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“Anne! Anne!” yelled Betty, the Princess’ maid for her all of the girls young life. She’d seen her grow from a crying babe, into a beautiful young woman. “What is that girl doing?” she thought to herself. “If she doesn’t move faster she’ll never be ready to go to meet that Prince…And the last thing we need is her father angry with her” She paced around the room nervously. The princess needed to make a good impression on the prince. Her fathers patience was running thin. “Anne!” she yelled again.
“O Betty I’m coming!” Anne yelled back speeding down the hall towards her room. Her long sheer under gown flowing out behind her. “You act as if this were the most important thing ever to happen. It’s just another suitor my father found, who shall be tossed aside as soon as England needs to impress another country”
“My lady” Betty said shaking her head. You’re getting older, it is time for you to wed. You would be a lovely bride for any man” she said turning her towards the looking glass in the room. “Look at yourself. You’re a beautiful young woman” And it was true. She had her mothers bright red hair, falling in gentle curls around her face. Her green eyes wide and innocent, her lips red as a rose. Her delicate features mirroring her slender body. Her perky breasts standing proudly up, her nipples sticking out of the silk under gown she was wearing. “Any man would love to marry you. You must just learn to stop being so contrary. The King is quickly losing patience with you. Especially after your running out of the Prince of Germany’s castle and refusing to go back!”
“Betty! That was not my fault! You know you would have ran out after he made such advances at me!” she said, the memory of that night still frightening her. That man was over twenty years her senior. The entire time she was visiting his castle he wouldn’t stop staring down her dress, his hands never far from her body.
“Well Anne, this may be true, but your Father refuses to see it that way. He is a difficult man. He, and all of the court are growing tired of trying to find you a suitable husband. As the King’s only daughter , well the only daughter he hasn’t beheaded, you’re the only one he can betroth, and it is getting harder to do as you keep refusing to marry these men!”
“Well, none of the men he is tossing to me are what I am looking for Betty” Anne said throwing her hands up. “And I can tell you already this Prince will be not different from all the others. Just another Prince wanting to just have a beautiful queen to sit beside him on the throne. And I refuse to just be an addition to the collection of show queens.” She shook her head, walking over to her bed where her dress was laid out.
‘Well my lady. Please, lets just get you dressed and ready. There’s no changing that you must be ready to meet him. And look, your father even sent to get you a new dress.” She said, moving to help her get dressed. She slid off her under gown, the low cuts of that time making it impossible to wear under her dresses. The cool silk running After the initial struggle of getting the tight fitting corset on, pushing up her small breasts, pinching in her already tiny waist. Then came the layer upon layer or bulky petticoats. Then finally the dress. Once it was put on, the problems truly began.
Anne turned to herself in the mirror, and gasped at what she saw. “O Betty! What are we going to do?” The dress was hanging off her body in the top, and coming above her ankles on the bottom. “I can’t go out like this! And none of my other good dresses even fit anymore!”
“O no… this won’t do at all. And you simply can’t go out looking like that. Nor can you go out in your house dresses… You father has sent for Michel Tomsley, his top advisor to be here to supervise the visit of the French Prince. I shall go and ask him about it.” She said turning to leave.
“No! If the King can’t see fit to even make sure the cloths he sends fit for the ‘important meeting’ I see no reason to trouble with it at all. I simply won’t meet the Prince.” She said, starting to take the dress off.
“Anne, you know that that won’t do. I don’t want to force you to do this, but it’s for your own good. You know full well that your father doesn’t have to keep you as well as he does, and you haven’t exactly been giving him good reason to. Nor have you been treating your elder brother that well. You need to start thinking about your future darling. You know the king won’t stand for this. He killed Jane for refusing to come to court to meet her suitor. He won’t hesitate to kill you as well.”
At her words Anne sat on her bed, staring across the room, knowing Betty was right. “I know Betty… send for his advisor… I’ll talk with him.” She sighed as she slipped a robe on over her under cloths.
Tomsley must have been nearer then Anne had expected, for within that minute he came bursting into her room without so much as a knock on the door. “Well, Princess, what’s this I hear about your refusal to meet the French Prince?” he said. Without waiting for a reply he went right on again. “You are well aware that you are out of your Father, the King’s favor for some time now. It has been said around court that if your disobedience continues, you can consider yourself stripped of your title, and banished from all of England.”
“You can not be serious.” Anne said, standing proudly before him. She spoke and acted proudly, yet inside was panicking. What if he was serious? Banishment was as good as death in those times.
