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I was about to die, thinking the whole time that while he was asking me about the unimportant stuff, that those bastards were making a run for it.OK, maybe now would be a good time to, introduce myself. My name is Abby Schmidt.I’m 22 years old, I have long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and I am definitely a head turner everywhere I go. Tonight I just happened to be out with my best friend, Michelle. We work together and often go out on the weekends with each other. Ok, back to the story.“I was with my friend Michelle …” he interrupted me asking for her full name, address, and number.“… anyways, I was with Michelle and we were just having a good time, dancing with guys, drinking, playing pool, you know, having a good night out”.“Everything was going fine, as usual, until about 11:30 p.m.. At that time a guy came up and asked me to dance with him, he wasn’t particularly attractive so I politely declined”.“For the next half hour or so, I could feel him looking at me from the end of the bar where he was sitting. I didn’t get a good vibe from him so I moved across the dance floor to the tables at the other side, seemed a good idea to distance myself from him”.“I’m not sure what pissed him off more, me moving away from him, or me taking a dance with the first stud that came up after I moved. After that dance I looked over to see if he was still there, and he was. Only now his look had changed, Before his look was one of wanting, infatuation, and somewhat desperate. Though the wanting was still there, the infatuation seemed to turn into obsession and he seemed angry”.“This isn’t the only place we go to for a good time, so I tried to find Michelle so we could go somewhere else. I didn’t really feel safe there, with a drunk maniac watching your every move, who wouldn’t be freaked out”.“So after about fifteen minutes of looking for her, I found that neither her nor the guy she was dancing with were to be found.“Damn!” I thought.“You see, Officer, we have an arrangement, Michelle and I. So based on that arrangement, I figured she went somewhere with him to have sex. That’s not a good thing. Our arrangement stipulates that no matter what, we always meet back at the club by 2 a.m.. That way we could always try to make sure we got home Ok, better two than women riding home in a cab that late than just one”.“That left me stuck there, alone, in a predominantly male populated bar at a mere 12:25 a.m.”.“I wasn’t staying there any longer than I had to, so I went outside to the parking lot to make a call, to call her and tell to get her ass back here”.“Alright, so the parking lot is lit, but not that well. The lot is full of cars so an on looker would assume the bar is packed. Therefore, there weren’t any people coming or going”.“I realized the potential in the situation and tried to make my call quickly, and I did. I had to leave a message, not ideal, but it would have to do, I thought”.“Just as I’m folding the phone and placing it back in my purse, a dark blue van pulled up, out came two men, they grabbed me while another came to me from behind. Now all they did was cover my mouth, I could still see, and I quickly noticed that the man who came from behind was the very same asshole from the bar”.“Get in the fucking van and don’t say a word!” I recognized the voice as the assholes.“Just as I started to scream through the hand on my mouth, I felt the blade. Gently cutting into my throat, not too badly, but enough to shut me up”.“I was thrown into the van and I heard them saying, “Hurry up, shut the door, lets go”.“The next fifteen minutes or so, were a blur of crude remarks about what was going to happen to me, nothing worth remembering”.“Suddenly I felt the van start to shudder and shake, we were on a dirt road. I couldn’t see the street lights passing anymore, all I could see through the windshield was trees, lots and lots of trees”.“In the second it took for them to figure we were there and what they would do with me first, I grabbed the pepper spray from my purse and sprayed the man holding me. All this did was get me hit harder than I had ever been hit in my life”.“As I lay there on the floor of the van bleeding, I could hear the man I sprayed screaming and I could feel him kicking about, at some point even kicking me. I remember thinking to myself that that wasn’t worth it”.“While I became the target a few brutal blows, I was told that if I tried that again, they would include my pretty little friend next time”.“I was thrown from the van onto the ground and drug around the front of the van, in front of the headlights. This blinded me so again, all I could see were trees, big trees”.“Almost immediately I was turned onto my stomach, my dress was unzipped and it was being yanked very roughly from my already aching body. My panties were then cut off and I was told to rise to my feet, I did as I was told”.“By this time I had resolved myself to my fate, I was going to be raped”.“I didn’t want to add beating after beating to that, so I did exactly as I was told”.As I’m sitting here telling the officer what happened, I start getting … very uncomfortable.“Would you like to take a break Ms. Schmidt?”“NO! I want to get this over with as soon as possible, I don’t want to forget anything before I can tell you about it. I could use something to drink though”.“Ok, what do you want?”“Water” I answered.“I’ll be right back, try to relax”.“That is the best water I’ve ever had, can I have some more?”“Of course you can, one sec, Ok?” When the officer returned I asked, “Have you ever worked a rape case before?”“Yeah, I’ve worked quite a few”.“Did you have any that you couldn’t catch, you know rapist?”“Yeah, of about a dozen cases, I’ve only been able to catch two. Though in all the other cases the victim didn’t remember very much, unlike yourself. I think in the panic of everything, that’s all they did was panic, but it doesn’t sound like you did, so we’ve got a pretty good shot at catching these guys”.“I’ve been sexually assaulted before, three times actually. So that wasn’t as big a deal to me as knowing this time, I couldn’t stop it”.“I think I’m ready to continue” He just nodded grabbed the tape recorder, note pad and pencil.“So where was I …… oh, I stood up as told and waited for it. I knew it was coming, it was the whole reason I was there in the first place”.“I quickly assessed how many there were before the “asshole” came over to me. I counted five, plus the “asshole”.“With anger still in his eyes, he looked me over. Roughly turning me around to look get a good look at me from behind, two guys came over and laid me on the ground facing up. Then another came over, placed my dress over my face and held it there tightly. It was a thin dress so I could breath and see shadows in the light from the headlights”.