ÂShelly was always the outcast in school. Kids in the hall wouldn't even look twice at her, especially the boys. She didn't know how it feels to have a boys lips touch hers, her small body caressed, softly moaning as an erect penis enters her soft, wet virgin pussy. She dreamt of the day she would lose her virginity, though she didn't think it would ever happen.
            ÂShe woke up Monday morning, dreading getting out off bed and having to face those assholes at school. She got out of bed and took off her pajamas, looking at her naked body in her full-length mirror. She thought she had a cute body. Nice smooth legs, flat tummy, B-cup breasts. Why didn't boys like her? She grabbed a pair of tight jeans, a t-shirt, and a white lace bra with matching thong from her closet and got dressed. She went into the bathroom and pulled her hair up in a tight ponytail, put on a small amount of make up, and brushed her teeth, then looked in the mirror again. She rolled her eyes, grabbed her backpack, and ran outside, just catching the bus. She grabbed the front seat by herself, as she did everyday. All of a sudden, Mike Johnson, the boy every girl wanted, was sitting next to her. Shelly looked at him, with a puzzled expression on her face, and asked him, "What do you want?" He laughed, seeing the look of confusion on her face. "I just wanna talk. " "Ha! Why would you wanna talk to me?", she asked him.
                 At the end of the school day, Shelly was grabbing her things from her locker.
               Â"Sweetheart, we're leaving!", Shelly's mom yelled up the staircase. Shelly yelled back, "Okay mom! Have fun!" Shelly's dad grabbed on to her mother's waist and whispered in her ear, "Oh, we will alright. " Her mom giggled, and Shelly listened closely to hear the door shut. When it slammed shut, Shelly smiled and turned on her stereo,ÂGreen Day blasting out of the stereo. She went down to her living room, jumping around and belting out the words to "When I Come Around", when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped, startled, and turned around to find Mike standing 2 feet in front of her. "What the fuck are you doing here?", she yelled over the music. "I came to see you!", he yelled back.
             They talked for what seemed like hours about nonsense. Shelly laid down and said to Mike, "You know, it's getting late.
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