Absolutely not worthy that amount of money. You can get much better for cheaper / normal prices . And French kiss and OWO you must pay even more nLeave this agency ,
Just the best girl in years! That’s for sure .nSuch a comfort and what a sex-drive she has .WOW . Amazing Body , fantastic eyes .. and will visit her this week again. nCan’t wait to see you darling.
I totally not agree with preview review of Dignity1988. nI know this agency for 5 years and can say the best communication and girls they have nThis guy is probably on black list or very rude. nHad a great time with this lovely girl!nSee u again darling
It was great ever with this lady .. nice slim body .. proportions body is nice .. became wilder when sex started . I did trust the agency and went to Natalya.. always nice girls. nPs : like a top model said in previous review is little overdone :) nBut for sure pretty
This morning had a fantastic meeting with this natural beauty… she is fresh , clean .. she has a natural look and also sexy amazing body . nTreat her nicely and she will give u the best time ever. Thank u darling
This afternoon I went to this new girl in Town .. and I did not regret.nShe is charming, charismatic and sexy. Really relax and cool personality.. did everything I asked for. Amazing time, see you soon darling.
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