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all started out innocent enough that day we met over the internet as we did.Oddly enough right here on Sex Stories Postteasing with one another around the forumand posting across the boards.
Who could have imagined things could end uplike this, not I, that's for damn sure.  Things just seemed to flow naturally as if we'd known each other for the longest of times.
Having decided to meet at some halfway pointbetween us, she'd found an old boarding housealong the side of a now less traveled highway and contacted me on my cell phone to giveme directions.
I was already on the road heading to thelittle hamlet we'd decided in advance thatwould best suit us both for our clandestineencounter.
In all honesty the place was pretty much a shitholeand apparently the owner had lost notonly his ass when the interstate passedhim by but his desire to keep the place upas well.
For me it was perfect, it only added tothe feel of the mood I was in, that hungerto dominate her that we both craved.  I wantedthis meeting to be raw, unrehearsed andbring out the most primal urges within us both. 
Those deep dark places that so manytry desperately to conceal inside themselves.That are only waiting for someone to tearthem apart at their emotional and physicalseams. To make it all come spilling out to be greedily devoured by someone who may understand them better than they understand themselves.
I'd even brought along a cd thatI'd looped with the songs I use for scening.Nine Inch Nails, "I Want To Fuck You Like AnAnimal", Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box" andPuddle of Mudd's "Control" that playedone after the other only to repeat timeand again. 
There were no awkward moments of silence between us, no fear of speaking what was on our minds.  Somehow we both just knew that this was the place we should be and what we shared was forus alone.
"Do you trust me?" I asked firmly.
"Yes, something about you tells me that it's OK to do that," she whispered.
"It is OK, there's nothing for you to fear with me, no reason to run nor hide from your desires," I assured her.
"Never be ashamed of who you are, of what you feel inside,"I told her with a voice of experience gathered over time and learning my own inner secrets all too well.
I secured her with strands of slender white cord to the chair, her supple breasts garnering the most attention as I worked magic with the knots that bound her, bound us to each other.
I loved how they lifted upward as the cord ran beneath the hollow of her breasts.  The way the nipples became so stiff and the aureolaengorged to a light shade of violet.
With my hands I cupped her upturned breasts,squeezing them firmly, fingers probing deeply intothe tender flesh.
Her breath caught and I looked down to see the first damp traces of wetness showing throughthe crotch of her red lace panties.
The way her vulva pressed itself against the smooth material as it began to gather between them.
"I' think I'm gonna cum, my pussy feels like it's on fire," she moaned as she bit down hard on her own lip.
A single drop of blood trickled down over her chin where her teeth raked the almost transparent sheeth of her lips."NO, not yet Angel, you can't cum until I tell you, only when I tell you you can," I scolded her.
I licked the faint trace of blood from her lips and chin, my mouth moving slowly down the curve of her neck. 
Nipping gently along the smooth milky skin as I licked her earlobe and and tugged on it with the edges of my teeth.
"I want you to taste me, make me cum so you can cum," I urged her.
"The warmth and wetness of my seed filling your mouth and then your tummy, all of it yours to devour as you cum with me."
As much as I wanted to feel the glorious pull of her lips sliding up and down the swollen husk of  my manhood I wanted to kiss her to taste her tongue in my mouth.
I'd used a pair of her panties I'd gotten from her overnight bag and tore them into thin strips to gag her, only to quiet her when I knew she would want to scream when things became so intense.Screams not born of fear but rather of desire, of release, of acknowledgement that we were as one and shame played no part in what we shared with each other.
I used my foot to slide a small wooden stool beside her chair to stand on.My free hand opening the button at the waist of my jeans, unzipping myself so I could free my cock for my captive angel.
Looking up at me her eyes gleamed like firey gems, her tongue now licking the swollen edge of her lip where she'd nicked it.
I gathered a fistful of her cherry hued mane and twisted it into a small ponytail behind her, knotting the hair tighter as I drew herto my erection.
