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An excerpt from

The Erotic Adventures of American Glory
Book One
"The Quest Begins"
by Vinson Stalwart
When Glory came to, her vision was fuzzy and she couldn’t move. Gradually, her eyesight cleared and she realized that she was tied down in a wooden armchair. Her boss was tied in a similar fashion directly across from her, with about eight feet of space between them. Moore was sagging in the chair, still unconscious, yet held upright by the ropes around his chest.
Looking around the room, she tried to guess where they were. The walls were of rough hewn stone, the ceiling was low, with heavy wooden support beams running across it, and there was a fireplace on the wall to her right, and a pair of windows on the wall to her left, which showed her that it was nighttime. Other than a couple of other chairs, there was only a table against the wall behind her, with a black leather bag sitting on it.
She kept softly calling to her boss, but to no avail. After awhile, she gave up and simply sat and worried about what was happening. Nearly an hour passed before the door opened and several people walked in. She recognized the two men that she had fought with last week, and then she gave a start, as the vicious, dark haired woman came in last. The woman walked directly to Glory and said, "We meet again, Fraulein," then she slapped her so hard across the face, that tears instantly welled up in her eyes, and she saw stars dancing in front of her. She looked at the woman in rage and shock, as the men in the room laughed.
One of the men, that she had not seen before, came over to her and said in English, "Helga here, has been most anxious to see you again, Fraulein. Don’t worry though, I won’t let her hurt you. Not too much, that is." The man stared down at her, as his hand caressed her face. "You are very pretty, Fraulein, we wouldn’t want Helga to damage such beauty, now would we?" he said, as he bent forward and his hand strayed downward over her breasts. Glory stiffened but said nothing, as he squeezed her bosom through her sweater. Then, removing his hand from her, he straightened and stepped in between her and Moore.
"My name is Dieter Brockmann, and I have need of some information from your employer. Once you have told us everything that we need to know, perhaps you will be allowed to go free. If you do not cooperate though, I know that Helga would love to persuade you." Turning to one of the other men, Brockmann said in German, "Wake him now!"
The man hurried out of the room and quickly returned with a bucket of cold water. Then the other Germans stepped back, as he threw the water onto Moore’s face. The old man jumped from the shock, and sat there sputtering and shaking his head. Brockmann moved to his side and grabbed a handful of Moore’s hair, and then jerked his head back as far as it would go.
"Gutten tag, Herr Moore. I am Major Brockmann, and I require some information."
Moore’s eyes darted around the room in confusion, and the Major jerked his hair saying, "Pay attention, Herr Moore, I am not a patient man."
"What do you want with us?" asked Moore, in an angry voice.
The Major suddenly lashed out with a hard slap across Moore’s face. "We will ask the questions here, Herr Moore, not you!"
Moore struggled against his ropes as he glared at the Major, and said, "You bastard, you’re pretty brave against someone who is tied down, how are you in a fair fight?"
The Major seemed amused at the feisty old man and said, "Do you wish to be untied, Herr Moore?"
"Damn right, I do, you Nazi scum!" Moore said, as his eyes flared with anger.
"Mr. Moore, be careful, they’ll hurt you!" pleaded Glory, before Helga’s hand shot out and slapped her face. Glory jerked her head back from the blow, and cursed. "You bitch, if I get my hands on you, you’ll be sorry!" Helga just laughed, and then slapped her again.
The Major nodded to two of the other men, and said, "Untie him!"
With a man on either side of him, they untied Moore’s arms, and then the rope around his chest. Standing, Moore faced Brockmann and said, "Try hitting me now, you bastard!"
The Major looked at the old man for a minute with an evil smile on his face. Then, nodding slightly to his men, two of them grabbed Moore’s arms and held him still, while Brockmann delivered a powerful blow to his stomach. Moore grunted in pain and would have doubled over if the two goons hadn’t held him up.
"I ask the questions here, and I make the rules!"
Composing himself, the Major stepped back to Moore’s side and said, "Now, Herr Moore, you will give us the numbers to your Swiss bank accounts."
"Go to hell!" he managed to rasp out of his battered body.
"Strip him, and hang him from the rafter," the Major barked in German to the other men. Glory couldn’t believe what she had just heard, but didn’t want to let on that she understood what he had said.
