Kyty is one of the best escort girls visiting Cyprus. When God made her ,the purpose was to give a sample how a woman should be. a) very beautiful b) perfect tight body c) best services d) good character and behavior Thank you bby for the unforgetable time with you.
Thank you my love for the nice words, you are always nice and kind ???????????? see you next time for more fun ????â€ïž
This is not the girl shown in the photos. She does not offer GFE to start with you properly to help you have good erection. She goes straight to hold your dick and start a blow job. In general not good service, her English very bad to communicate. Average appartment easily found.
The meeting was long time ago,but we all miss you so arrange to return for two weeks as holidays. I hope you have kept my e-mail or tel. no.. Nina was the best escort girl, educated with good manners and good character.
This lady is one of the top escorts in Nicosia. Her photos are 100% real and no photoshop. She has very good reviews and this is the secret to be 100% satisfied and want to visit her again. My advice people, is to visit only girls with good reviews. Visit Vanesa today and you will not regret it.
thank you sweetheart â€â€â€ see you soon!!!
Selena is a beautiful young girl with flexible nice body. Her skin is very soft like velvet. Her natural breast is perfect. She is active in sex and tries to please the customer in a very friendly attitude. Her photos are real with no photoshop. Her English is good enough to communicate. Thank you for the nice time I had with you. See you next time.
Thank u very much also baby???? was a pleasure all the time i was with u, i hope to are u soon honey????????
Isabella is a beautiful young girl with flexible nice body and long legs. Her skin is very soft like velvet. Her natural breast is perfect. She is active in sex and tries to please the customer in a very friendly attitude. Her photos are real with no photoshop. Her English is good enough to communicate. The flat is clean and tidy. Thank you for the nice time I had with you. See you next time.
Roberta is a beautiful young girl with perfect tight body and tight pussy. Her skin is very soft like velvet.Good communication, top services, and maximum pleasure. She provides excellent GFE and does not watch the clock. I will visit you again and again, you are the best baby.
Thank you babe See you
Selena is a beautiful young girl with flexible nice body. Her skin is very soft like velvet. Her natural breast is perfect. She is active in sex and tries to please the customer in a very friendly attitude. Her photos are real with no photoshop. Her English is good enough to communicate. Thank you for the nice time I had with you. See you next time.
Sofia is a beautiful young polite girl. 1)Her ass has the perfect shape. 2)She is active in sex and tries to please the customer. 3) is sexy 4) is very friendly 5) her photos are 100% real and no photoshop. This lady is one of the top escorts in Nicosia.
Aida is a beautiful young girl with flexible nice body. She is active in sex and tries to please the customer in a very friendly attitude. You can ask any sex position you like. Is also one of the very few girls who offers anal. Her photos are 100% real. Her English is very good and speaks also Cyprus dialect good enough. Thank you for the nice time I had with you. See you next time.
Oh ! Thank you my dear , im glad you had a good time. See you nwxt time, kisses
This nice girl she is getting younger that is why the prices increased.
This girl has removed the function of writing reviews by customers because she had very bad reviews. This function must not be removed.
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This girl did not replied to the bad review writen for her so new customers will decide to visit her or not. Customer reviews are important for the girl to prove that she offers good servises.