Fuck it I thought, I needed those sweetsucculent lips taking me to the base of my prick so I removed the gag for the momentand tossed it beside the chair.
"I can see it in your eyes, you're a cock suckerif ever I saw one," I told her as I stared eyeto eye with her.
"I want your cum in my mouth so fucking bad, I want to taste it on my tongue and swirl the thickness of it around inside my mouth beforeI swallow," she pleaded.
Before penetrating the warmth of her mouth I took the hand holding my penis and reached downward to the waistband of her panties.
The thin edge tore like tissue but the elastic heldfirm allowing me to grind them between the swollen folds of her pussy.
I knew her writhing within the chair, feeling that lacey edge of fabric gathering up, rubbing between the lips and soaked with her own cunt cream would make her cum and cum hard.She groaned from the sensation as the material rubbed briskly against her clit, a petal pink hue, the tip almost crimson as it became enraged withblood.
Now I could enjoy the warm pull of her mouth, those succulent lips gliding up and down the stalk as her tongue bathed every ripple and crease alongmy meaty tube.
"Yes, fuck yesssssssssss, use that tongue to really lick deep into my piss hole," I gasped.
I punched the head of my prick into the hollow of her cheeks,  her teeth skimming the length of me as I pulled back and let her tongue part the widening slit.
My balls began to draw tight, to nestle themselves within the spongy covering of my shaven flesh and I could feel that tickle, that delicious ache that Iknew would begin its slow crawl up my cock shaft.
An ache that would climb all the way to the very bell shaped tip and then burst forth, rupture and release the pure creamy white essence of male lust.
Taking her hair back within my fist I began using it to control her head, shoving myself deeper into her sucking orifice that had become my nirvana. 
Screwing the ponytail of hair between my fingers I thrust my hips to meet each downward stroke her lips made over my cock.
Looking at her I could see the faint lines of tearsmisting from the corners of her eyes as she soughtto take my every thrust.  Bubbles of her clear saliva foaming around the base of my erection anddripping down the length of my penis like melting wax.
Suddenly her legs tensed and she arched her backagainst the chair.  Straining against the cords bindng her ankles her toes curled into the carpet.  The tips glowing pink through the toes of her jet blackstockings as they fought for purchase against the rug.
I knew she was starting to cum, I looked into her eyes as they told the true story.  That beseeching gaze when you know your lover is there,this moment in time when you both become as one.
"Cum you little slut, let go, don't try to fight it, just let it go," I demanded.I could do no more than utter it breathlessly as I too began to erupt.  The hot wet coils of seed twisting out only to be captured within my lover's mouth.
Pooling the milky juices atop her tongue as it curled about my saturated cock dome and lashed frantically to tease and tickle every drop to its release.
Her cheeks caved and released with each seperate expulsion, her mouth floded with her own saliva and mingling with the honeyed sap of my climax.
I could feel the vibraions of her moans, her whimpersagainst the veins crisscrossing my stalk as she peakedher own cum and her spine went stiff.
Her heels drumming against the chair legs as she lost all control, relinquished it to me through her trust and the knowledge that we were equals in all things now and always.
I couldn't help but withdraw myself.  To kneel besideher and kiss her lips.  My tongue probing within the sticky recess of her mouth to taste myself and sharethis as well.
Our eyes closing with each other, the softness and warmth of her lips against mine as I breathed her inside me, she breathing mewithin her.  Our tongues darting against each others as I embraced her. 
Placing her head upon my shoulder I unfastened the cords that had bound her.  I held her, snuggled her within my arms, within my heart my mind, my very soul. 
This was not and end, far from it, itwas simply the dawn of an awakeningwithin herself and I only the instrument thatset it her free.
Both of us now bound to each other by something far greater. Something invisible that only we could see and touch!!!
*****Images used are for illustration purposes only,they do NOT reflect the indentity of the submissive portrayedwithin the context of this story.*****[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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