“O really Anne?” He said, pulling open a scroll saying that the King has given his permission to banish the King’s daughter, if he feels it to be necessary. “Anne, it is now in your best interest to do everything I say. Starting now you can consider yourself under my control, and this manor my own.”
Anne stood in shock. Her father could not have done this to her. It was all a lie. Her father wouldn’t put her under the power of this man. “Tomsley, surly there is something I can do. This can’t be true.”
“O but it is Anne” he smirked “And as such, I believe you should start showing me some respect, you do not want to anger me. It could, after all, be the last thing you do. You know banishment is as good as a death sentence here”
Anne couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was frightened. Tomsley was not a good man. This she had learned from her visits to the King’s castle. He wouldn’t think twice about sending her to her death. “Yes, my lord.” She replied, curtsying to him, bowing her head as one would should do to one’s better.
“Good Anne, you are learning your place well. Though, I feel you are not ready to yet meet the Prince of France. You must have some training in obedience first, and as you are in my power now, I feel I can give you this training.” he said, stepping closer to her. “What do you think of this agreement Anne?”
“What agreement, Lord?” She asked stepping back against her bed post, frightened of the powerful man before her, knowing he held her life in his hands.
“I shall train you, molding you into an obedient woman, willing to wed the French Prince, and I shall let you remain here. You are a beautiful girl Anne, there is no denying that. Any man would be happy to have you as his bride. But you are too headstrong, disobedient. You must learn that your place is under any man‘s. And I shall teach you this how I see fit.” he smiled. She would be his, and would have to do whatever he desired of her. He knew she would agree to anything, and everything her requested of her. “Do you agree to this?”
She breathed deeply, knowing that her next words would decide the rest of her life. A no would send her to her death. A yes, put her into the Advisor’s hands, making her do whatever he desired of her. She couldn’t even imagine what this would mean. But, anything was better then death. “Yes my Lord” she whispered. “I will do whatever you require of me”
He had her. “You have chosen wisely Anne” he said, moving to the door, quickly locking it. “We shall begin your training right away” His eyes traveled up and down her body. He had been waiting for so long to get at this beautiful young princess, and now she was his. “You will always treat me with respect Anne. You shall call me either Lord, or Master from this point on. As I am the only thing keeping you alive, you belong to me. Remember this. I am not a patient man. I expect you to obey everything I say, the moment I say it, no matter what it is. Do you understand?”
“Yes my Lord” she replied. Not wanting to call him Master. That was something only the lowliest servants did.
He noted her not wanting to call him Master, but there was time for that. “Good Anne, you have made a wise decision.” He would enjoy training her to be obedient. Using her lovely body to please him. She had no idea what she was getting herself into. “You must learn that it is your duty to please the men who are in charge of you. You must learn this, and I will help you.” he stepped up to her, putting his hand on her shoulder, feeling her tremble under his touch. “Take off your robe Anne. There is no need for it.”
“My Lord…” she said, looking up pleadingly into his cold gray eyes. She didn’t want to only wear her underclothes with him there. They covered everything, yes, but it was the fear that he would want her to take off more that made her reluctant.
“You are already contradicting me Anne? This does not look promising for you. It would be a pity to need to send such a beautiful girl to her death…” He smiled, knowing he was right. She would obey him. And did, quickly pulling her robe off and laying it on her bed. His eyes were instantly drawn to her small breasts pushing out of her corset. He felt his cock stirring up, imagining her young body spread open for his pleasure. “Very good Anne. Though, you can’t be comfortable in the tight corset. I think that should be off as well.” He was testing her, trying to get her to refuse.
Anne couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t do that. She was always raised believing that her body was sacred, and not to be shown to any man but her husband. And now this man from her own father’s court wanted her to stand before him half naked. This couldn’t be. “My Lord… you cannot ask me to do that.” she stammered.
He smirked inwardly. This is just what he wanted from her. An excuse to put a little more fear in her heart. “I’m not asking you to do anything Anne. I’m commanding you to!” he snapped at her, raising his hand as if to hit her.
Anne cowered back, frightened of this strong man. She saw anger flashing in his eyes as he held his hand over her cowering form. She stayed frozen huddled over by her bed, for long moments that felt like eons to her, waiting for the blows to strike.
“Now Anne, are you ready to do as I say… or shall I have to take that off of you for myself?” he said. He moved his hands to her waist, roughly turning her, running his hands up and down her waist, getting closer and closer to her ass and tits.
