Tek kelimeyle harika bir kÄązdÄą Alisa. Ĺu anda kÄąsa sĂźreliÄine Ä°stanbul'daymĹŠsakÄąn kaçĹrmayÄąn derim. Hem tatlÄą dilli, gĂźler yĂźzlĂź, hem seksi ve azgÄąn, hem de kocaman doÄal gĂśÄĂźsleri var. FotoÄraflarÄąna baktÄąÄÄąmda silikon sanmÄąĹtÄąm gĂśÄĂźslerine yumulduÄumda gĂśrdĂźm ki tamamen doÄal ve fÄąstÄąk gibiler. Ä°kinci postaya da izin veriyor, verdiÄiniz paranÄąn hakkÄąnÄą sonuna kadar karĹÄąlÄąyor. Ä°nĹallah kÄąsa sĂźre içinde tekrar beraber olucaz gĂźzellik, her Ĺey için teĹekkĂźr ederim. She was an amazing girl! First of all she is smiling and positive, secondly very horny and thirdly but not least she amazingly big natural boobs. When I checked her photos beforehand I thought they were silicone, but hell no, they are natural lovely huge boobies. She is totally ok for the second time and she is very active and horny at sex. If you want this to drain your balls and take you over the clouds give her a try and see it by yourself.
The girl is just "Amazing". This girl is the key example of how an escort should be behaving. Starting from the beginning she starts her mood, dancing, stripping, getting you into the mood immediately. She is very smiling, sexy looking and totally gives you girlfriend experience. She has nothing to with time checking. She makes very active sex, and moreover cuddles and kisses if you are in that mood ,too. She got the money in the end, this was also another amazing behaviour. Nothing is in a rush, nothing is fake. Everything is for that beautiful experience at that moment. So I love you beauty soo soo much, xoxo.
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