Dear Erika, In fact I wanted to know who is right...the mr. Garbage or you? Short story: Ericnap or garbageman is a total fake. I think he does not like your success.he is a jalouse twat and every real man who "really" visits you will be able to confirm this right away! About you Erika.the truth is that you are amazing, great personality, wonderfull body, face, eyes and you're very well articulated, clever and intelligent (both IQ and EQ). Truely, I think you should be only available to the highest standards, exclusive environments with people who will value you with their gratitude and genorous money. You would fit in any official event, concert, party and journey. And who know' always meet twice in this case I'm already looking forward!! Wish you soo much good luck and may life smile on you!! Best greetings and hugs and kisses, John-D
Thank you my dear! I appreciate. Kisses
She is the most wonderful personality. Greatly articulated, streight mind, most beautyful body and she can make you feel real again. She deserves the best on earth and I hope that life will smile on her! Thank "you" soo much for each second you shared with me. I truely hope to see you again. Greetings, John D PS: in real she looks much better and even more sexy than on the pictures. You will be greatly surprized!! PS2: Because the system doesnt give you the option "don't know" with regard to CUMSHOT I a swered "No".but in fact I do not please ask first politely!
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