Elmira hayatta çok mütevazı ve arkadaş canlısı bir kız. İlk bakışta yani!.. Utangaç gibi duruyordu, ama 15 dakika sonra o maskeyi attı üstünden)) Onunla seks güzel, daha ne diyeyim. İnce, esnek, genç. Birkaç saat için harika bir kız. Öğrenci, ve belli ki eskorta yeni başlamış sayılır.
Wiedziałem do kogo idę i co Monika potrafi, więc było tak zajebiście, że po dwóch godzinach kutas mnie bolał, a Monika tak skakała dupskiem do moim fiucie, że zerwała mi wędzidełko, a jaja to miałem całe sine 🥵 Wydaje mi się, że po prostu mam za małego kutasa dla Pani Moniki Fox ❤️ Moje 17 cm nie zrobiło na niej żadnego wrażenia, a jak chciałem f ... ace fucking jej zrobić to sama zjadła całego mojego futra raezm z jajami i nawet się nie zakrztusiła 😅☺️ Spotkanie trwało cały weekend w hotelu, pierwszy dzień ja Monikę pieprzyłem, a drugi dzień Ona to znaczy Pani Monika mnie rżnęła. 🥵😵 Tak jak się umówiliśmy i powiem wam szwagry, że,s zaczęła o 7 rano, a skończyła o 2 w nocy, a moja dupa płonęła, a psychika nie istniała 😵🥵 Wybrałem opcję bez bezpiecznego słowa bo na filmach nie było jakoś strasznie ostro, a na żywo 😱☠️ Piłem jej mocz, a ona to nagrywała bo się zgodziłem i musiałem wykupić dodatkową dobę, bo nie mogłem normalnie chodzić 😱🥵 Pani Monika umie ostro zerżnąć dupę 🥵 Dziękuję Ci Pani Moniko za lekcję pokory 😅😊 Michał 💦💦💦🇵🇱 more
Thanks Kristina for wonderful service. She is as real as shown in photos. She is true professional. She promptly responded on the request. She is tall, slim, natural, beautiful and sexy. Most importantly she speaks English very well. Hope to see you again soon.
Kendisiyle İstanbul'da özel dairesinde ortalama dört kez görüşmüştüm. İletişimi çok iyi Türkçe'yi gayet iyi biliyor. Enerjisi, sıcakkanlılığı ve isteklere olumlu dönüş yapması çok hoş beraber duşa girmiştik tekrar gidilir mi gidilir. I met him in his private apartment in Istanbul about four times. He communicates very well and speaks Turkish ver ... y well. His energy, warmth and positive responses to requests are very nice. Take a shower together. more
Responder: Canım benim, çok teşekkür ederim ☺️ yine beklerim😘
Знаю Лану не первый год и при возможности стараюсь с ней встретится ,она реально королева секса.Сосёт волшебно,слюнявый минет со стонами от удовольствия всегда кончается с неописуемого оргазма его в роте.
Selam Arkadaslar, Melisayı bugün ziyaret ettim. Kendisi fotolarından daha güzel aynı zamanda çok enerjik, pozitif ve istekli. Kısa süre içerisinde bana tam bir GFE yaşattı. Sık gelen bir kız olmadıgı için gelmişken ziyaret etmek lazım. Hi Dear Friends I have visited melisa today. She is more gorgeous than the photos also she is very energe ... tic and positive. In that short time period she experienced me a full GFE. I believe she is not visiting istanbul frequently. So visiting her should be a right choice. more
Merhaba Arkadaşlar, Kendisi gerçekten çok etkileyici bir kız. Kesinlikle çok doğal davranıyor ve tam bir GFE sunuyor. Birliktelik sırasında da gayet aktif davranmakta. İletişim kurarken nazik ve düzgün davranırsanız çok daha keyifli bir ortam ortaya çıkıyor. Gitmeyen arkadaşlar çok şey kaçırır. Hi Friends, Her behaviors and herself is quit ... e natural and impressive. She provide you a full GFE . She is also quite active during session. If you can behave proper and kind to her the ambians of the session will unforgettable. When she is in istanbul you have to visit her, otherwise you lose . more
Responder: thank you very much for such a compliment. Yes I love sport . See you again soon . Kiss
:love: Alice, thank you for being with me. Sorry for my rudeness when meeting you. I was very angry, my day in Moscow went very badly. I decided to relax with a beautiful Russian girl. But not the same girls whom I called came to me. The agency lied to me all the time. :am: nnI am very glad that we met with you.nFor myself, I realized that you ne ... ed to look for a girl who works personally, without an agency.nAlice, a beautiful graceful Russian lady, with big green eyes, juicy natural lips and very sensual big natural breasts, her clitoris is very responsive to caresses, her vagina was naturally juicy and very sweet. Your skin Alice, incredibly elastic and smooth, big beautiful ass, protruding nipples and deep blowjob, drove me crazy. :fellow: nWe spent the best 4 hours of my life in Russia. ha ha Alice does not speak English very well, but this was not a problem for me, I enjoyed her body Watching you swallow my huge cock is a delight.nTake care of yourself.n :winked: nJoin more
Responder: Thanks for the meeting. I didn’t take offense at all with you and I perfectly understand that it’s a ... lways unpleasant to run into a lie, especially since you had a bad day. Now you know a few life hacks that will help you choose a real individual escort and next time your trip to Moscow will be more successful. If anything, I'll always be glad to see you again.👍🥰 more
I have a Skype meeting with Soffy.What can I say!!!!!!Evrything she describes, she does it, even throught out a camera, squirtink, sucking (dildo), evrything!!!!!She is like a volcano!!!!I hope during the summer of 2021 would come here in Thessaloniki-Greece and I will go to see her in person and receive her services in person and not by a skype.I ... know that she will make me crazy!!!!! P.S. The coutry and the city are hypothetically, because the system did not allow me to complete my review.Also kiss, blowjob, cumshot and multiple time sex are also hypotetically because there was the obstacle of the Skype camera. In the future, if she come to Greece-Thessaloniki my review will be comlete and I am sure that she will leave me speetchless from her services and her beauty!!!!!!!!!!! more
I really enjoyed Melinda. She was great in bed. She is alse very beautiful, nice and well dressed. I would highly recommend her and surely will meet her again when I will be back in Moscow. EXCELLENT MEETING!!!
