my anus. I ached as I grunted straining to push her penis out of me yet it slipped in a little each time she would bear down. Then she hissed ‘now’ as I sucked in my anus in, her big dick slipped inward till I spasmed from the terrible pain.
“Ouwach…!” I groaned and shouted, “Stop…! Take it out…! Oh! It hurts it really…really hurts! Oh! Please stop it hurts!”
 The excruciating pain was causing me to beg her to stop and take it out. My bowels reacted with involuntary grunting trying even harder to expel her once she was partway inside me. I bucked underneath her to work my way out from under her but she held me firmly in place with one arm around my waist and one pushing me to the bed. Each time my spasms relaxed she shoved it in farther until she was all the way in.
“Shh… Ssshhh I’m in you… Ssshhh its in… Ssshhh, baby… I’m in you now… Ssshhh, baby…” Michelle calmed and I felt my muscles responding to her shushing as if I were opening up.
Even with my eyes filling with tears from the hurt I started loving her penis as it moved inside me, it still hurt as she slid it in and out of me but it felt good too. I loved her tender kisses to my ear and neck. Then she started working its full length inside me taking long slow thrusts. As Michelle drove her cock into me I felt my juices spilling from my penis into Michelle’s hand.
As I started moving into her thrusts my bowels would strain against her inward motion, and I felt like I was having little orgasms as she withdrew it. She kept it inside me like a man would to a woman as she worked it in and out. I could feel our juices trickling down my legs as she coaxed me to my feet. My whole body was burning; the room was spinning, my legs were weak, and my anus was rhythmically gripping and releasing her penis.
“Oh…! Michelle this feels so wonderful…!” I purred as I leaned back into her arms. I closed my eyes and felt her slick precum leaking from her gland and lubricate her rigid shaft as it oozed down allowing it to slip freely inside me no mater how tightly my muscles gripped at it.
I felt Michelle’s grip tighten around my waist as my legs turned to rubber, and her pistonning never slowed, all of my muscles in my stomach and bowels were constricting spasmodically, my breath caught in my throat as I tried to speak. The two of us slipped to the floor and as I lay across the foot of the bed I felt Michelle cup my semi hard penis in her hand and press it to my stomach. I gasped loudly as my semen spewed onto my belly and pooled on the bed under me while Michelle’s persistent motion inside me slowed then stopped.
“Lets work our way into bed.” She whispered and coaxed me off the floor with tender nudging.
“Oh Michelle this feels so wonderful in a strange nice way. I never dreamed a man could cum this way.” I sighed as we shuffled onto the top of the bed. I was so weak from my orgasm yet I managed to wriggle and shift with Michelle still pistonning inside me. My sperm was just leaking out in a small but constant flow.
“Stop! Be very still!” Michelle ordered then held her breath.
So I paused there motionless on my hands and knees, I felt her penis pulsing wildly inside me and I felt my bowels being filled with her hot thick cum. I knew by Michelle’s gusting breaths that we didn’t stop soon enough, and she was cumming. She just held it still deep inside me and let her cum flow into me. When we lay down I could feel her semen sloshing around inside me as we shifted to our sides then we covered ourselves up with the blankets a few minutes later. As I lay on my side I felt her penis turn flaccid then grow hard and throb inside me, then turn soft again.
I was awakened from my dream again to Michelle’s tender kisses on my ear and neck. My penis had swelled and turned rigid in her hand like Michelle’s penis was inside my bowels. I know I was sleeping but for how long I was unsure I just knew I loved what was happening to me. I felt my muscles squeezing her penis as it pistoned inside. I felt her hot breath blowing on my neck and her sperm sloshing inside me as she coaxed me to lie onto my belly. Her penis slipped so far in it pushed her semen out and it hurt me again deep inside my stomach.
I bucked my buttocks up from the pain and tried to wriggle from underneath her, but Michelle wrapped her arms around my waist and pushing me to the bed with her chest, positioning me firmly underneath her with her penis deep inside me. She pulled it out a little and started making long fast thrusts into my bowels. She began gasping loudly as she neared another orgasm. I could hear her sperm sloshing and feel its smooth wetness as Michelle’s penis pistoned inside me. Then her thrusting became spasmodic, and her breath gust from her mouth and then her hot sperm exploded into me. I could feel her cock flexing and squirting her hot cum into me as she grunted, and struggled for breath. I felt her sperm flowing out and squishing between us and down over my scrotum as her penis thrusted inward. With one last thrust she pushed it in deep and gasped, I could feel her sperm welling up inside then spill out, and then she dropped to my back, limp.
We lay there quietly I felt Michelle’s penis turn flaccid inside me while mine turned hard again from her massaging. I could feel her sperm as it seeped out passed her penis as she pressed her body tighter to me. I pushed myself up on my knees slightly as I neared another orgasm. Michelle scooped her semen from my scrotum and rubbed it on my turgid shaft then started taking longer and faster strokes and made me cum again. It felt so strangely good, my rectal muscles squeezing her penis as I orgasmed. My sperm didn’t start to flow out until I relaxed from my orgasm, then it spilled out onto her hand.
It was so clear to me as I watched the sky turn red from the sun, and the bright red outlines of the angry storm clouds racing by the window, how we meet people for a reason, and how our choices effect change in our lives, and either lead us to more and a better set of choices or to the bleaker choice of the lesser of the two evils. I almost made a mistake by stubbornly standing by a poor relationship. I was glad to
have never had a gay experience and doubly glad that my first time was with Michelle.
As I started to drift off to sleep again I squeezed Michelle’s hand and asked, “Do you want to come back here again?”
“Yes I do very much.” She sighed dreamily.
End chp.1
If you liked this story I would like to hear from you I had fun writing it and hope you had as much fun reading it. Send constructive comments to [email protected] or [email protected]