Not the girl in photo, but Sabrina is a pretty lady. Was easy to make the booking. She came to my apartment, was very friendly and the communication was good. Sex was good and enjoyed it, she tried her best to please me. She is not GFE experience type, more pure sex type which was what I wanted. The only negative point is that when we get in bed, she said BJ without condom is extra, but other than that was a good experience.
Kara is very beautiful, amazing body, (even more amazing breasts!!) great personality. One of my best experiences! Very skilled performance (GFE mixed with a little PSE) in sex, and sheâs easy to talk with. We started in shower followed by a mind-blowing BJ and finished with doggy, could not resist grabbing her ass and came hard. I had good time and i will visit her again next time I'm in Cyprus. Thank you baby
Thanks! Kiss u Love see u soon
Everything about this meeting was perfect. Laura is a very attractive lady with a lovely body. She provides the best GFE experience and I had great conversations with her and drank white wine. She is also very clean and very friendly and greets you with a big smile! AMAZING in bed, she was my teacher for 3 hours. Thank you daragusha for the great memories!!
This woman is a real beauty! Went to Ibiza on my birthday with some friends and organised to meet her at my hotel. She even came with whipped cream
Nur Erwachsene!
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