Moore feebly tried to resist them, but he was far too weak in his present condition. They quickly removed all of his clothing, and after securely tying his hands in front of him, they then lifted him high enough to hook his bound wrists over a steel peg, which protruded from one of the ceiling beams. He hung suspended, with his toes barely touching the floor, as he groaned from the pain. Glory could see a mass of bruises rapidly forming all over his torso from the beating that Brockmann had given him.
"I will ask you again, Herr Moore, what are those account numbers?"
"Go to hell, Nazi!" the old Texan said with deliberation.
"Helga, please motivate the gentleman," Brockmann said in a level voice, as he moved away from the defiant old man.
Helga opened the leather bag on the table, and withdrew a short, leather riding crop. Her eyes were bright with savage anticipation, as she walked slowly around Moore, showing him the strap. Then, without warning, she suddenly lashed out with a wicked blow across his naked buttocks.
Moore screamed out in pain and outrage, as the heavy leather bit into his flesh. Before he could say a word, she hit him again, this time across his lower back. Gritting his teeth, tears appeared in the corners of his eyes from the excruciating pain. Smiling happily, Helga slowly moved around him before landing another heavy blow across his chest.
Angry red marks gave testament to the force of her lashes on him, and he screwed his eyes shut, and uttered tortured groans as each blow landed. Just when he didn’t think it could get any worse, she took aim and landed the strap directly across his genitals. Raw, agonizing screams came from his mouth, as blood gushed from his severely injured privates. Glory screamed until she was hoarse for them to stop, and tears flooded down her cheeks.
Just as Helga was winding up for another swing, Brockmann said, "Enough! Take him down and tie him to the chair again." Helga looked disappointed, but she stood back as two of the guards lifted the limp body from the peg and deposited it back into the chair. One of them untied his wrists, then tied his arms back to the chair arms.
Moore sat with his chin resting on his chest, breathing heavily, as his tattered flesh oozed blood from more than a dozen wounds. Brockmann stood next to his chair and said, "Now, where were we, Herr Moore...oh yes, you were about to give me your account numbers."
"Tell your boss… he will have… to steal someone… else’s money… he’s not going to get mine!" gasped the defiant old man.
Brockmann stared at the old man’s battered form in disbelief for a moment, before saying, "Perhaps we are using the wrong motivation for Herr Moore." Looking at Glory, he smiled coldly, and said in German, "Untie her, and remove her skirt and undergarments."
Helga grinned at her, as two of the men eagerly moved to comply with the order. Glory didn’t try to resist with Helga standing so close, and obviously eager to use the leather strap again. The men untied her arms, then the rope holding her to the chair back. Then they jerked her to her feet and one of the men held her by the hair with one hand, and her throat with his other. The second man, named Martin Jung, unbuckled her belt, then her skirt, and tugged it down over her hips. Kneeling, he pulled her shoes off and tossed them aside, then did the same with her skirt. He then pulled her silk slip down, followed by her white lace panties. The man held his excited face close to her golden pubic hair and took a deep breath, savoring her light musk. Unknown to Glory, this was the same man who had watched her change clothes in her room two weeks earlier. "Finally," the man thought, "I will get my chance at his American bitch," then his hand surreptitiously caressed her, while he climbed to his feet.
Shivering with fear, Glory stood in the room surrounded by the six Germans, all of whom were eyeing her partial nudity with unconcealed glee. Only Moore, whose bloody body was tied to his chair, was distraught. "Leave her alone, you animals!" he demanded.
Brockmann moved to Glory and ran his hand over her buttocks, while looking at Moore. Chuckling, he said, "Keep your seat, Herr Moore, I believe that we can get to the bottom of this mystery concerning your bank accounts!" Laughing at his sexual innuendo, he instructed the men to turn her around and bend her over the table. Now, Moore had a profiled view of his young assistant, as she was held firmly down on the tabletop.
Glory tried to resist, but the two men were much stronger than her, and easily pinned her down. She then had a horrible flashback to a barn, years before, and the two Morgan brothers, and like a recurring nightmare, she heard the Major unbuckling his pants. Moore screamed at them in helpless frustration, as the Germans all concentrated on Glory’s naked bottom.
Brockmann knelt behind her and forced her legs apart, giving all of his subordinates a look at her fully exposed sex. "Hold her legs!" he instructed two more of the men. With a man holding each of her arms, and each of her ankles, Glory was totally powerless to resist.
