This is my first time posting so i'm only posting a little of what i have and will write and post more if they are enjoyed :)
As she walks along the Queen Street wall, looking at all the shops and retailing out lets you receive a text "Look in front of you and watch for meAs she looks up staring down the street ahead of you, a body is felt, a presence behind her. She goes to turn your head but the muscular arms sliding around her waist freezing her in her place. She feels a body as the arms pull her; guide her back into the strong chest felt behind her.She hears a whisper of the barest of sounds, seemly to only be carried on the breath of the whisperer’s mouth "Have you been waiting for me? Waiting long? All your life for a touch like mine?" The low voice calls to her enchanting her senses, her mind races wanting to calling out yes, but the shiver that runs down her spin paralyses her with the anticipation of his touch that is to come.She slowly feels a slight touch of soft skin on her shoulder slowly moving up her neck sending sexual shivers running through her body, when reaching the mid of her neck a sliver of the most pleasurable tongue starts to slide and dart across her neck then when reaching her neck another sound is to be heard, the most pleasurable voice across her mind. "Do you enjoy my touch?" Again not being able to move with the power of his voice paralyzing her mind and soul. She starts to feel his arms slowly turn her as his lips reconnect with her neck moving to her cheek then as she turns eyes closed in fear that this pleasurable dream turning to a nightmare. she feels his lips as they meet hers in a long lost lust that feels so right to be had so pleasurable that it could not be bad.She engages his mouth moving her hands across his cheek as his tongue glides effortlessly agents hers. They stand for a time not wanting the lust. the pleasure, the need for each other’s lips to leave. He takes her hand and leads her to the bus stop as sits sit on his lap and their lips meet once more. 3 or 4 busses passed that should have taken them to a place where lust, pleasure and sexual urges take place but neither unlocking lips for the risk to wake from this dream like state.¡Solo para adultos!
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