Had a fantastic time. She is a really elegant girl, almost same as the photos. I met her for 2 hours, spent some time before getting into it and she was great company. Active and passionate in bed. Very good service, would visit again.
Beautiful and charming, seductive and very sexy, sensual and erotic. She charmed me with her warm welcome. It was an amazing experience! Speak excellent English.
o redet refto rede
I came to her from the morning. She was wearing beautiful a red dress and high heels. She looked very sexy! Not thin, but with very beautiful forms. Perfect body with amazing tits! She immediately offered me tea/coffee/ or water. The apartment was hot, but it was not a problem. Communication with her was easy. Level of English is weak. Highly recom ... mended! Kiss you and see you again. more
Fantastic asian girl. Best sex, service, communication. All foto is real 100%! She looks great! Girl, who will be remembered...girl you want to return to...
Responder: nice to meet you dear
I was very satisfied with this girl. This woman is your best friend and she is a shocker. She is so sexy and sweet. Strongly recommend! Will definitely return to visit Lilu :love:
Responder: thank you, honey
I wish this woman lived closer to home. She is a remarable an beautiful woman. Sweet and hot at the same time and to quote Tina Turner - Simpley the best ! Better than all the rest ! Just what I have been dreaming about.
Dear Melinda. This meeting was a Christmas Gift for me. I can say just one word for you. SPLENDID. Thank you very much. I will miss you. mr_Stanbul
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