With only inches to go, and sweat breaking out on her face, she took a last drink of wine and moaned out loud as his fingers found their way inside of her panties!!!"Oh my," he commented softly, "you were right, you are extremely wet, if I do this," as he flicked her clitoris,"do you think you can cum!?!""Sweet jesus in heaven," she gasped softly while trying not to draw attention to herself, "y-you're crazy!!!"He flicked harder over her now fully erect little organ and repeated, "Answer me, Phyl, when I do this do you think you can cum!?!"Again she didn't answer his question, but this time it was because her whole body was shaking as an incredibly hard orgasm absolutely wracked her trembling body!!!"Well," he said softly, "I guess that answers that one, right!?!"It was all that she could do to nod in the affirmative, as his finger had left her pulsating little clit, and had taken up residence in side of her cunt!!!
She was losing control of herself, but incredibly she didn't seem to care!!!She gazed into the ice blue eyes of her new found friend and knew that she would do any and every thing he asked of her!!!A small cadre of onlookers had taken their places by forming a small ring around them, but Phyllis had lost her ability to protest let alone stop CJ from using her body for his personal enjoyment!!!"It was that damned finger," she thought to herself, "it's almost like a drug that I cannot resist!!!"With his finger resting comfortably in her pussy, he leaned over and gave her a full kiss on the mouth and then whispered into her ear, "Look at my cock, Phyllis, it needs some attention don't you think!?!"After focusing her eyes on his lap, she was stunned to see that he had unloosened his trousers and had pulled out is now very erect penis for everyone to see!!!"Phyllis," he whispered again, "stand up and take off your panties, you are about to get fucked!!!"She struggled to her feet with his finger still inside of her, and glancing around the room she could see that every eye in the room was staring at her, but as if on automatic pilot, she reached under her skirt and slid her tiny pair of bikini panties down to her ankles where upon she stepped out of them, leaving her pussy bare to evening air!!!
"Sit on it," he said softly, and that is exactly what she did. in front of at least twenty or thirty strangers, Phyllis was grinding her pussy down hard on CJ's super hard erection!!!"How does it feel," he whispered in her ear, "I'm erect just for you!?!""Oh, god," she moaned, "it feels wonderful, like no other cock I've ever felt in my life!!!""Do you care that everyone is watching you," he pressed on!?!"N-no," she gasped as another orgasm began to overtake her, "I don't care who sees us, all I want to do is cum over and over again!!!"And she did, too, as climax after climax rocketed through her over heated crotch, leaving her almost unable to sit up as all of her strength was completely sapped form her satiated form!!!
She slumped against him while waiting for her heart to stop pounding, and as she began to regain her senses he said softly, "Now, it's your turn to satisfy me!!!"Even in her state of heavy exhaustion, she knew instinctively that when a man wants you to satisfy him, he means with your mouth, so after easing off his still stiff member, he slid slowly to the floor and in took him gently into her mouth!!!She could still taste her sex on his shaft, but it didn't matter, as the intoxicating feeling of having a man in her mouth was all she could think about!!!Her pussy was still gaping from the huge void left by the hard penis that was now in her mouth, and with her free hand, she casually dropped it to her crotch and began slowly massaging her still erect clit!!!Some in the crowd began to cheer as she worked her mouth up and down the big shaft while furiously fingering her well used pussy!!!Slutty, that was the word for it, and that described her to a tee, as she put a on a show that no one who saw it would soon forget!!!The men, because they wished that she was doing them, and the women because they were jealous of her skill at satisfying a man!!!A woman can always tell when it's time, and Phyllis was no exception as she could sense the approaching eruption when she felt his nut sack tighten and his pecker stiffen, if even only perceptibly!!!The last precursor was of course his moan, which just barely preceded her mouth being deluged in a spray ofwhite hot cum and which accompanied her own orgasm as she frigged her clit to another very satisfying cum!!!
As they rode home from the party Brenda said, "Phyl, you're such a stick in the mud, I didn't see you all night, where were you, curled up in the corner with a book or something!?!"A slight smile spread over her face and she replied softly, "Yeah, that's right, or something!!!
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