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Erotic Poetry

In these quietest of times I wish for you in my arms.Here by my side to cradle your head upon my chest.Feeling the silken caress of your hair upon my shoulder, the ardor of your body so near to mine.These little things that I have missed so much in life without you.Those smallest of things so precious that consume me with thoughts of you.Those tiny, caring, tender nuances that join two hearts as one.Unspoken words that can be shared with but a glance between two soul mates eyes.That enchanted feeling that makes the heart swell, when beside you at this moment is the ONE that makes you whole. Each time I gaze upon your face I see reflected in you, all that I have ever wanted.The myriad glow about you that sweeps me in it's aura.The radiance of your smile, that sparkle of heaven in your eyes. Yes, my love, my heart of hearts I have you inside me.Like flesh, like blood, as life's energy rushing headlong sustaining me in all ways, for all time.I hunger for your taste, our lips touching, seeking to quench each others thirst.I long for your touch, our bodies sculpted in passions perfection.Our fingers interlaced as palms do touch and the fabric of time stands still, passing between us our souls embrace.In the quietest of times I am so there with you.So inside of you my love, rushing headlong like life itself into your very heart.