Very nice lady with a beautiful face, amazing long hair, friendly manners, genuine emotions and perfect skills to pleasure a man. Strongly recommended.
Amazing lady. Young, good looking, petite, tender and passionate. Has great skills and is always positive. Enjoyed a meeting with her and hope she's gonna be visiting Cyprus regularly :)
The lady is an absolute perfection. The body, the appearance, the attitude and manners... If you haven't experienced her blowjob - you haven't experienced a it at all. Forget everything you had before.
Amazing lady, very young, beautiful and tender. A bit shy but if you treat her well she will reward with great passion. All the extras and tips are totally worth it.
The lady is amazing. Natural body, fully genuine, skillful, tender and friendly. Can take the initiative or do whatever you ask. Regret I didn't take an hour or more with her. Every add on is worth every cent. Highly recommended.
She is indeed very young and fresh, around 19-20 years old. Her breasts are just world class. The body is amazing too. She's a bit shy but that's great too. Communication is great, she's very friendly and tries her bestm
Amazingly beautiful girl with slim and sporty body, tender lips and nice round breasts. Ready to do whatever you like her to do. Blowjob skills are outstanding. Highly recommended.
Liked her a lot. Young, beautiful, friendly, natural, tender, obedient, with amazing oral skills and no fake emotions. Some nice music on top of everything :)
Photos are real, she's all natural and looks amazing. Personality is great too: very friendly and easy to communicate. She's ready to do exactly what you ask to, acting naturally and enjoying the process. Blowjob was deep and tender. I'd come back if she comes to Cy again.
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