I haven't been writing reviews for a long time, but I wanted to write about Erika. She is like a wild cat, if you rub her in the correct way she will definitely please you. If you like petite, small girls, you should give it a try.
She's one of the girls that I'd definitely want to see again. One word to the agencies : Why the hell do you put too much make-up in the pictures?? She is MUCH MUCH more beautiful than the pictures provided here.
I met Lalli as an accident actually because the agency send me to the wrong room. But I was quite happy to find out that she was a cute person, and she also does great BJ and the sex was more than average. She had a nice body, and she was quite talkitive and smart person, but always senses when you are ready for the next round and doesn't wait for you. thank you for the great time.
As for look she may not be everybody's type, but she is extremely positive, always smiling, always trying to please you. I had a great time with her, and it was one of the rare girls that you really see that she is also enjoying, not pretending. Her english was very good, and you can have a perfect GFE with her. Also she laughs like a cartoon character :)
I know I've written this a lot, but she was one of the best experiences I have had. I can easily say she can be in the top 3 for me. She was very intelligent, fluent english, she was eager to please me.BJ was great, in the short spine of time we had many positions which she was very harmonious. I really had great time with her, thnx! Her hair is short, not like in the pictures, but suited her better I think. One note to the agencies : Why do you make too much make up and photoshop in the pictures? Her naturel beauty was much better than in the pictures. When you look at the pics, she seems a bit cold, but on the contrary, she was very hot and satisfying. I would definitely reccomend her.
I'll start with negative : Although it says CIM is possible, and I've confirmed it again while booking, she does not do CIM. Also her english was not good, but we managed via the translater on her ipad. If you put it aside, the rest was perfect for me. If you have a taste for small, petite girls, she'll do. She was lovely, responsive, perfect GFE. I'd reccomend her, if you are up for slim girls.
She is cute, a bit more overweight than the pictures but not much. But she is very friendly, good for GFE, she is also very clever and she has very good communications skills. I'll recomend her.
The best girl I've been so far, she is much cuter than her pictures, and the BJ is mindblowing! Lots of eye contact, and real pornstar experience. Boobs are not natural, but unless you ask you can noot see it as there is no mark. I'll definitely visit her again if we are in the same city again.
Very social, very god english, great communication skill, she will make you relax even you are shy. Great BJ, great sex, I had a wonderfull time with her, I'll definitely reccomend her.
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