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Sleep Sex; son-mother


(Side 1)
My mom is pretty hot, but I'm also kind of lame with girls and don't hang out with any so it's not so surprising that when I hit 18 and my sexual madness peaked I started to look at my mom as a possible target.  My mom is really the understanding sort, but asking for sex is way over the boundary though.  I tried to push it from my mind.  But it was always there.
Fortunately (unfortunately?) I'm really smart, know a lot, like sleep cycles, like the early part of sleep where the body loses all physical sensation for a while.  As soon as that idea popped into my head I really got crazy.  I started casing my moms sleep habits.  It's just me and her, so easy.  I was really afraid to actually try it, plus I felt guilty.  I masturbated furiously to the idea though.  And the better job I did of casing her, the more it turned me on.
And one day was just one of those days when your hand won't cut it.  You feel like you'll die of the horniness if you don't get real sex.  I watched my mom go to bed.  In my mind I was simultaneously committing myself to doing it and not let anything stop me and still promising to never do it and purge the sin from my mind.  But horniness was stronger.  I waited the time for the sleep phase to turn, tried to watch when she actually fell asleep to the minute.  I was antsy and nervous, constantly checking my watch, even the seconds, wondering if I was reading her right, wandering how long I'd have to wait to be safe, or if I would really do it, how far I'd really go.  My head was a mess.  My heart rate was crazy, I was all fidgety.  Finally I hit the balance between ought to be safe now and can't possibly wait being this horny anymore.  Besides if I wait too long, I miss the phase.
I snuck in the room, my breathing was up with my heart rate and I was desperate to keep it down, but loud, heavy breathing is the least of what I was going to do to disturb her.  I realized I need to just test touching her shoulders and stuff the first night, that way if she wakes up I pretend I was just trying to wake her.  At the same time I can see how well the phase works and how long it lasts.  But I was too horny for reason.  I didn't have an excuse ready anyway.  As soon as touching her shoulder worked I immediately had my hand on her breasts, both hands, groping passionately like it was my first time because it was.  The only thing that could stop my desperate groping of her breasts was that I wanted to touch her pussy too.  Right away my hand was on her crotch, pressing into her vagina.  No response at all, her body was completely oblivious to what I was doing.  My hand was in her night shorts over her panties, pressing at her mound and opening.  That only lasted ten seconds though because next I was at the foot of the bed pulling off her shorts, still no response.  I thought I would control myself and just play with her pussy a little and quit early.  But I got her panties off and right away my face was in between my mom's legs.  Her pussy stunk just slightly and I felt filthy about it later, but my horniness got me off so much on kissing and licking my mom's nasty pussy.
Next thing you know I was licking it as much as I could because I realized that I had completely given up on holding back and needed to lubricate it to fuck her.  Her deactivated body wouldn't produce any lubrication for me.  Man, that pussy was swimming in saliva.  But I only spent a minute doing it cause I was mounted on her and fucking freely and without caution for waking her.  It was all up now.  I almost wanted her to wake up because I fantasized she would fuck me back.
I probably came in two minutes, but those were the longest and most glorious minutes of my life, first time fucking, my beautiful mother, and the wild abandon of it all.  I rammed my dick into her as I ejaculated, desperate to pump every single microliter into her at the same time as desperate to her hurry so I could escape before the phase passed.  After I allowed an extra minute to squeeze in the last bits of cum (it was safe though, I actually monitored her fertile days by checking for her tampons in the trash as part of casing her) I pulled out slow and then raced to put her panties and shorts back on.  It was ridiculous how I tried to be gentle, but was clumsy with desperate speed.
Still I got her panties on, with a goodbye kiss, and her shorts.  I gave her breasts a good bye grope, felt slightly guilty about not kissing her instead, and just ran out of the room.  I left the door ajar (she always did) and spied on her, desperate to go back to my own room, but I couldn't yet.  It took several minutes, before I saw a change, perfect.  I noted the time on my watch, I could barely remember the time I started, my mind was so blitzed.  I went back to bed, was so excited with it I had to jack off to it before I could fall asleep.  Ahhh
Next morning... no problem.  It all went so well, that same day I bought lubricant and did her again... and again, and again, and again.
