I was lucky to meet Laura several times and it has always been top-level meetings, amazing time for me and I hope for her too. Laura is young, beautiful, sexy, delectable and gentle. She is also an intelligent interlocutor with a charming character. We always spent amazing social time, as for time spent in the hotel room, well it would be inappropr ... iate to go into details. Simply, Laura blew me away with her enthusiasm and amazing energy. I have spent a lot of time with Laura so far, but I still don't have enough, our meetings seem too short ;) The longer we know each other, the more often she can surprise me :) She's the best girl I've ever met, my best experience with an independent companion. Leaves lasting memories. I can't wait for the next meeting :) Thank you Beauty :* more
That was a meeting like I wanted. Laura was very friendly and so natural and normal. We met in the late evening. We had some wine, then took a shower together then went to bedroom. We kissed a lot and hugged, talked... Then I had some back massage - very good one and strong one as I wanted. Then we ofc had sex too. Without too much details - it was ... the best sex for me in a long time really. No rush, everything perfect. I hope I can find some time next time I'm in Posnan to meet again. :love::love::love: more
Responder: Thanks Karlbb :) I hope to see you soon :*
Usually i don't write reviews, but this time I really need to.The girl is even more beautiful and slim than in her pictures. I loved her sweet face and eyes. Such a cutie! One of my favs in Poland. She is tender and kisses so well. You can really feel she likes that. It was real GFE date, I felt normal, like with my girl. I felt she was really into ... me. That was amazing. It's hard to put the meeting into numbers. It was definitely more that 10/10. Looks, things she does in bed, conversation... just perfect. I can't wait to visit Poznan again. ~Leo :) more
Responder: Thank you for the nice words, Leo :)
:wink::wink::am::request::winked::angry::crying:very very nice, beautifull, sexy :sad::no::smile::crying: i want you to night in poznan yessssssssssss
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