The blow-by-blow details of sessions with Elle have been reviewed to death. But for me, this was an amazing session because ... she read me and my body, and stopped giving those famous cowgirl sessions because my body had responded better to her oral. I never said a word - she just stopped, said I seemed to be more of an oral guy, and started giving me a magnificent BJ. I have never clicked with a lady like that. Ever. And I think that one particular moment truly defined my time with Elle - it was 100% about making me happy. She got to know me, she got me to completely lower any inhibition I had, and she was able read me like a book - and maximise my pleasure. And more importantly, she succeeded. For those of you that have not experienced her excellent oral skills, they are not quite GFE, not quite PSE, and definitely not FBE. They are truly random, but wonderful. I was never able to get into a rhythm with her, because I was too excited about what I was receiving and what could be next. The most delicate tongue stroke of my shaft, so delicate her breathing was applying more force on my cock than her tongue, then DT with gagging, then some harmonica action, then traditional up and down head motion, then loud spit and fingernails (but not too deep), then well, there were about 50 more variations And the duration of each was random. Well to me it was ... She got me on the edge too many times to count, and held me there but would not let me cum. I am sure you have had that feeling of pain/pleasure/anger/anticipation when the lady takes you to the very edge of orgasm and then does not let you go further? Elle held me there longer than I have ever been held before. Finally, she let me release. The intensity? Well, let's just say there is a stain on the ceiling. I am writing this about 3 hours after our session, and I am still twitching. I mentioned this to her, and she said ... well, she said it was intentional. See my comment above about reading my body and responding to my actions. By the way, the New York twang was in full swing today - it just added to the event. There were some other little things that made it a little bit more special - like she did not tie up her hair. Long hair during sex gets everywhere, and she just seemed to make it so the tips of her hair were on my thigh (extra sensation). She also teased my be moving that beautiful bum closer to me and further from me (sometimes within reach, sometimes not) Highly recommended.
Wonderful lady. Photos are her. Communication definitely good enough to get by. From the moment she threw her arms around me it was basically something happening. She loves kissing. She loves getting her pussy eaten. She loves giving blow jobs. She loves fucking. She loves playing in the shower. Only a few cuddles and chats - mostly a very intense GFE. Highly recommended.
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