Viktoria is a sweet person, she is trying to make you feel good but she has her own agenda in bed, so she participates in what she feels is her part to play, never getting carried away. She is tall and with a curvy body, not anything memorable though ... I would probably not visit again :no:
Great fun with Alina. She's very horny but also very attentive. Made me cum 2 times, as she was very "kavliara" during all of our meeting. Great ass (1st time I had ass in the menu), great moves, no theatrics.nnTreat her with respect and she will return this in your pleasure.nnI would definitely recommend her.nn(ps. Sorry for the huge cumload - must have been cause of the absense of such a pleasure! :am: )
Κανόνισα μια ώρα με το manager της. Νομίζει ότι κάνει κάτι που δεν γουστάρει, για αυτό έχει πολλά μη και όχι άμα πας για το παραπάνω αγγιγμα. Άρα πολλά από τα services που λέει απλά δεν υπάρχουν. :no:
So, I met with Alissa for an hour. She has a warm smile and a good attitude. She gives fantastic head, sloppy and deep and she's turned on if you find your way around her shaven beaver... The bad thing is that she's 10 yrs. older than the photos (which I would not mind in other cases) and at least 10kg fatter... which is a a bit of a turn off. She has a professional approach to her services, but that's mostly due to the strict timetable she's trying to keep I guess. I would probably not meet her again ... :D :winked:
Thanks for review, but i think you make mistake, maybe you meet not with me?! ????????My foto not old, its my real! I dont have 10 kg more! ????????Little strange review, but okey, i sexy and i know it????????????????
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