I had a meeting with Elizabeth and Emma a few weeks ago. I have to say from the beginning that they are a top experience. They totally diserve the money! They are both super clean, super active and have a chemistry between them that makes the whole expirience incredible! They are exactly as the pictures and better. Beautiful bodies and Holywood faces. Elizabeth is more on the GFE side compared to Emma but that is a reason for you to remember her for ever.I think they really give their best to make you have the time of your life. I also like the new photos you added on your profile. Now it is more clear that you are gorgious! I will see you again!
I had a meeting with Emma and Elizabeth a few weeks ago. I have to say from the beginning that they are a top experience. They totally diserve the money! They are both super clean, super active and have a chemistry between them that makes the whole expirience incredible! They are exactly as the pictures and better. Beautiful bodies and Holywood faces. Emma is the "boss" between the two. She can be sexy and gentle and in a split second she becomes a devil! They actually did not give me enough time to recover from the first round... and I am 49. Emma thank you so much! I was also pleased that you took my advise with your profile pictures. The ones you have now are gorgious! I will see you again!
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