she's a hidden gem that is hard to find for escort in Istanbul. She does not visit the city often, so if you see her page active, consider it your lucky day! I can confirm she's fully independent, and all the photos and videos on her page are genuinely hers. Face is hidden, but trust me it's gorgeous - with blue eyes and a precious dazzling smile. She's responsive on WhatsApp, and if you need to set some expectations before the visit, just ask her. I had a fantastic time with her and hope our paths cross again in the future.
She's hot, she's beautiful, she's smart. Had a fantastic sex that night that I've never had before. Her sweet lovely smile is something I think many elite models could be envious of, hard to describe, you just need to see it, not sure why none of her profile pics showed it. To me, even the terrific sex aside, it was worth the money I paid just to see the smile and to have a conversation with her. Still warmly recalling it, a few days after that night. I got to tell though that I was able to speak to her in her native language, so no language barrier stopped us. Sadly that was my last night in Istanbul, and I was not able to meet her again. When I'm back in Istanbul and if she's still in the business, I will definitely try to meet her again.
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