(side 2)
I hadn't had sex in years.  So when something came oozing out of my vagina, though I had had cum ooze from my vagine before, I couldn't identify it at all.  I hoped it was a quirk since I didn't see any inflammation, but was of course afraid I had an infection.  Very next day I was oozing again so... off to the gynecologist.  He assured me that nothing was out of order whatsoever and I was perfectly healthy.  He didn't seem to think he needed to tell me that he found cum in my vagina.  I gave him a good talking to later about thoroughness, but couldn't really go into to detail about why he should tell a woman when she has cum in her vagina, y'know, cause she's getting raped... in her sleep...by her- hold that.
So the doctor tells me I'm fine and for a couple days there's no oozing so great.  Then one night I'm having an amazing sex dream and BAM, I regain consciousness and realize there's someone touching my undressed body.  I immediately freeze in panic.  Then my attacker freezes too and I think maybe I should play possum, confrontation could get me killed.  It's hard to fake sleep to begin with and it's really hard when you're being sexually assaulted out of nowhere.  But I put all of my concentration into having slow, shallow breathing and being still, but not stiff.  Crazy!  Now that the attacker is back to business I want to know who it is.  We keep our house locked at night.  Suddenly my own son springs to mind.  He would never do this, but now it's stuck in my mind as I try to figure out who broke in.  As the attacker mounts me he smells like my son.  And his weight seems right, I think.  And I have to crack my eyes so carefully to be sure.  It's him!  That cheeky bastard!  I have to stop him, but this confrontation is difficult too.  It's so awkward.  I don't want to face it.  So I decide the best thing is to let him finish and I'll confront him in the morning.
Still it's hard to fake sleep while you're getting fucked, esp. by your own son.  But I was so hard up for sex I was really feeling it too.  I decided it would be easier to do some sleepy dream moaning.  It felt great to moan, didn't bother him, and made him fuck me slightly harder.  Hard to limit my reactions though.  I almost orgasmed, good thing the little rat cums kind of early.
Next morning I couldn't do it.  I wasn't mad, it was too weird.  I needed the sex and he needed it too.  I just hoped to god that if I let it go he'd be smart enough not to do me on a fertile day since he wasn't using a damn condom.
The next night he came again.  I woke up after his dick was already deep in me.  This time I ventured to fuck back a little.  And it progressed exactly like that.  Each new time I became more involved, wrapped my legs around him, dug my fingernails in, finally did all kinds of positions you couldn't possibly sleep through.  but we pretended anyway.  So naughty seeing my son in the morning while my pussy is sore from a good fucking and I'm still acting like his mom.
I got nervous as my fertile day approached.  I debated how conspicuous I should be with the hints, just leave a calendar with my periods and hope he knows the math or the math for him and basic leave him a note saying, "Hey, don't cum in your mom this day cause you'll get a borther." Finally I left a calendar conspicuously on my nightstand with my fertile days marked off in big X's.  We had to pretend innocence, but we were only acting for ourselves.  That night he came anyway, groped me all over and stuck his dick in my mouth.  Nothing quite as hot as pretending to deepthroat your son in your sleep.  Cum everywhere, on my pillow, so of course in my hair, and yes, if you must know, down my throat too.  Yes tasty, even delicious.  So we kept good ol' pussy fucking on regular days and then mouth fucking me during heavy period days.
But when my next fertile days came again he was trying to take off my panties.  I was 'sleepily' trying to pin my knees together, what was he thinking!?  But he got my panties off.  I couldn't wake up and stop him, that would ruin our whole fuck system.  Then you know what that cheeky bastard did?  He flipped me over and wedged his dick in my bum, knowing I couldn't protest.  He came prepared too because his well lubed dick raced right through my hard puckered sphincter.  He shagged me as he pleased, pounding my arse without reserve.
I hate getting fucked in the bum.  I don't know, I just feel so stupid, and it's dirty, and uncomfortable even when you're kind of used to it.  But I feel so bad about not being there to satisfy him that on nights when we can't fuck proper I try to go to sleep on my belly so he can get at my arse easy.  Am I not the nicest mother?  Don't you wish your mother would do the same?  Free pussy, free arse, and free cock-suckings, as long as we can pretend it's nothing at all.