I was waiting outside 45 minutes and she didn't not send the house number where I should be. I was exactly on time and she wrote me " moment " and that moment took 45 minutes and I left and till now I did nor receive an answer from her. VERY BAD
She is not friendly.dirty place. She doesn't want to kiss although she wrote that she dose. You are not allowed to have a shower after sex.she did want to talk ans not responding on the messages that I sent on time . It was very bad experience
She very sexy and clean lady. She is brilliant and very kind. I enjoyed it a lot with her. Unfortunately I had only 30 min .but next time I'll be longer. She will be back in Amsterdam and I recommend her
Thank you so much honey ! I’m looking forward to see you again soon ! Kisses
She is very nice and clean. Also very kind and friendly. nI enjoyed it a lot with her. It was the 3rd time that I met her and evey time enjoying very much. She is very sexy and beautiful ???? nI recommend you to make an appointment with het quickly n
Ohhh thanks, thanks ???? Try be good, for good people
t is a pleasure to see Sophie every time.nFirst time I met her a year ago and every time the i visit her i can't wait to see her again. Very nice time I had the last appointment it was great and definitely make new appointments.nShe is very cute and sexy . She is very clean and she smells delicious and also het placeis very clean .. I recommend to make an appointment with her then you will enjoy it a lotn
She is very cute ???? and clean. nThe place is also very clean.
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