Anne trembled, his large hands taking such liberties with her body. She did not want to give him the pleasure of stripping her himself. “Please my Lord, I will take it off” she said, hardly in a whisper. She did not want to admit she was saying it, but anything was better then his hands removing it.
“Very well Anne” he said, smiling as she was forced to degrade herself. He watched as Anne moved her hands behind her back, fumbling with the tight ties of her corset. She struggled with the ties for long seconds, her breasts heaving up and down in their tight confines.
Anne’s struggle was ended far to soon when she felt the knot give way, the corset expanding as she breathed. She already felt it slipping down off of her. Her face flushed as she felt it slid slowly down her perky breasts, she didn’t want him to be the first man to see her breasts. She didn’t know he planned to be the first to see, and do many things to her.
“Anne, I said to take off the corset, not to just untie it… Or do you need help taking it off?” He said, again stepping towards her. Not waiting for a reply he reached behind her, and tore the corset roughly off her thin body.
Anne’s hands flew up covering her breasts from his view, though not before he got a glimpse of her perfect tits, and he knew he wanted to see more. He could only imagine how much pain her nipples could endure when he would attach heavy clamps to them. He could already hear her gasps and cries of pain.
Anne’s face was flushed deep red, she shut her eyes tightly yet could still feel Tomsley’s eyes watching her, eating up the sight of her half naked body. Suddenly a loud snap broke the silence of the room. Anne’s eyes flew open and found him standing, as if waiting for a response from her. She made none, not sure of what he expected her to say, though dreading what she knew he would want her to do.
“Uncover you tits Anne, and put your arms down to you side.” he commanded. He saw her open her mouth to protest and cut her off “Anne! I have been a pactient man today. One more word or sign of disobedience from you and you shall be punished. You are to obey me without question. Now lover your hands!”
Anne quickly dropped her arms to her sides, not wanting to make him any more angry then he was. She feared him talking about punishing her. “Yes my Lord” she barely whispered in response to his command. She flushed an even deeper red when she felt her nipples hardening in the cool air of the room. “No… she thought. “Please don’t let him see my nipples hard”
He noticed right away her nipples hardening. The light pink buds standing out at attention. “Very good Anne. You are learning your new place in this household” he smiled, his cock grown to its full size at the sight of her tits. “Now, lace your fingers together and place them behind your head. Stand perfectly straight. I want to see your lovely body”
“My Lord…” she started, but seeing his eyes fire up at the starts of her protest quickly obeyed his command. As she opened her eyes she saw herself in the mirror across her room. She looked like a whore begging to be touched, showing off her body to a costumer. Showing her body like this made her pussy moisten. She was embarrassed to be turned on by this terrible experience. She was only glad that the man forcing her to do this wouldn’t know, her long petticoats hiding her pussy from his view.
“Lovely Anne. I see you looking at yourself in the mirror over there” he said gesturing to the large full length mirror on the opposite wall. “Tell me how you think you look.” He wanted to get her thoughts on her pose. He thought she looked ready to fuck, pushing her tits out for him. He was sure that she was getting wet.
“I look disgusting.” Anne lied. “I look like a common whore” she said, not wanting to admit she thought she looked sexy. She would not give him that pleasure.
“You don’t think your body looks nice displayed like this Anne? I do.” he said with an evil grin.
“No” she lied again, though this time not as well, her voice faltered. “I look like a slut and a whore, but I am a princess” She said looking at her tits pushed out, and her nipples standing out begging to be touched. She saw him move next to her, his arm almost touching the side of her breast.
“Well then Anne, you are lying to me. I can hear it in your voice. And I will not take being lied to. You must be punished for this.” He said, seeing fear in her innocent green eyes.
“No! Please don’t punish me! I’ll be good. I’ll tell you the truth.” She blurted out. She was afraid of what he would do to her. She would do anything to avoid being punished.
“Alright Anne, if you are so desperate to tell the truth go ahead” he said.
“I… I think I look sexy.” She whispered, her face turning red as she did. “I do look like a whore, but I still look sexy. I look like I am begging someone to touch me and use my body.” She said, not sure why she said as much as she did.
“And you do look sexy Anne. I’m glad you decided to tell me the truth. Though now I think we must move onto matters of your punishment” He smiled at her with an evil grin.
“Punishment? But my Lord… I thought if I told you the truth you would not punish me.” She begged him. She had humiliated herself for nothing.
