I have to say that the negatively inclining reviews on here must be either out of spite, fake or of some other agencies that would see this lovely girl as competition (as they should) because as for myself I have been more than satisfied! Sure, given my english and too fast talking habbit we had used the phone translator at some points while chatting, but she was always trying her best + even some of my friends are having trouble to fully understand me in my native language, so this is in no way her fault at all! And as for the service? Amazing. Never ever have I had a girl that was able to coordinate the mout work together with a hand work as well as she did. The cum in mouth was just a cherry on top. And if some of the reviews were along the lines of her being eager to speed up or rush things then I would advice those to think about their approach first because I had exactly the opposite thoughts all the way through. I highly recommend and wish all the best to her!
Thank you for your comment. You're right, I have some negative reviews. I honestly can't figure out where they came from. I always strive to do my job efficiently. I will always be happy to welcome all positive guests and will try to give even more pleasure. take care of yourself)
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