My second time with Karolina and no regrets whatsoever. Beyond a good-looking girl who makes you feel sexually satisfied, she's a fine, unpretetensious talker whom any guy can enjoy some time with. Looking forward to seeing you again!
Sensual face, nice butt and that's pretty much it. Very rushy, saggy, ugly boobs, no pussy licking, fake spanish moaning, very passive while riding me.
Sensual face, nice butt and that's pretty much it. Very rushy, saggy, ugly boobs, no pussy licking, fake spanish moaning, very passive while riding me.
Sensual face, nice butt and that's pretty much it. Very rushy, saggy, ugly boobs, no pussy licking, fake spanish moaning, very passive while riding me.
Sensual face, nice butt and that's pretty much it. Very rushy, saggy, ugly boobs, no pussy licking, fake spanish moaning, very passive while riding me.
Karolina is a very sweet, easy-going girl. Made me feel comfortable at first (even poured me a nice drink upon my request) and horny later on (a very good kisser with great looks). Hope I can get to see her again soon!
What an African tasty sweetheart! Cheerfully welcomed me on her door with a semi-open night robe and black lingerie making me known right away of her hot body and her milky pair of boobs, which turned me on immediately! I spent too much time talking and touching her body, so there was not much time left for sexual activities but even though... What an intense orgasm! She rode me so hard I was almost moaning like a girl when I cummed!! Can't wait to taste her again!
This unbalanced girl is a sham and a shame, and really makes you feel uncomfortable. Unclean apartment, her photos are photoshopped and make her look way prettier than she really is, she smokes even though she advertises she doesn't (iqos, which smells terrible), she says she's 28 but she's well into her 30s, the sex was nothing to brag about...nTerrible experience, will not repeat it for sure.
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