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I reckoned that I wouldn't have too much of aproblem getting this job; my interviewer was a guy andguys usually took to me the moment they saw me. Itwas probably due to the fact that I'm not exactly shywhen it comes to dressing up; I always wear what Isuppose you would call 'loud' clothes complete withall the make-up and although my hair isn't naturallyblonde, I always make sure it is dyed that colour ,asthe guys like it. Sure I like the attention from menand although I'm only 24 I've been one of the mostpopular girls in my town; my 'phone is always on thering ( if I didn't know better I'd swear the men werepassing my number around! ). Beforegetting up I reached under the covers and gave my warmbeaver a little rub and smiled in the memory of the'seeing-to' that I'd been given only last night byJake. He had caught me on the way to my car fromdoing my shopping and soon persuaded me to drive outto a secluded spot and insisted on giving me a'good-bye' present. Jake was a regular at the bar andhad been sniffing around me for some time but I wasinvolved with other, more interesting guys, but hispersistence paid off for him last night as he hadcaught me in a good mood and well, he was the nearestcock around at the time.I couldn't be bothered to shower and justsplashed water on my face and brushed my teeth. Isuppose I was a lazy slut when it came to personalhygiene. I did wash but only when I felt like it. After a fuck I usually just give my beaver a quick wipe over with a damp cloth because it would only becalled into use a few hours later knowing the hornyguys in this town! I took care dressing and chose alow-cut bra and top which not only had the effect ofshowing off my 38d jugs but the bra was designed topush them up and out; I'd worn this top and bra for afew job interviews and most of the time the questionsasked were aimed at my chest! Before pulling on mystockings, I fastened my suspender belt around mycurved hips and finished it off by sliding tight whitepanties into place; I also chose a red, ass-shortskirt which showed off my long legs. Sitting in frontof the mirror I applied my make-up; I like lots ofmake-up, the works, Ichose my green eye-shadow andblack mascara then applied a liberal dab of rouge toeach cheek. Reaching into my over-flowing make-upbag, I chose a deep red lip-stick and painted my fulllips. It was windy out so I piled my hair into a neatbun and slipped into a pair of cheap high-heels. Igave myself the once-over in the full-lenght mirrorand knew that if push came to shove, I felt that Icould easily convey to my would-be employer that Iwas interested in the 'casting couch' route!Walking to my car I felt good; high-heels clickingon the pavement, round titties bouncing steadily intheir best cock-teasing fashion, my little panties hadworked their way between my ass-cheeks and although Iknew eyes were watching me, I didn't hesitate to reachround and pull them out. I gave contemptuous looks tothe men who were whistling and leering at me. As Ichecked my watch I nearly had a heart attack, I wasrunning half an hour late. "How the fuck did thathappen?" I muttered to myself. This job was importantto me as it meant a new start in a new town with aflat of my own for once. With that thought I sped offand was soon zooming along a deserted, and seeminglyendless road. I passed a sign which read ' You arenow entering the town of ' Upem'. It was news to meas I couldn't see a town anywhere, still what thehell, I drove on. Through the noise of my radio Iheard the heart-sinking sound of a siren, looking intomy rear mirror, sure enough, a big cop car was wavingme over to the side. I pulled up and slipped a $5dollar bill between my tightly squeezed breasts, thishad worked before. Putting on my best smile I woundthe window down."Do you know that You've been speeding, ma'am?"" I am in rather a hurry" I replied, making surethe money was in his eye-line. He was about 6" 2'with a black crew-cut and looked odd with hissunglasses on because it was a cold day, what wasworse he had not even looked at my tits."Get out of the car, ma'am" I climbed out, pleased,this was a good opportunity to show my body off tohim. I let my legs fall apart slightly as I pretendedto have troubled getting out. As I stood in front ofhim he did not even look over my body, surely he musthave noticed the dollar bill? He pulled his note-bookout and began to read me my rights. After he hadfinished he stated:" You are being arrested for speeding and trying tobribe a police officer, I am taking you to the stationto be interrogated" I was desperate now, I couldsee my new job and flat melting away fast. Movingcloser to him I cupped my titties and said"There must be some arrangement we can come to" Therewas no emotion on his face and I checked his trousersfor a tell-tale bulge but I couldn't see any."Add 'lewd behaviour' to that list, ma'am" Before Iknew it I was being marched into some little knowntown and into a little