Hi, I used to have an account here but after so many disapointment with fake reviews that I didn't use it for a long time and has been deleted. Anyway back from Europe a few days ago with Euros in my pocket I could have done some shopping but I prefered to have much more fun. I didn't even notice Anabel's profile. Why? Because at this time I think there was only Photoshoped picture, no review and the list of services/extras was too long to be true... So I wanted to book a girl but she was not in Taksim so the agency proposed me an appointment with Anabel. I met here a first time yesterday for 30 minutes and today for an hour. I have experience with escort but I didn't meet so much girls like Anabel. I met some girls looking like fashion models but so bored that they just want you to come fast, massage during the intercoursse so we don't have to speak and bye. Some girls 10 years older at least compared to their photos. Anabel is young (the 1st photo was taken this week according to her underwears), smiley and so natural that you could even think she's innocent. But on the other hand I think she provides all the services listed here in a very natural way. Good communication with agency, a smilling girl from the start untill the end and of course great sex. I think she won't come back to Istanbul and will leave soon so it's up to you guys...
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