The following stories are represented as true. Whether they actually are or not will be left up to you.
My wife divorced me after I was laid off by the company I was workingfor when they restructured their operations. Feeling sorry for myself, Imoved back in with my mom, who was living alone back in my smallhometown. She welcomed me warmly . One night, we were drinking togetherlate into the night and then I suddenly found myself in a futon with mymom cuddling me as we slept. I have no memory of how this happened. Herbreasts were right in front of me, which revived memories of her breastfeeding me when I was an infant. So I started sucking her nipples andshe moaned. As I sucked on them, they swelled and stiffened and that putme in touch with the fact that my mom was a regular woman. My handwent into her panties and groped her soft pussy before sliding a fingerinto it. She moaned and her head tilted back. I moved my finger insideof her and her pussy became wetter and wetter. Her breasts jiggled andshe was really moaning up a storm now. She had to be awake, but she putup no resistance at all.
I couldn't resist any longer and I pulled her panties off and got naked.I spread her legs open and slid my hard cock into her and beganthrusting. She finally acted like she had noticed, asking me, "what thehell are you doing?" It was too late, though, and I was pounding it hardinto her and shot my cum into her.
My aunt is 41 years old and lives near me. She is a dignified, stylishbeauty. Once a week, she comes to visit me at my place. One day, I hadrelatives over and we ate and drank into the early morning hours. Ihelped her drunken self upstairs because she wanted to change clothes,but when I saw her body, I couldn't resist any longer and jumped on topand pulled her clothes off of her. "Who are you and what are you doing?"she muttered, seeming half asleep. Then she noticed she was naked andsaid, "wait, what are you doing? Knock it off!"
However, the alcohol had undermined her ability to resist my advancesand I gagged her with a towel and tied her hands behind her. I felt herboobs up and then sucked on her nipples. Now she was moaning and herbody writhed under me. When I inserted my fingers inside of her, shestarted moaning more intensely. I ultimately came inside of her twiceand took pictures of her with my cellphone.
When I untied her, she seemed calm and got dressed and quietly went backdownstairs. I staggered over to her again while she was talking to mymom. My aunt was hiding the burns from when I had tied her wrists withthe towel. When she was leaving, I told her to let me do her againbecause if she didn't I would send the pictures I took to everyone. Shenodded silently and and left.
This happened the day before I was going to get married. Me and mygirlfriend had already been living together, but that day we spent atboth of our parents house. My mom prepared a futon for me to sleep onand drew me a bath. It wasn't even noon yet when she did this, which Ifound odd. "Let's bathe together!" she said. I picked her up and sheheld on to my neck as we entered the bathroom. I put her down and helpedher out of her clothes and she did the same for me. My penis started tostiffen. She sat in my lap with my penis under her ass while I washedher before we got into the tub. I was now as hard as a rock.
We stepped into the tub and lots of water spilled over on to the floor.We started kissing, which became deep kissing, while I held her tight.This went on for a long while. I picked her up and exited the tub andtoweled her off. She did the same for me. I picked her up again and weheaded to my bedroom naked and I laid her down on the futon.
I have a special relationship with my mom. She is my humiliation slave.
It all started ten years ago when I found SM gear and a video tape in acloset under the floor (note: many Japanese homes have underfloorstorage spaces).
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