known jail. There were twoother cops sitting at their desks as we walked throughthe door and as we passed one of them said with aknowing look and tone to his colleague"Another member of the public to be arrested by ourconscientious police officer Kane" I didn't like theway they roared laughing at this remark."You gonna be long with this one?" The second officerasked looking me up and down adding, "that's thethird lady this week, you'll be gettin'a good conductbadge buddy" Again, the howls of laughter and Iwondered what on earth they found amusing about awoman being brought in for questioning. Once insidethe interrogation room I saw a depressing, dingylittle area containing nothing but a table and twochairs on the opposite wall was a well scrubbedmirror, totally out of place in the dirty room. Iglanced toward the small dirty window and wished thatI was on the other side of it. I felt angry but triedto keep calm." Look, how long is this going to take?""How long is this going to take, 'officer' " hereplied sternly. I put my hands on my hips and lookedat him in a sarcastic fashion, his broad frame exudedauthority but he didn't frighten me, I knew how totreat men, they were usually putty in my hands "As soon as I've frisked and searched you, ma'am. Getover against the wall with your back to me, arms upand spread your legs" Now I did get angry"Hey, why don't you just give me a speeding ticket. I've got a really important job interview to make inhalf an hour and if I stay here any longer I'll belate" the cop just stood there watching me and hisexpression told me that I was wasting my breath."The sooner you do as I've asked, the sooner you canbe on your way, ma'am. It's not just the speeding,you also tried to bribe me and you behaved in anindecent manner. You're not going anyplace until I'vefinished with you...ma'am" now it was his turn tosound sarcastic with his use of the word "ma'am" "Ialso need to check over your breasts for concealedweapons""Oh for Christ's sake" I blurted out but made my wayover to the wall and assumed the required position,the sooner I co-operated , the sooner I could go. Iraised my arms above my head and stretched my legs asfar apart as my micro-mini skirt allowed, I couldfeel my ass straining against the skirt, it'sroundness protruding . The cop came up behind me andfelt along my arms, before I knew it he had both handsaround my tits and was squeezing and twisting mynipples making them all big and hard."You've got a nice set, ma'am. Just checking thatthose hard things are really nipples" I could feelhis hot breath on my neck and I was not amused. Iwanted to kick back at him; yes, I fuck at the dropof a hat, but I always call the shots and then, onlywhen I want it...just my luck to run into a bentcopper on today of all days! He continued pawing mytitties, sliding a hand inside my top and grabbing ahorny handful, he pulled my left tit out and rolledthe nipple then did the same with my other tit. Hestepped back after a minute or so and told me not tomove; I looked ridiculous standing there facing thewall with both my titties hanging out over the top ofmy skimpy sweater."Okay, ma'am, over by the desk and bend over, I needto do an orifice inspection" I was past arguing and Ifelt that this guy could turn nasty if I continued torefuse. "There's usually a woman police officerpresent but there are none on duty so the task fallsto me I'm afraid" I was going to enjoy this. Once hecaught sight of my pussy that's it, I'd have him in mywomanly power and I'd persuade him to let me go. Thiswould only take a minute or so. I sauntered over tothe desk, titties wobbling sexily, he never took hiseyes off me. Once I reached the table I bent over andraised my ass high, dragging my skirt the short way upover my hips. I looked around at him in my bestsultry manner "are you going to remove my panties..."Officer"' He walked over and moved the material toone side, exposing my dark bush then unexpectedlyripped the panties off with one powerful tug. I feltquite shocked and unable to control the situation."As I thought, a cheap little peroxide blonde" hemuttered to himself, eyeing the stiff dark hairs onmy beaver which was sexily winking back at him, "justmy type""What did you say?" I demanded to know, no-one callsme cheap. He stepped back and I was surprised to hearhim say"Now, spread your cuntlips wide" Oh the degradationof it all!"Couldn't you just take the $5 dollars? I need to beon my way?" I really was desperate to leave now."I'll show you what I intend to do with the $5 dollarsyou gave me, ma'am, now do as I say and spread thatlittle cunt!" Well, if all the voyeuristic copperwanted to do was watch then good, this would be oversoon. I bent even further then reached back andteasingly let my fingers trace their way along my pinkfolds, running a finger right along the closed slit. I took hold of my two little twat leaves and partedthem to their fullest extent, the dark moist interiorpointed straight at the crooked copper. I got nopleasure