Διακριτικό διαμέρισμα. Σε πολυκατοικία. Επικοινωνία μόνο μέσω translator, τίποτα από Αγγλικά.
Ημερομηνία ενδεικτικη. Συνάντηση σε ξενοδοχείο στο κέντρο της Θεσσαλονίκης. Ο τιμοκατάλογος πήγε από 180 στα 200. Εύκολη συνεννόηση. Είναι ένα αρκετά κοντό πλάσμα. Που προσπαθεί αρκετά. Ντυμένη αρκετά προκλητικά. Δεν μπορέσαμε να έχουμε την επικοινωνία που θα ήθελα. Δεν το απόλαυσα όσο οι συνάδελφοι.
Hello my dear. obviously to let you know that before the price was 180€ and now it is 200€, you are a happy old customer of mine who visited me again! I'm sorry that this time I didn't manage to fulfill all your expectations with me but we are human and we don't always succeed. but when you have more than 100 likes and more than 50 positive reviews, I think we all understand the good services I provide. I hope the next time we meet I will satisfy you 100%. I wish you the best. kisses Kira
A great companion . allthou she is not a supermodel she worths every euro that you pay. she expected me in her hotel room with the outfit that i requested from her and i had the most amazing time. about anal: i am not into it, i didnt asked for it. i will visit her again
Thank you ))) I’m the model in the past))) now I’m super model )))
Date was 2018 december if i remember corectly. I met her in a 5star hoter in Thessaloniki. She tryies hard to please a man. She is a big woman. We had good comunication. And she toook time to understand what i wanted in order to please me. She also wear something i liked
Date is close but not the one typed Very Nice and elegand woman. Very good and active in bed. She doent have the age that she sais in her profile. She didn't know very good English but we could comunicate. What i really liked is than i asked something spesific through messages and she took the time to understand and sytisfy it. Μοντελάκιδες απομακρυνθήτε
Relevant date as it has been 2 years since the appointment was made. Easy communication. In fact, she was positive about wearing something specific that i requested She came home with a coat (winter) and she was discreet. We have sex 2 times. very noce blowjob. She might not be the prettyest but she makes up for it with good servises. The pricing might have changed but if the servises are the same i recoment her. About anal, i am not into it. i did knew what to choose.
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We didnt meet. But she was really helpfull over the texs we sent and about What i wanted for the date