This is the second time I meet Maria when she comes to Malta. She is a very tall, blonde, Scandinavians type of woman, if you like it, you should not missed her. The first time i sow her I was confused by her height, but in the process we have after I forgot about it. Maria is an amazing woman, with a very beautiful, young face, perfect, velvety skin... She speaks excellent English, you are not feel embarrassed with her, it was important for me, because i dont go to escorts very often. What else? I liked the three-room high calss apartment she lived in, she offered me a choice of towels, water, juice, it was so welcoming from her side! It is important when you meet a new person to feel that your comfort is taken care of. Maria is very cheerful, positive lady and I think she knows everything about iwhat she is offering to you. I got an amazingly good memories meeting her. Will definitely come again when she comes to Malta
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