from this, it was just something I had to doin order to be allowed on my way. I vaguely wonderedhow many other poor unsuspecting women he hadsubjected to the same treatment. He pushed his faceclose to my open cave and said"Hmm...a bit of an odour....stale cum...cunt lookslike it's been well fucked on a regular basis" BeforeI could object he darted his tongue into my pussy,it's hot folds closing around his probing tongue. Itburrowed and wriggled its horny way all around myinterior, grinding and slurping the cunt juice to befound there. I have to admit I helped him by raisingmy ass high. He buried his face between my legs andran his nose along my ass crack. No sooner had hebegan his oral assault on my nethers than he abruptlypulled out and stopped. I lay there over the tablebreathing fast, little red skirt up around my waist,legs spread wide, my stocking s ripped and hanging offmy legs, tits splayed out on the desk in front of me. I hated the fact that I had enjoyed his tonguing. Iwaited for my next set of instructions but instead Ifelt his hand on my spit-lubricated cunt., he bent hishead again and I could feel his fingers stealingthrough the hairs until he reached the top of my slit.Once there he unceremoniously parted it and said"You've got a zesty little twat erection, ma'am" OOOOOHHH!! I could have screamed for him noticing mypleasure. He began to squeeze and tweak that'erection' and I'm afraid I rolled my hips back andforward like a whore as he made me come on hisfingers. As I recovered I was aware of him movingbehind me and I said"How dare you treat...." WHAM!!The head of his thick cock reamed up my cunt like aknife through butter, splitting it in half. Iliterally had my breath taken away, I was not evenfully juiced up. My mind was racing, there was noteven time to consider contraceptive safety, thisbastard was raping me and I could get pregnant. "Stop it!!" I yelledWHAM....WHAM...WHAM..My feet were lifted off the floor with his bruteforce, his cock plunging in and out at full speed. Heheld my hips high, his feet stretching my ankles asfar apart as possible then pausing, his cock seemed tobe adjusting to my pussy and I could feel it throbbingin there, his heavy balls resting against my lowercuntlips."Now liste...." WHAM"That's for speeding, ma'am"WHAM"That's for bribing me, ma'am"WHAM"That's for your lewd behaviour, ma'am"Between each accusation he would pull out then ram hisdick back in to the hilt, I could feel his heavy ballsslapping against my clitty with each thrust. I triedto kick back at him but to no avail, he held me in avice-like grip, his prick having full possession of myravaged , unwilling pussy."UGGGGGHHNNN" my nose was pressed into the table as myelbows collapsed under the onslaught. At fullpenetration he began grinding his dick as if stirringmy pussy juices around, I could feel his pubic bonehard against my ass cheeks and could feel his hot knobknocking against my cervix. The bastard was burieddeep all right . Despite my revulsion, I had neverhad it in such a brutal way before and as he resumedhis hard rhythmic thrusts up and down my sucking cock-hole, it began emitting those hot slurping noisesthat only an aroused milky cunt can make, theseslurps mingled with the cop's grunts as he took hispleasure. Fuck, it was such humiliation! WHAM! SLURRRRRRRRPPP! SLOSHHHH!WHAM! SLURRRRRPPPPP! SLOSHHHH!"Turn around, ma'am" he ordered in his calm voice. Ohno, what now? His prick left my pussy rather noisilyas he turned me over and pushed my ass up onto theedge of the table, he leered down at my heaving titties, red and swollen from his sucking and groping,his eyes travelling to take in my by now widely gapingred gash, exhausted from such a thorough fucking, itwas as if he was admiring his handiwork. I reached upand slapped him hard across the face, this had noaffect on him whatsoever, he ordered, "on your knees,ma'am, believe me, you'll enjoy this!""I will not!" I protested and tried to scramble awayover the desk. He grabbed my wrists and held themtight laughing as I spat in his face. He moved hismouth over my titties and sucked hard, his busytongue leaving a wet trail all the way to the stiffnipples where he captured each each pink nub in turngiving them a thorough sucking, before finallysqueezing those poor abused mounds tightly together. He grinned into my face, showing perfect white teethand I could smell his aftershave. I thought aboutscreaming for his two colleagues who were only on theother side of a thin wall but I decided against it, Ireckoned the ordeal would be over soon. He grabbed myhair and forced me to the floor, his big, gnarled cockdangled menacingly in front of my face, the knob adeep red from its recent exertions. He slowly rubbedhis prick over and over my lips, the red lip-sticksmearing his knob"Just getting rid of that slutty color, ma'am, but Imust say, it suits you.. Go ahead suck, ma'am" Igave him a withering look, how dare he insult me likethis. I gingerly licked the moisture from hiscum-hole