“Now Anne. I never said I would not punish you if you told me the truth, I just said to tell the truth. Now, you may put your arms down, and come over to me” he said sitting down a bench at the foot of her bed. “I have decided your punishment shall be a spanking”
“What? A spanking. You cannot be serious.” Anne said, pleading against his will. She had not been spanked since she was a little girl, even then only once and by her father. “I am far to old to be spanked. I’m 18 she said, a young woman, not a child” She said, trying to sound noble and strong, though only sounding weak and pleading.
“I have decided your fate Anne. You may either take it or you may leave this household immediately, and never return.” He knew she would yield to him. She was not as strong as she tried to be.
She knew she had no choice, he would not change his mind, and would force her to do it. She succumbed to his will “Yes my Lord. I will let you spank me”
He had her. “Very good Anne. Now come over here. Put lay your body over my lap, bring your arms down to hold you up” he said, she reluctantly walked towards him, cringing as she lay her body upon his lap. She had never felt so humiliated. She was half naked in front of a man of the King’s court, laying on his lap waiting for him to spank her like a child.
“Put your hands on the floor and lower your head down. Good, now put your legs down, I need to be able to see what I’m going to hit” He could feel her taunt body rubbing against his hard member as she arranged herself on his lap, her pussy resting just to the right of his cock, her tight stomach pressing down on his thick cock.
Anne wriggled uncomfortably on his lap. She could feel his hard member pressing into her stomach. She felt at the same time sick and aroused. She knew she had caused him to become aroused, which in turn made her pussy drip.
“You will receive twenty hits for your insolence Anne, if you disobey me while I am spanking you that will be doubled. Do you understand?” he asked.
“Yes my Lord, I understand. I will obey you.” Anne stammered. She wanted him to begin so that it would end soon. She did not want to lay on his lap any longer then necessary.
“Good. Though I don’t think that the spanking will hurt very much with all these petticoats on…” he said, patting her on the ass, making her squirm on his lap. “I think you will have to take them off.”
“No, my Lord, please no. Don’t make me naked. Please.” She begged him. She knew it would be no use. He would have his way with her.
“No Anne, what did I just tell you about disobeying me? One more word from you and I will bring the count to forty.” he threatened. “Now stand up and remove them” He felt her stomach rub on his cock as she stood up, and began to remove each layer of petticoats one by one. With each one removed her face turned a deeper shade of red, and soon he could see the faint outline of red pussy hair through the fabric.
Anne reluctantly was removing her petticoats as slowly as he could while he watched her. She wanted to remain dressed as long as she could. Though through her embarrassment she could feel her pussy soaked with her juices, she was enjoying showing her body to him and could not understand why.
She finally got to the last petticoat, her bright red pussy hair was able to be seen through the material. She dreaded taking it off. He would find out she was wet. She could not bear that. She didn’t want him to think she was enjoying such degrading behavior. She knew it was inevitable. She brought the petticoat down her long legs, letting him see all of her treasures.
He couldn’t believe her pussy. It was perfect. Red hair framed her pussy, covering her puffy outer lips. “Very nice Anne. Now come and lay back down on my lap” he said, he wanted to feel her naked flesh on him. His cock twitched in his pants as he felt her sexy young body lay down on his lap, she wiggled as she resumed the proper position.
He let his hands run over her firm shapely ass, feeling her shudder under his touch. His hands played over her flesh, preparing her for the first hit. He suddenly raised his hand up and brought it smacking down on her ass, a cry of pain coming from Anne’s lips making his cock jump. Her pale flesh showed a red mark where his hand had fallen.
Anne felt his hand return to rub on the cheek he had just hit. His hand gripping her flesh, making her groan in pain. Without warning she felt his hand smack down on her other ass cheek. “AAAAH!” she cried out, her mind swimming in a sea of pain as before she could even catch her breath another smack hit the same spot, her flesh a deep angry red.
Tomsley ran a finger along her ass crack, Anne clenching her cheeks together in protest. SMACK! Two sharp hits taught her not the do that again “Relax your ass cheeks Anne. Let me have my way” He said, continuing his path towards her tiny asshole. He ran his finger around the tiny hole, pushing gently against it. He didn’t want to enter her rectum yet. That would be later.
Anne cringed as she felt his finger playing with her asshole. Why would anyone want to touch her there? It was disgusting. She had to fight the urge to clench her cheeks to prevent the invading digit from playing with her anus.
“You like me playing with your asshole don’t you Anne?” He asked, rubbing his finger around he small hole, teasing her. He twirled his finger softly against her hole, watching it dance for him.
