First of all, she is better than any other call girls I met in Athens so far. And now some details. Looks like the girl I met, the girl on the picture, and the girls in the other reviews are totally different girls, but the same type- “the next door smiling girl you would love to fuck” She opened the door wearing transparent lingerie, with a big warm smile , immediately start hugging a kissing like we were an old friends. She speaks English quite fluently. All together it makes you fill like you know each other 100 years. 0 tensions. Appearance- she looks like 19-20y old, although she said that she is 24. about 160 cm tall, good tight proportional body, smooth elastic skin you would love to hug and fondle, near 0 fat, juicy (but not fat) ass, like she is going to gym regularly, plain but quite cute face. Tits are smaller than the pictured girl have, something between size A and B, but with a very nice always erected large and dark nipples (looks like they are super sensitive and erect from any touch) and dark areolas. beautiful small feet, a would say size 36 Almost no make up, natural nails- I love that. the only things I did not liked about her body – a several black moles one or two on her face. She is energetic and enthusiastic, quite good in BJ, tight pussy, and you can feel that she is actually trying her best to satisfy you. But , despite of having probably 30+ customers weekly, looks like she have a very little experience. Probably she never had a real long time boyfriend. She is like a child who learned sex from porn and don't really know what she is doing. But, again, she is trying, unlike most of the call girls in the same price range. Now what I did not liked- -she refused to take a shower together. On one hand for me it is 50% of all the fun, on the other- when girl taking a shower with me, I know she is clean for sure. She was clean, but since I was not 100% sure if she washed her self after the previous customer, I had to avoid kissing her body and pussy- and that is also fun killing. Another thing I did not liked- she is a smoker. Probably she started to smoke recently, her breath is still fresh, like a non- smoker, but still. And you can smell tobacco in the room. It was not a deal breaker for me, but could be for some. Also, I meet her at the end of the day and most likely she was already tired, although she tried to hide it. There was about 5 used condoms in a trash can... so probably she had a quite busy day.
Διάβασα όλες τις κριτικές και αποφάσισα να γνωρίσω τη Ραφαέλα. Νομίζω ότι οι προσδοκίες μου ήταν υψηλές. Είναι χαριτωμένη, κοντή από ό,τι περιγράφεται, θα έλεγα 150 cm. αδύνατο σφιχτό, όχι αποστεωμένο, πολύ ωραίο σώμα που θα θέλατε να σφίγγετε και να αγκαλιάζετε, μικρά σφιχτά βυζιά, σαν 15 χρονών. (αλλά δεν της επέτρεψε να την αγκαλιάσω και να την σφίξω όσο δυνατά ήθελα) Δεν φορούσε άρωμα ή αποσμητικά Αν και είναι χαριτωμένη, το πρόσωπό της μοιάζει περισσότερο με 30 ετών παρά 24. Ίσως δεν ήμουν ο τύπος της ή δεν της άρεσε για κάποιο λόγο, αλλά δεν είχα τα αναμενόμενα συναισθήματα GFE. Όχι γαλλικά φιλιά, επέτρεψε να τη φιλήσει, αλλά ένιωθα ότι δεν της αρέσει (για να είμαι σαφής, είμαι πολύ καθαρή, με φρέσκια αναπνοή. Η ανάσα της δεν ήταν φρέσκια, ούτε κακή) Ένιωθε ότι ήθελε να κάνει τη δουλειά της ευσυνείδητα, αλλά τίποτα το ιδιαίτερο. Το μουνί της δεν είναι σφιχτό, ούτε φαρδύ. Το φύλο ήταν μέτριο, δεν έκανε twerk. Θα έλεγα ότι η πρώην γυναίκα μου ήταν καλύτερη στο κρεβάτι (και ήταν παρθένα όταν παντρευτήκαμε), Το Oral ήταν πάνω από το μέσο όρο. "απόφοιτος γυμναστικής ακαδημίας" - δεν νομίζω, δεν έδειξε καμία ευελιξία. Όταν προσπάθησα να απλώσω τα πόδια της λίγο πιο φαρδύ από το συνηθισμένο, με σταμάτησε, σαν να ήταν επώδυνο για εκείνη. Λοιπόν, εν κατακλείδι, αν σας αρέσει κορίτσια με μικρό καρέ με στιβαρό ωραίο σώμα, προτιμήστε την, αλλά μην περιμένετε τίποτα ιδιαίτερο
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