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Topic: diaries of ceres and taliya part three*diaries of ceres and taliya part three*
it was a wonderful night. me and taliya touched eachother all night, it was bliss. morning came too soon, mistress had gone to wake taliya up then me for breakfast but mistress couldnt find taliya. i heard master's voice, they was talking as they was coming near my door. i started to shake taliya to wake up, i did not want to be found nude near her so i got up and got dress. i managed to wake taliya but by that time my master had opened my door. "taliya, what do you think you are doing?" he asked i just kneeled waiting for her to answer "n-nothing master" taliya finally said. master grabbed me up from the floor and pushed me down on the bed. i managed to get to the other side of the bed before he took his belt off "wait, master please" i couldnt control myself i was crying so hard. "what were you too doing in here huh? why is taliya nude? tell me that ceres" he said as he walked over to me. i was scared, i didnt want to crawl back over my bed to the other side, i had no where to run, my fear kept me from moving like i wish too.
"stop crying ceres, tell me the truth and ill think about not punishing you along with taliya" he wiped my tears away as i answered him "taliya was wet master" i said just to be asked what i was talking about. "her cunt master, she was soaked from mistress's moaning so she came in here to sleep master" i couldnt look at him "is that all ceres?" he said as taliya turned away from her mistress to answer my master. "master jon i-i came in here cause i was horny sir i didnt mean to disappoint you and mistress, me and ceres made out lastnight master and i am so sorry ill take any punishment please dont harm ceres it wasnt..." i had to cut taliya off it was my fault not her's "master please its not taliya's fault its mines please master dont harm her ill..." he silent me with a back-head slap across my face. my face was on fire i tryed to rub my face but master just slap my hand away. "ceres, you will show your sister respect and you will not be rude, do you understand me ceres?" "yes master, im sorry taliya" taliya just smiled at me and master pushed me on the bed. i didnt dare move, he walked over to taliya and put his belt back on.
mistress looked mad enough to kill someone with her looks. taliya grabbed her clothes and walked out the door with mistress, master leaned down and grabbed me up from the bed and nearly throw me out the door. i didnt actually mean to run from him but i did. i got passed mistress and taliya and ran down the stairs "ceres dont you dare go out that door" mistress screamed down to me but i didnt care. i opened the door and ran out, i got to master's car when i heard him call out to me i looked back to see him running out of the house. it was too late by the time i started running again i bearly make it to the neigbors' car when he grab me and dragged me back inside. mistress and taliya was down stairs by that time and i still had to get ready for school it was my first day to college and it already started badly. taliya is my older sister we're not blood, taliya has been masters and mistresses submissive for 6years. while i was only their submissive for 6months. it was like living in thehouse with two mothers and a father. i was 18yrs old and taliya was 24, but master is the oldest just by a year through, he's 36 and mistress is 35. "ceres, what made you think you could run away?" mistress asked me as master finally let go of me.
taliya just looked at me, she was mad at me for running, for acting like a child well i am. im the only baby in the house and i dont get my way at all. master and mistress had lefted me in taliya's care and lefted for work. i didnt move til taliya said to follower her up stairs. "taliya im sorry i didnt mean to run, i wasnt thinking please, dont be mad at me" taliya stopped at the bathroom and looked at me "shut up ceres and lets get this over with so i can get you to school". she pulled me in the bathroom and striped me down. while i was in the shower she had gone to my room and returned with my clothes and something behind her back. i was almost done when she walked up to me still in the shower, seeing the belt in her hand i told i couldnt wear that belt to school it was too big. she just smile at me "ceres, turn around for me" she said i turned around knowing that she was going to hit me. "taliya wait, dont do this please" begging wasnt going to work i knew that. taliya beat me the last time i was lefted in her care, i misbehave taliya gets punished not me. she slapped my wet skin with the belt so hard i nearly fell to my knees. the belt rainned down on me 20 times and she stopped. i wouldnt dare tell master want she done, it wouldnt matter she would just make something up.
she had to help me out i could bearly walk. she got me dressed and out the door in enough time to stop somewhere and eat, being that i didnt have breakfast cause of my foolishness. we got in taliyas' car and drove off. she got me breakfast and got me to school, good thing she was the school nurse. i throw up in class and was since to her. she had to take the rest of the day off to care for me at home "im sorry taliya please dont be mad..." she told me to hush and rest up. we was outside when master got home at noon, he carried me up stairs and put me to bed. i had a fever but i wanted to be down stairs with master, mistress wouldnt allowed it. my fever finally broke an hour later and i was allowed to run around in the back while taliya BBQ. master and mistress kept an hawk's eye on me, checking my temp every 18 minutes. mistress fianlly made me sit down next to her, it wasnt fair i was having fun. "ceres its time to rest you can run around later on, okay? mistress said "yes mistress" i said with a smile. she pulled me down so i could rest my head on her lap and told me to close my eyes. i didnt feel sleepy at all but i fell to sleep.
mistress woke me up to eat, i tryed eatting something but i couldnt keep it down. mistress took me to the shower to get me cleaned up and noticed the belt marks on my ass. she dryed me and took me to master, master lay me down in their room and called taliya in. i wasnt dressed yet so taliya saw the marks as well. taliya couldnt explain herself fast enough, mistress stay with me while master dragged taliya back to her room. i never heard taliya scream before, i jumped up cause it scared me. i started crying i throught i was in trouble as well, it took mistress some time to calm me down. when master returned he was carrying taliya in his arms and placed her in her bed, he told her to stop crying she tryed to calm herself calm. master came to me and carried me to my room. "am i in trouble too, master?" "no ceres, you are not in trouble". i throught to myself for a little bit while master lay me down, "is something wrong ceres?" he asked me with a puzzling look on his face i shook my hand no and he asked me again.
"taliya didnt mean to hurt master she was punishing me for trying to run away" "she had no right to punish you like that" "but i was in the shower master my skin was wet thats all" he just looked at me and smile. he stayed with me til i was fast asleep, i was out of school for a week. i woke up at midnight, i tryed to go down stairs but master stopped me he was coming up the stairs with some water. he tuened me around and leaded me to their. i didnt want to sleep by myself so i get in the middle of master and mistress and slept there til morning. mistress woke me up with a kiss "how are you feeling little one?" "better mistress can i go to school today?" "no sweetie" "but mistress im fine now so please" i said with a disappointed look. she then told me to wait til after breakfast to see if i can hold anything down so i did. we ate breakfast but i didnt hold anything down at all, i throw up in the sink and mistress got me something hot to drink. i wanted to go to school but that didnt work out. taliya called work and i was allowed to go in with her i just had to do my classes from the nurses office. i didnt have such a good day i couldnt get my classwork done. so taliya lay me down and master came and got me. on the way home i started to feel better and fell asleep in the car.