Making an appointment was quick and easy. Nice operator. nKristina is really a GEM.???? Her body is breathtaking. Her new boobs are fantastic. The Blowjob was mind blowing. Very intense and long. She gave me a real gfe. She has a lot of energy. Her lips are juicy and she enjoys to be served well. Great kisser as well. A nice and smart student girl with GFE and porno feeling. Treat her wel. I plan already the second date????
Appointment was easy via WhatsApp. nnShe is even more beautiful than her foto’s might suggest. A real Model.nShe speaks very good English and is a intelligent, open minded and very friendly girl. If you treat her respectful, you get her full attention and GFE service. nnShe has a very good taste in sexy outfits. From the first moment I felt her soft lips on mine. The real GFE. nnThe blowjob was just great and I had difficulty not to cum to fast. Her pussy looks very juvenile and is soft, tight and just delicious.nnFucking (with) her was incredible good in any way. She has a lot of energy and tunes in perfectly. nn I gonna see her again soon.
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