Gerçekten çok tatlı ve profil resimlerinden daha güzel bir hanımefendi. Kapıda karşılaması, konuşması, Vücudu, muamelesi ve ateşi beni benden aldı. Özellikle oralda çok iyi. Bıraksam sabaha kadar ağzına alacaktı :). Dogy de manzara muhteşem birde arkadan girerken inlemesi yok mu.. Güzel bir saat geçirdim kesinlikle.
nice girl, easy access, tried to charge over the listed amount, she was ok following my guide in bed. She is low on personal hygiene but other than that it was ok. avoid if not necessary
There are a lot of girls at the moment in Istanbul but this is the girl that make the difference !!! Milana is a man's dream! Very beautiful, cooperative, made me feel as if i was her boyfriend. This is a girl that her body is totaly amazing and very feminine !!! Her face is pretty and clever and in sex changing from a little young girl to a bitchy slut that wants to be fucked again and again !! I'll book you soon again Milana! PS: I'd love to have you as my girlfirend and buy you expensive stuff, like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, e.t.c
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