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First of all: I have not met Ada in person yet. We were supposed to meet in September 2024, but she had to cancel at short notice due to illness. However, she did this in person (by phone), which I appreciate. Our next meeting is in November. I booked two days straight away. Why two days straight away? The communication so far is simply unprecedented. All the other women I have had contact with via WhatsApp were very distant and unfriendly. Not Ada. Of course, she also creates facts at the beginning, but in a very friendly way. We have been in contact via WhatsApp for weeks (to date). We regularly exchange messages and although she has a lot to do, she takes the time to chat with me. We have even spoken on the phone a few times since then. All in all, I find the contact so far very personal, very nice and also cultivated. I don't know what it would be like if I âonlyâ booked an hour, but an hour with her would definitely not be enough for me. Through our previous exchanges, I know that I would like to spend a lot more time with her. Through the relaxed and very pleasant exchange so far, my trust in her has grown and I am looking forward to our meeting in 11/2024. I am not interested in a specific service from her. I just want to get to know her as a woman and see what happens and with what intensity, we'll see together. I am firmly convinced that Ada has qualities that a man cannot experience in an hour. You just have to (and want to) spend more time with Ada. I will post here afterwards whether I am right in my assessment and whether my trust was justified. :-)