Met Emma in Copenhagen in the middle of February, My intentions were a normal meeting with sex, facesitting and some touching. But when I entered Emma's place and saw her I couldn't resist trying her domina service, she was al dressed up in shiny clothes, high heels and that secure domina look, with the equipment on the table showed in the video I was sure that I needed to be her anal slave. Emma is very good on using the different sizes of strap-on that she have, open me up with the smal one and then using the bigger ones. After a while I asked her If it was possible for me to be facesitted (I just love facesitting) it's so powerful to have a well tasted domina riding my tongue. I licked the best I could and after a while I was rewarded with sex with Emma, after some different positions I took her in doggy style, and since that is my favourite position.I couldn't hold my cumming back for to long and cum in a huge orgasm. After some pillow talk I left her appartment satisfied, emptied and with a smile on my face. I can really recommend Emma and when she's coming back to Copenhagen I will for sure return to her, she lit up the dark and cold February day. BR Locosueco
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