I have never been in such situation, when girl overload me with so many important questions about coming sex: what kind of dress you want me be in today, please let me know more about you preferense in sex: brutal-active, calm or mix, what kind of blowjob: brutal deepthroat or jentle, how to take of the clothes, she strip much better than girls from clubs, but after you have such a f*cking great ending, you will never regret. She discovered that I am married, so when she did a blowjob (brutal one) in pauses she jerked off (so she didn't stop) then asked if my wife could do better? Of course my wife could not - was my reply, she doesn't even know what it is. Critics of my wife continued and I loved it. No men would go on the side, if all girls are like Alexandra. All this situation was so new to me, when I cum, Alexandra and whole room was in my sp*rm. I am a bit worried to share all this kind of stuff in public, but I feel so happy today. Tomorrow we meet with Alexandra again, again for hard brutal active dirty sex. Cum!
my Vladik, your dick is only mine, because I suck and f*ck much better than your inept wife, right?đ I hope you will tell her in the evening how good it was for you?đ :) P.S.: Thank you for your trust and openness, I was and will be glad to support your ideas and play any game. We had a great time, hope to see you again.â€ïž
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