I met with Olenka last week. She was awesome, beautiful and sexy, nice body and attitude. Beautiful, sensual and pleasant personality. She know how to make her client's comfortable, Great OWO and CIM, highly recommended. All in all, I can recommend her, Will see her again for sure! Thanks, Olya!:wink:
Ellena is truly the epitome of a professional. She is incredibly sexy while also stunningly beautiful. She is able to make you feel like you are the only person in the room, no matter where you are. I have been seeing her for a while now, and I have to say - the experience keeps getting better. I love to make time for her to see her in her sexy out ... fits, sometimes the ones I provide for her. She brought me to a level of pleasure I did not know I could reach, and every time I see her is better than the last. Always on time, always courteous and great to be around. more
Very beautiful girl. I had super sex. 10/10. I love you odri. See you again. Very good girl. I want more. 100% natural foto. No fotoshop. My life odry
Lora . Very beautiful gentle girl. Better than it I have never had. Photo 100% natural. without Photoshop. I had a very pleasant time. beautiful breasts and a priest. Goddess in sex. The best. I really liked it. Lora will meet with you again.
I met Kira about 4 years ago she was AMAZING. This was the 4th time i met her. so much eye contact throughout she is an angel! does she still work?? thank u)
My decision to meet Lana was the best moment of my last trip to Moscow. Lana is a charming lady, always smiling and very warm. I spent several hours with her, and regret only that I couldn't stay longer!
bu sitedeki ilk yorumum janayla 3.görüşmem bi kızla 3 sefer asla görüşmem normalde ama jana bunu sonuna kadar hakediyor inanılmaz fiziği ve servisi var blowjobda cok basarılı süreyi hiç sorun etmedi 30 dakika gittim 2.cide çok zor geldim oral kaldım en ufak problem etmedi biraz üfledi püfledi ama gerçekten yorulmuştu hatta bırakıcak sandım bırakmad ... ı boşalmamı bekledi yalnız tek kusuru odada çöp kutusunda prezervatifler vardı belliki günde çok müşteri alıyor olabilir zaten ajansla ilgili iyi yorum yapamıcam önce öğlen 1 dedi sonra öğlen 4 dedi ona göre kendimi ayarladım sonra soryy öğlen 4 de müsait değil dedi akşama zar zor ayarladım görüşmeyi daha önceki görüşmelerimdede ajans aynısını yapmıştı eğer ajansla sorun yaşamazsanız kızla asla yaşamazsınız 24-25 yaşlarında resimlerdekinin aynısı bi kızla karsılasıcaksınız ben her gittiğimde oral kaldığım için seks konusunda birşey diyemicem ama oral konusunda gerçekten efsane ağza boşalmada serbest siteden baya kıza gitmeye başladım artık gittiklerime yorum yapıcamki herkes ona göre gitsin more
I met Andrea 5 times in 2012. She's just beautiful. The deal between us was the same, each time. Only OWO blowjob, until cum in her mouth. It was perfect. Her blowjob is sweet, slow and always with the same rhythm. Like this for about 20-30 minutes. When I came, she knew that and she changed her face, her expression, to receive de sperm in her mout ... h. She took the time to get all of my cum. One time I asked to her if I could come on her face but she refused. more
she is nice pretty little hot woman, like white wine conversation before , nothing for sex jumper. Good oral sex until end, looking into your eyes all time until last drop
Otel; Outcall, ulaşımı kolay, zincir otellerden resepsiyon sorunsuz (Hatta o kadar sorunsuz ki, kız gittikten sonra, iyimiydi diye aradılar) Oda; Tertemiz, havalandırılmış, ısı tam seviyeye getirilmiş. Ortam; Çok güzel. Şehrin ışıkları, yüksek binanın en üst katında oda, müzik falan.. Ayarladım işte. "Polina" çok çok tatlı bir kız. Hem güzel h ... em tatlılardan. Dikkat yani :) Bir gamzeleri var, öldürür adamı. Hele gülünce... Servislerinde, yazdıklarımı yapıyor, gayet de iyi.. İletişimi çok başarılı, İngilizcesi sular-seller değil ama o kadar sıcak kanlı ve neşeli ki.. İngilizceye kim takılır. Kıkırdadık durduk.. Çok memnun kaldım. Şimdiden özledim. more
She is smart and beautiful girl and know how to satify a men. She looks like she is enjoying sex as well. The only thing that i didn't like was she would like to spend time by chatting more then usual
With Tati we met a month ago in Moscow city. Her looks are as you see.Clean and gentle knows how to treat a man. No doubt i will have the chance to meet her again in greece! One of the best deals ever in escort business!
Diana is very beautiful and conform to the picture. I met her several times from last year and it's always a wonderful time with her. She speaks very well english. she's a very pleasant girl to meet and sex time is really amazing. Hightly recommended !
She is the best if you really want GFE ; She is very active on the bed with her perfect body. Especially her ass is wonderful.I wish to see her again.I suggest for all who is confused by these beautiful ladies !!!