I took all my clothes off and jumped on the bed. I fingered myself, and played with myself, but not to the point of a climax. As soon as i heard the garage open around 9:30 I put on my silk robe, ran downstairs and pretended to be heating up our dinner. Bret had other things in mind. "Hi how was..." Bret grabbed me and put a finger to my lips. He turned off the stove. "Arianna, you are such a slut. You made me wait ALL day for this!" and with that he whipped his clothes off down to his shorts and he pulled off my robe. As if he couldn't wait he dove down and began to bite my nipples fiercely. I gasped for breath. He scooped me up and carried me to our outdoor pool. He sat in the pool and grabbed me and placed me on top. "I'm sorry Bret. You've been a bad boy lately. I had to punish you somehow." I said with an innocent look on my face. "Well now i'm gonna punsih you for being a naughty bitch." He slapped me across the face, hard and i began to bounce on his cock.
This story is done but a sequel is coming called
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