“I saw one standing over me, then lowering himself onto me. I must have missed him removing his pants because I didn’t expect him to enter me right away”.“As he did, I felt sharp pains from lack of lubrication, and his size. I later found that I was happy he went first, he was the biggest, and I mean big! I think he stretched me out, and the others, I couldn’t hardly feel them”.“He roughly began pumping in and out, in and out. It seemed like little more than that and he was cumming. On to the second one, I couldn’t feel him. I only assume he did his deed”.As ashamed as I am to admit it, shortly after the third guy mounted, I was starting to enjoy the feelings more than I felt was appropriate. They’re doing the worst thing you can do to a girl, aside from murder, and here I am acting a slut getting wet, having to fight as hard as I can not to thrust up into him. Maybe it’s normal, I mean, they didn’t pose any threat to me as long I didn’t pose one to them, so it’s not like I feared for my life. And I have always liked it kind of rough. Normal or not, I was doing it, no turning back now.“When the third guy mounted me …” I continued with the officer.“I felt hands mauling at my breasts, pinching my nipples, trying to hurt me maybe”.“This guy lasted much longer than the others had. The whole time up until now, the more inactive participants had been cheering the active one on. Saying things like, “Yeah, fuck that bitch good” and “Damn he’s really showing her”. Though I was now used to the crude remarks being made, I froze at one instigating the act of sodomy”.“That’s not my cup of tea, never has been and never will be”. Or at least that’s what I told him. Aside from the circumstances it wasn’t half bad and I’m thinking of trying it again. Only in a less dominating situation.“Once the third guy had finished, I felt hands around my ankles pulling my legs upward, essentially pushing my knees into my chest. Once they were in place, I felt it. The head of a cock nestling up to my rear”.“Now I know I said I had resolved myself to my fate, but not this”.“I thanked God when I felt him slip upward and dip into my cunt first, that lubed him up a bit, and with the previously dispensed fluids that had run down my crack and onto my rear, I knew the pain would be minimal, in comparison”.“First I felt him slide out and then he hammered his way into my rear. The pain was excruciating, felt like someone took a condom, filled it with needles and shoved it in”.At this point the officer looks taken aback by my descriptions, But I don’t care. He wants to know what happened? I’ll tell him exactly what happened.“Ms. Schmidt? I need you to hold on one second while I switch the tapes, this one’s full”.“Ok, ready when you are”.“Go ahead Ms.” He said politely.“The forth guy was quick, the fifth guy was quick, and even the sixth and final guy was quick, but that didn’t stop the pain. I think their semen was making it worse. It didn’t burn as bad until after the forth guy finished”.“I was rather shocked by what happened next. I thought for sure they’d leave me fore all they cared was that they got some. They actually loaded me into the van, I watched as they cut my dress to shreds and handed it back to me. The dress wouldn’t be much good to me now but, it would cover some”.“I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My nightmare was finally over as they drove into the parking lot of the bar, opened the door and threw me out onto the ground. That was a blow I liked, it meant they were done, gone, out of my life”.“That’s when I started walking down the street and found you”.“And that about sums it up”.“Yep, I think so Ms. Schmidt”.“Why don’t you go ahead and call someone to pick you up and take you home, rest is going to be your best friend for a few days”.“Ok, I’ll call Michelle, I’m sure she’s worried sick by now”.“Oh no! I forgot to tell you, they got my purse and my phone and my money!”. I said anxiously.“They got your phone? Great, we may be able to use that. Here, take my phone and call Michelle, tell her to get down here right away. We can call them on your phone with her phone, I’ll bet they’re too drunk not to answer it”.“That sounds promising!” I added.So I took the phone and called Michelle, she answered with uncertainty, seeing the name as Officer something, I would be confused too. When she heard my voice …“Where the fuck have you been!?” She yelled.“I was off doing the same thing you were, only I was forced!”“What? You were raped? By who?”“By some drunk at the bar that I wouldn’t dance with, him and five of his buddies”.“Oh my God, I’m so sorry Abby”.“It’s ok for now, but listen, I need you to get here as quickly as possible. The officer here thinks we have a shot at catching them, but we need your phone to do it”.“Ms. Schmidt? Maybe I should talk to her”.So I hand him the phone and he begins asking her where she is, and then telling her that he’ll come pick her up himself and to wait right there.He left me here at the station to go get her, a lousy half hour of waiting ……“Finally, you’re back”. I say as they walk into his office where I’m waiting.“Alright, now you said that they told you next time they would bring your pretty little friend into it, right?”Somewhat puzzled by the relevance of it, “Yes”.“Good, then they may be more open to talking with Michelle on the phone long enough for us to trace the call, and maybe they won’t be suspect of what’s going on here. Michelle? Call Abby’s cell and ask for her when they answer, do not let on that you know about any of this. Just try to act like he’s a guy that she’s with, play it normal, Ok?”“Ok, I can do that. What do you want me to say?”“Anything to keep them on the phone until I signal the all clear to you”.“Alright” She answers.He then sets up the trace and tells her to proceed, which she does flawlessly.The shorter version is that it all went basically as planned. My assailants were caught, charged and convicted. Maybe now they’ll get to experience something similar to the hell they put me through.Two months later, I am now trying to recover. The physical aspect has all but vanished, however, the emotional damage has now set in. I can’t even talk about it with my therapist without tearing up and quivering. I still can’t figure out why I was so aroused during the whole ordeal. Guilt still plagues me for it but inside I can’t help feel a bit of excitement mixed in the memory of it.The End. OK, I took into consideration the comments and advise from the last one. This is a different topic but I hope I did better. I hope you enjoyed reading.Anthony