Nice, cute and very friendly girl. Her body is slim and curvy. She is much slimmer and better than at her profile photos. More petite and sexy. Natural breast - B size. The real weight is max 45-47 kg!!! Slim, tight, and beautiful body. She likes sex and she is very active and allowed me a lot for such petite sizes of her body. Thanks dear.
Cute face and friendly person. Absolutely real photos and video. Many thanks for that. Horny and active. Beautiful and natural breast. Kind girl and easy going. Very clean and accurate. Thanks for meeting dear. See you soon. Kisses
Thank you đ see you soon
It is not my first meeting with this sweet lady. ALL in ONE. She is little petite girl and beautiful. Sexy. Friendly and good mood at any time. Sweetheart, very gentle but could be horny and make you crazy in all aspects and fantasies. Top professional skills... Especially orals⊠She is very clean and respects the same when we met. Hope to see you again my sweet lady Thanks for meeting my dear!!!! :love::love::am:
Thanks Safari for the new very rare girl. The high level combination of face beauty, sexy and sporty body shapes and top professional skills. Plus she is very positive, kind and friendly person. Beautiful and expensive underwear. Very clean and accurate girl. Very active and flexible. Maybe too active and energetic for not young people but you can manage it easily. The 80% of other Safari girls cannot compete with her at all for sure and other 20% maybe is subject to some specific demands of the clients. Thanks Viola
She is very friendly and positive personality. Beautiful face. Very sexy and feminine body with the right natural perfect bust. Her smile is charming and beautiful. But the 1st main favour of this lady is not only beautyâŠ. she is really smart. (Perhaps it is not good for all⊠but i like it) Perfect sense of humor and easy style of communication. All sex positions are available with easy and very flexible smart style. She was a dancer when was in school. Smart, sexy, flexible, soft and VERY gentle lady. Her sweet tenderness is main advantage N2. That is why I visited her 3 times during 4 days till her departure from Limassol. Thank you dear a lotâŠ.had a great pleasure like with real girl-friend plus some sweet benefits⊠my beautiful, smart, gentle ladyâŠhope to see u soon
Thank you dear, Daria HAD GREAT TIME WITH YOU TO;-)
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All first three reviewers are fake as well as it seems, because they have the same girls which they did reviews... but maybe they visited 1 by 1 the same girls and then wrote reviews)))