Oops I did it again lol. I had sex with my cousin last night. I was laying in bed with mycousin and she fell asleep. I was so horny I slid my hand up her shorts and panties and started fingering her pussy while I jacked off. I couldn't handle it anymore knowing she didn't mind if I fucked her in her sleep. Though I know it would of been fun for her to wake up and catch me fucking herand we continue, but I wanted to see how it was to have sex with her asleep. So I put a pillow down about her waist and rolled her on her stomach on it so her ass would be elavated.Then I reach over and start slowly pulling her shorts and panties down. I spread her legs open as much as I could with her shorts and panties down around her thighs. I start licking and fingering her pussy till I feel she is wet enough. So I slide my shorts and boxers off and straddle her thighs. Then i rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit getting in covered in her pussy juices before sliding it in. I then spread her lips and pressed the head of my dick into her entrance and start pushing my cock inside her pussy. I watched by the moonlight coming through the window as inch by inch of my cock disappeared inside her. I slowly started working my dick in and out of her as I pull her shirt up and undo her bra. Then I lean forward reach under her and start pulling her shirt and bra up till her breast are out. I alternate holding my self up with one arm and massaging and squeezing and pinching her nipples with the other all while still fucking her and trying not to wake her. So many thoughts ran threw my head while I was fucking her.
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