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As Jake walked inside the prison, he noticed the grey walls all around him. The voices of the other inmates was almost unbearable. He walked, with his guard, up to the guard booth. Sitting at the table was 2 guards one male, the other female. As he stood there while his guard signed him in, he tried to make eye contact with the female officer, but to no avail. The female guard was not pretty, but Jake thought she was pleasant to look at. She was short, about 5' and weighed he guessed about 150lb. She was a little chunky, but he wasnt picky. After the guard signed him in, he took off the shackles and cuffs, and left Jake with the 2 guards. The male told the female, officer Morris, to take him and get him in the system.
Office Morris stood up, "Follow me" she ordered.
"Yes ma'am" Jake followed
Jake watched her plump ass walking in front of him. He wondered what it would feel like spreading those ass cheeks, but his dream was abruptly discontinued when Office Morris grabbed him by the arm and told him to sit down. She walking into a room and came back out. "The nurse will see you know" She said.
Jake gave her his charming smile and stood up to walk into the room, remembering his last "examination" from a nurse. To Jake's displeasure, his nurse was a big black guy with arms the size of oak branches. The nurse stood over 6' tall and wieghed all of 300lb.
Once in the room, Jake stood by the examining table. The nurse looked up from his desk. "Go ahead and get out of your clothes, Ill be with you in a sec." the nurse told Jake.
Jake did as he was told, he unzipped the county issued jump suit and laid it on the table. then he lowered his boxers, and stood naked waiting for the nurse. The nurse wheeled back from his desck and put on a pair of latex gloves. He checked Jake out and after a few minutes the nurse told Jake to turn around and bend over the table. Jake slowly did as he was told. With out any lube, the nurse pushed his big black fingers into Jakes ass. Jake thought his insides were going to boil out and the fingers inspected his prostrate. After waht seemed like forever, Jake felt the fingers slide out of him. The nurse then told him to turn around. As Jake turned the nurse grabbed Jakes balls and told him to cough, Jake did and the nurse released him.
"That is a pretty nice package for a white guy" the nurse said pointing at Jake's cock and balls. "Thank you" Jake said feeling awkward. Jake had never had a complement from a guy before, it made him feel dirty and he didnt like it.
The nurse filled out the paperwork "Put your boxers back on, Officer Morris will take you to get your clothing, linens and show you to your cell." Jake quickly put his boxers on and headed out of the room.
Officer Morris was waiting when he exited the room, "Lets go" She ordered. Jake followed her down the grey halls. For the first time in his life Jake felt scared. He had thought prison would be like the jail, but in only a few minutes, he knew he was in another world. He followed the officer to the supply desk. At the supply desk sit another female officer. This officer was a looker. Long blonde hair, pierceing blue eyes, Jake guessed about a c-cup breast. He felt his cock stirring in his boxers.
Officer Morris excorted him into the supply room. She walked over to the supply officer and they talked. THe supply officer got up and went into a closet. Jake watched her perky ass wiggle as she walked and he could not help but smile. "What the fuck are you smiling at?" Morris asked. Surprised, Jake apologized and lowered his head. When the supply office returned with his supplies, she placed the on the table.
"Seems like this guy likes watching you ass, Miss Avery" Morris told the supply officer.
"Really?" replied Avery. She seductively walked over to Jake. The looked him up and down as she walked around him. "Not bad, nice ass" she said as she slapped his ass. She walked back in front of him and reached and pulled on his waist band and looked down his boxers. "Damn Morris, come look at the size of this thing". Morris walked over and looked at Jakes package. "That is nice, to bad it isnt going to be used for a while". Avery released the waistband letting it pop Jake's stomach. Jake was humiliated. All his life he had used women for his pleasure, but now he was getting a dose of his own medicine.
Morris' radio blared and she answered it. She told Avery that she would be back in a few minutes and she left. Jake stood there silent, looking at the floor. Avery walked over to him, and let her hand fall to his cock and she began to rub it through his boxers. Jake could not control his body as his cock sprang to full erection under her soft touch. "We only have a few minutes" Avery said as she took Jake by the arm and lead him into the closet. She closed the door and quickly unbuckled her pants and slid the down her tanned, tonned legs. She hopped up on a table, and spread her legs. Her pussy was neatly trimmed, she unbuttoned her shirt and revealed an overflowing bra. Jake pushed his boxers down and stepped to her. She reached down and guided his cock into her awaiting pussy. She was so wet that  Jaked slipped his cock all the way inher with no resistance. She let out a soft moan as Jake began pumping his meat into her. She braced herself on her arms, her palms flat on the table. Jake fucked her with long hard strokes. Avery took one of her hands and undid her bra and her tits fell out into view. As Jaked pumped into her her tits bounced. After a few minutes Jake felt Avery'e pussy clinch around hes cock and he knew she was about to cum. Her legs squeezed him hard as her orgasm flowed over her body. As the spasms subsided, Jake told her he was about to cum. "Pull out, do not cum inside me" She ordered. Jake pulled his cock out just in time to shoot cum up onto her stomach. She gave him a stern look. "Clean it up" she ordered. Jake looked around and reached for a sheet, "Your not using that, it is clean" Jake looked at her not knowing what to do. "Lick it off of me, it is getting in my pubic". Now Jake did feel cheap and he lowered his head to her flat stomach and licked his cum off of her. When he was done she told him to get dressed and go wait for Morris. He did as he was told and waited outside at the supply room door.
He waited for about 20 minutes before Morris returned, and ordered him to follow her.He did. Theye walked through several doors until the arrived in the cell block. As they walked down the hallway, other inmates made comments about how "pretty" this one was and how he was going to be thier bitch. Morris led him to his cell, opened the door and he walked in as she shut the door behind him. He put his stuff on his bunk and crashed out.
Jake had drifted off to sleep but was awakened by a scuffle.He opened his eyes to see 2 black guys and one fat white guy standing over him. He tried to escape but one of the black guys grabbed him. "Whoa bitch" the inmate said.
"I am no ones bitch" Jake exclaimed.
The other two inmated grabbed Jakes pants and pulled them down. "Your fixing to be my bitch" The other inmate said as he pulled his pants down, revealing the biggest, blackest cock Jake had ever seen. Jake began to struggle,but the other two had him trapped, laying on his stomach. He felt the black guy spread some sort of lube on his ass. Jake continued to fight, but no luck. He felt the black cock stick against his ass, and he tried to scream but the white inmate stuck a cock into his mouth. The black guy pushed his cock inside Jakes ass. The pain was almost unbearable. The black cock went deep into Jakes bowels, Jake bit down on the sock as the pain shot through out his body. The inmate placed his hands on Jake's hips and pumped his black snake for several minutes, Jake felt the cock pull out of his ass and the other two inmates turned Jake over onto his back as the black inmate stood over Jake's face. Jake could see him stroking his cock then without warning some of the guys sum splattered onto his face and one wad shot right in his eye blinding him. Jake must have passed out because he woke up the next morning, dried cum on his face and his sheets bloody from his assault. Jake slowly rolled out of the bed, and looked around.
Now he was the slut.