“Spread your leg’s Anne.” he said, putting his hands on her taunt thighs. Anne slowly spread her legs open inch by inch, not wanting him to be able to see her pussy. She didn’t want him to know how wet she was from being spanked. “Wider Anne.” he said “You can do better then that” he pulled her thighs open wide sensing she would not willingly give him the spread he was looking for. The sight that greeted him was a soaking wet pussy. “Anne… are you getting wet from me spanking you?”
His hands ran up and down her thighs waiting for her to respond. He harshly pinched her thigh when she said nothing to him. “Well Anne. Is this spanking making your pussy wet?” he said again.
Anne didn’t know what to say. She had never been so aroused in her life. She didn’t know if it was submitting to him, or the spanking that was making her wet, but something was. She pushed her ass up in the air, welcoming his next smack, wanting to feel his hand beat down on her flesh. “Please… please my Lord” she begged.
That was all she needed to say, his hand came slamming down right between her ass checks, his finger hitting right on her asshole. “OOOWW! O god!” Anne screamed, her ass burning in pain. He hit her all over her ass, now a bright red, her screams echoing around the large stone room.
“Five more Anne.” He said. He put his hands on her thighs, spreading them further apart. He brought his hand smacking down on her thigh, a fresh cry coming from Anne as his hand found a new target. He rubbed her thigh, massaging the tight flesh, making her pussy even wetter. The last hit would be there.
She felt his hand raise up and smack her other thigh. The pain shooting up to her brain. “OOOOW!” she cried. She felt his hands rub higher on her thigh, getting closer and close to her dripping pussy. She needed to feel him touch her there. “Please… please” she begged him.
He denied her, his next hit coming even closer to her pussy, but landing just short on her thigh. He ran his hand up and down her thigh, feeling the heat radiating from the smacks. He felt her trying to slide her pussy back to make his hand rub it, but it was no use, he always moved just before contact occurred.
She felt the next slap come again just short of her open pussy. “AAH! O god” she cried. The next slap would be the last. She felt his hands sliding up her thighs, teasing her, never letting her pussy get any relief. He suddenly stopped stoking her body, removed his hands.
“Stand up Anne. I need you in a different position for this last hit” he said. He would give her her wish and hit that hot wet cunt. He stood as well, and told her to get on her hands and knees on the bench, her legs spread wide, with her ass high in the air. She followed his orders without complaint. “Good girl. Now I want you to hold open your delicious pussy lips, I need a nice open target.”
Anne gasped at hearing this. Yes, she wanted him to touch her pussy, but hitting it would be so painful. Nevertheless, she did as told, and reached behind her, taking her puffy outer lips into her hands and spreading them gently.
“Wider Anne” Tomsley ordered. She pulled harder, opening up more for him until she groaned in pain from the stretch. He could almost see inside of her. Her pussy looked so good spread open like that. He could see her clit poking out of its hood, begging him to smack it. He took one finger and ran it up her hot slit, careful to avoid her clit. He heard her moan as he made contact with her cunt. He knew she would cum if he just touched her clit. She bucked her hips back when he drew his finger away from her sex. “Tell me what you want me to do Anne.” he ordered, wanting her to beg for him to hit her.
“Please my Lord…” she said taking a deep breath. She knew what he wanted to hear. “Please spank my pussy. I want you to hit me there” she said, pushing her pussy closer to him.
He needed no further coaxing. He brought his hand back, lining up his hit perfectly so his fingers hit her square on the clit. He wanted her to cum from the pain the spanking brought her.
She could feel his hand moving quickly towards her pussy, knowing the pain that was to come, but she needed it so badly. She held herself open for the blow. SMACK! His hand hit her soaking wet pussy, his fingers harshly smashing her clit, the pleasure mixing with the pain into the most erotic thing she had ever experienced. She felt his fingers push against her clit and started to cum all over his hand. Wave after wave of pleasure mixed ran through her body and her climax rolled over her. She felt him rub against her clit and felt another mind blowing orgasm over take her. She shuddered as she came again, her body shacking.
She collapsed down on the bench, exhausted. She had just had the two most powerful orgasms of her life. She could not believe that she derived so much pleasure from his cruelty.
As Tomsley looked down at her naked body he decided he needed release as well. Though not from her, not yet. He would make her masturbate his cock later. For now he quickly jerked off over her body as she lay, not even conscious of him, in a daze. He came quickly, watching her sexy young body, imagining what he would do to her tomorrow. He knew that underneath her proud brave exterior there was a submissive girl longing to be controlled, and he was going to be the one to control her…
To be continued