Brockmann ran his hands over her firm, round bottom, and his fingers kneaded her flesh, as he moved her cheeks apart to give them a view of her secret places. She tried to block out the situation, but what made it even worse, was Helga, sitting on a chair directly in front of her. The woman stared intently into Glory’s face, and was actually chuckling at her ordeal.
Glory jumped then, as Brockmann rammed two fingers into her body. She could hear her boss screaming obscenities at her tormentors, but they just ignored him. Even when he said, "Please stop, I’ll tell you what you want to know!"
As Brockmann continued to violate her, she could feel her body making lubricant and quivering in response, despite her best efforts to ignore the stimulation from the German’s touch. Abruptly he stood, dropped his pants, and shoved his manhood into her, with one brutal thrust. Glory screamed out in pain, and then she grunted with each of his hard, fast strokes, but after only a minute, he pulled out of one opening, and placed his shaft against her other one.
"No!" she screamed, and tried anew to get free, but he just forced himself into her again anyway. No matter how hard she struggled; she couldn’t pull free of the four strong men that held her pinned to the table. Glory had had numerous sex partners in her life, but had never experienced anything like this! Brockmann’s member had felt average sized inside her at first, but now it felt enormous! Tears flowed down her face, as the man pounded into her over and over. Gripping two handfuls of her hair for leverage, he took long, powerful strokes, in and out of her thrashing body, as she vainly fought to get free. He lasted only a moment or two though, before shooting a hot load of seed into her. Gradually, he slowed his strokes and after resting for a moment, he withdrew from her and stepped back.
Glory was gasping for breath and trying to control her pain, as she heard him say in German, "Henkle, you take her next!"
She couldn’t believe what she had heard, but then another man quickly took Brockmann’s place, and then she felt his erection slam into her. His member felt shorter than Brockmann’s, but much thicker, and he filled her to capacity. The other men were egging him on, as he slammed in and out of her. Then, just as Brockmann had done, he suddenly pulled out and reentered her body through her already sore anus. Glory screamed as she felt her flesh being torn under the assault of his thick member. As he pounded into her abused rectum, she could feel his heavy sack obscenely bouncing against her. The other men cheered, as he continued to slam into her body with all his might, until his own passion exploded.
Helga was laughing merrily now, as Glory was gritting her teeth and crying steadily. As Henkle pulled out of her, he was replaced by another, and then another, until all five men had raped and sodomized her. The table was the only thing holding Glory up, as her tortured body draped across it, and rivers of their lust, and some blood, oozed out of her abused body, and snaked down her legs.
The men were all laughing and slapping each other on the back, as two of them dumped Glory’s limp body back into her chair. She just sprawled there, too exhausted to even make an attempt at covering her nudity. Almost unconscious, she saw Brockmann stand before her boss and say, "Now, Herr Moore, would you care to give those account numbers to me now, or perhaps you would like to see another show? In fact, Private Jung, over there, is not too particular who he takes, and perhaps, you might want to know what it feels like personally?"
The other Germans all laughed at this, and Moore shook his head sadly, and said, "No more! I’ll give you the account numbers, if, you will just let us go."
"But of course, Herr Moore, we are all reasonable people here. All we want are the numbers, and then, you and the Fraulein may leave," the Major lied, with a straight face.
Glory listened, and Helga wrote down the account numbers, as Moore dictated them. "Now, you realize of course, that we must keep you here, while my associates verify the accuracy of this information. I’m certain though, that you will find the accommodations most comfortable."
The Erotic Adventures of American Glory, are an exciting series of full-length novels. Follow the adventures of Glory Mounds, a young American woman caught up in World War II Europe. The books follow her adventures all through the war and beyond, into the Cold War era. Young, beautiful, and intelligent, Glory uses every tool at her disposal to battle the very worst of the Axis powers. This excerpt has been edited for content, but the full, shocking story is available in Book One, The Quest Begins.
To read more of Glory’s adventures, visit our website: screamed at him, as he began raining punches into the old man’s midsection. Glory screamed and begged him to stop, but the Major kept on hitting her boss for nearly a full minute, before finally stopping, to mop the sweat from his brow. Moore hung limply in the grip of the two Germans, nearly unconscious from the beating. At a nod from the Major, the men slung him back into the chair.This and others in the series are available in Ebook or in paperback.