and burrowed my tongue into it, darting inand all around at a devilish speed, opening my mouthwide, I sucked on his knob like a two dollar whoretrying to get it over with as quickly as possible. Iheard him draw his breath"That's good, ma'am". Relaxing my mouth, I sucked thewhole of his big dick right in, sliding my lips alonghis length, taking him to the back of my throat whilehis hairy balls rested against my chin. I fondledthese balls, squeezing and rolling them but still nosign of his cumming, still, his prick remained buriedin my face. He began pushing his dick roughly in andout of my lips, holding the sides of my head tightly,jerking it back and forth over his length, my deep redlip-stick leaving a rather slut-like trail along theentire length of his cock, I could clearly see wheremy lip-stick trail started: right where his pubic hairgrew out of his stomach and finished at the ridge justbefore his knob, the animal!"Hold it, ma'am, in all the excitement I forgot tocheck one other orifice" Now I do take it up the ass,what self-respecting slut doesn't?, but I'd never beenraped up the ass. No sir! I didn't intend to startnow. "Don't worry" he continued "I'm not going to doanything unlawful, ma'am but it does state inregulations that ALL orifices must be inspected." That was okay then and I reluctantly bent over thetable, opened my legs wide and waited."Well?" I asked impatiently, "see anything you like?" He strode over, split my buns wide apart and inspectedmy bung-hole, at least he'd finished with my batteredpussy. He forced his index finger into my puckeredass-hole while at the same time, rubbing his jointalong my soaking twat-slit"Now, ma'am, this won't hurt, as soon as it's over youare free to go, simple as that." His hot joint wasstill sliding lustily along my raped cunt , his fingernow right inside my ass " all you have to do isco-operate fully with the law and no charges will bebrought. You would like to get to your job interviewon time now, wouldn't, ma'am?""Yes I would" I said through clenched teeth, furiousat being double-crossed, I knew I shouldn't have bentover the table again, he sniggered as I tightened myass-hole around his probing finger. Men!! He movedhis now fully moistened prick up and slid it along myass crack until he came to my ass-hole, his knobentered slowly, how considerate! I felt that the bestway forward would be to relax because I'd never hadsuch a big prick up there before. I relaxed mysphincter muscle and he slid in, right to the hilt, mybowels filled with his cock."You bastard you fucking dirty bastard!" I shouted ashe took short staccato thrusts which made my titsbounce up to my chin, he was enjoying me completely. Catching sight of myself in the mirror, I looked asight; my lipstick was smeared over my mouth and mycarefully tied hair was now hanging in long messystrands over my face, there was a loook of cruelpleasure on the man's face who was busy at work in myanus. I though my ass cheeks looked nicely roundedfrom this position though, high up. I felt pleasedwith their appearance. Still, back to my tormentor, Ithought I could outwit him by sneakily squeezing myass-musles around his moving cock ( a trick I usewith my boyfriends when I want them to cum ) but hemoaned with pleasure, thrusting even deeper. Hegrabbed my swinging tittes, using them for leverage inhis ass-rape of me. I tried flattery to excite him tocum"Ooohh you are a bull of a man with a dick to match"(which he was and did have actually ) "no-one has everfucked me quite like you,stud. You certainly know howus ladies really like it""Hard up the ass, huh, ma'am?" he replied. Damn. Iheld on for dear life as he held my buns open waitingfor him to explode thecontents of his balls into myanus. Then he pulled and told me to remain in thatposition, I felt a slim piece of paper being insertedin to my open ass-hole, looking back through my legs Icould see him jerking off furiously, staring at myrear-end. I breathed a sigh of relief as the firsthot spurt of cum hit my ass cheeks, the second was ontarget and it settled onto the brown gaping bung- holeand slid back inside, the next few squirts found theirway rolling along my ass-crack and sliding down intomy cunt, finally dripping onto the floor, a fewstubborn strands of white cum hanging from my pussy asif the cum had been deposited there in the firstplace."Let me escort you to your car, ma'am" the cop was allpoliteness now. I stomped out in a huff. I couldhear one of the policemen on duty saying"Took your time tonight, Gregg" this time I could hearhis laughter mingled with theirs. As I drove away inmy car I remembered the paper he had inserted into meand pulled over, reaching between my thighs I pulled acum covered $5 dollar bill out of my ass-hole. Thebastard!! As I drove on I pulled over due to thesound of a police siren. This time it was amotorcycle cop. He approached my car, rubbing hislong wooden baton menacingly. I put my foot downhard... He wasn't sticking THAT where he wanted!END